Summer in the - LIBERATED- city (1 Viewer)


Feb 11, 2010
Well here it is, my newest dio.
K&C mixed with Kronprinz "civilian" series. It tells the story of a liberated city in the French speaking part of my country. The Stuart belongs to the 3th US armored division ,33th regiment and the men on the tank and in the jeep belong to the 1st US Infantry Division. Both units worked and fought closely together during the liberation of Belgium.
They liberated major cities like, Mons, Charleroi, Namur and Liège.
The dio shows a Stuart belonging to the 33th US armored regiment driving through the suburb of one of these cities on their way to their next taget. A camera man belonging to the 1st US Inf Div. is recording the event for the folks back home .
Most figures have been repainted, the Stuart has been modified.
Have a special look at the different pictures and please notice all the details I have put in.( even a horse that passed earlier has left its mark on the street)




Great dio{bravo}}, so full of details and very,very realistic. Nice to see so many civilians.....I wish the toysoldier companies made more civilians ( not refugees).
Great work Guy!!! And the details bring, once again, the fiures to life...

Greetings, Ranger:smile2:
Ik ga het voor 1 keertje in het Vlaams zeggen.
Godverdomme Guy ik wou dat ik u skills en oog voor detail had, dit is zo een supermooi diorama, geen gevechtscene, maar zoveel actie en details om te bekijken.

Great dio and nice taken pictures, love it.

Beautiful images Guy! I really like the style of your dio (images and set-up). Well done.
Great work Guy.

Nice to see civilians in a dio.
The sidewalks and road work really well also.
Very nicely done Guy! Thanks for sharing. Maybe we need some bald headed shaven female collaborators...

The attention to detail is amazing Guy, a real credit to you. I would love those fruit boxes for a dio my model maker is doing, hoping they are as good as yours. Like that street clock too. The road surface is authentic, just a great scene overall. Not many get it this close to the real thing.:salute::, Robin.
What an outstanding display Guy, well done mate, love all the little bits of detail and what a great theme too!:salute::
Guy, definitely one of your best here. Great job on the street/buildings, they look terrific. Love all the details. As others have commented, I like the fact that you included so many civilian figures. Nice to see that in a dio. I wish more civilian WWII figures were made. One question... what method did you use to get rid of the figures' bases in the photos. Did you actually remove them?

Great work my friend and thanks for sharing with us.
That is a GREAT diorama. Very well composed, nicely lit and photographed. You captured the "feel" of period photos. The multiple civillians really make the scene come alive. I agree that a series of WW2 French/Belgian?Dutch civillians would be very nice to see from a manufacturer. Your scene is delight to see.

Gary B.
Waverly, NE

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