An interesting set I have never seen before came on my radar
EQ58 Camel Corps Screw Gun Section in the wonderful Big Box. It could be the Holly Grail of the Trophy Sudan Range
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Hi Al
Nice set
It was released at least twice by Trophy. Once under the Trophy banner, as per your set EQ58 and again under the Dragon Crest banner DEQ58.
The set description for both is as follows:
Three camels carrying a 7pdr Rifled Muzzle Loading Screw Gun. An Ammo Camel. A Mounted Bombadier and three mounted Gunners
There was also a smaller set released by Trophy set# SEQ3A – CAMEL SCREW GUN BATTERY which consisted of:
Four camels with British handlers. A detailed Screw gun and ammo supplies
As far as rarity I think it is on a par with the WP set, maybe not as rare ^&grin, I know where there are at least 4 sets of DEQ58/EQ58, none are for sale though
Hello Martyn,
Thank you for in-depth info on the subject. I am sure this set is very desirable in spite of its rarity.I hope this one will land on my lap.
Does the DC version came in BB as well? BTW it could be a good a good idea to start the Trophy BB thread! I always was curious how many sets came in BBs? I have 5 or 6, I believe.
Hi Al
Thought you would like that^&grin
I would imagine the DC version came in a Big Box, but I would not be surprised if it came in the large rectangular box that Trophy tended to use for some of the larger sets, such as the Steam Traction Engine and Elephant drawn artillery
I have a few Big Box sets including 7 or 8 for the Highland Brigade
Hi Martyn
I have never seen a single DC BB. I will take pictures of my BBs and then start the Trophy BB thread.
I hope other forum members will contribute to the Trophy BB subject
Very nice Grenadier Guards Tommy:salute::
Al, Martyn & Tommy,
Wonderful sets! Looking forward to seeing more of your seemingly endless collections of Trophy.
Al, Martyn & Tommy,
Wonderful sets! Looking forward to seeing more of your seemingly endless collections of Trophy.
Thanks Lawrence but we need to see more of your wonderful collection.
Thank you all for the kind words of encouragement. I will endeavor to add more to the threads in the coming weeks :smile2: