T-34 (2 Viewers)


Lieutenant Colonel
Mar 27, 2009
How about K&C doing a new version of the T-34. They've done a couple in the past including a captured one of the Germans T-34/76, and also RA/13 a T-34/85. The RA/13 is the only one I have and actually one of my favorites. Kinda unique having the old bedframes mounted on the exterior. Makes it something different anyway. Here's a few shots.


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This is one of the best tanks k+c has done apart from winter tiger:cool::cool:
Iwould love them to do more Russian stuff
I'd love some more Russian armour too. The original T34 is one of my favourite pieces. Very crude but bags of character. Interesting how the turret and main body colours don't match!



I have a radio controlled 1/8th scale T34/85 also, weighing in at over 50kg. I need to upload some of my photos onto photobucket and will try and post some pics at the weekend. It has the bed frames too wwiibuff!
I'd love some more Russian armour too. The original T34 is one of my favourite pieces. Very crude but bags of character. Interesting how the turret and main body colours don't match!



I have a radio controlled 1/8th scale T34/85 also, weighing in at over 50kg. I need to upload some of my photos onto photobucket and will try and post some pics at the weekend. It has the bed frames too wwiibuff!

Jamo, thanks for posting your pics of the origianl T-34. I have not seen many pictures of it especially close up like this. Like you say it may be crude by today's standards, but still a great piece to have being so old. Interesting about your large T34/85. I haven't seen many models of the T/34 with the bedframes on them.
Great pix Duke, thanks. I love the T-34 and need to get one. A new one is long overdue from K&C or Figarti!;)
Funny you should bring this t34 question up. I asked Andy the other day when he was in OZ about Russian armour. He said he thought the t34 was the best tank that k&c had made. Will he return to any Russian armour his reply was never say never. Sorry no more information on this.Simmo.
The RA-013 (T-34/85)Tank is one of my most treasured pieces, it does look great. Just the lack of more Russian troops, stopped me. from deeply expanding the pieces for my collection.
Jamo, thanks for posting your pics of the origianl T-34. I have not seen many pictures of it especially close up like this. Like you say it may be crude by today's standards, but still a great piece to have being so old. Interesting about your large T34/85. I haven't seen many models of the T/34 with the bedframes on them.

What's the reference of this piece ?

Nice T-34. More is essential for those collectors who want to display them with and against the Das Riech Tigers.
I really wanted one of those Fall of Berlin T-34s. But it was retired before I started collecting and I can't bring myself to pay the inflated price.
I was looking at a site that has all the K&C releases listed and I saw the T34/76 with the tank riders.

I vaguely remember seeing this release but two things put me off
: the numbering/ slogan/ star details were actually raised (rivet like) on the turret. Of course they were meant to be painted on and should have been flush with the turret.

: the actual decals design had been released by Tamiya in their kit for at least 30 years. If I'm going to be asked to spend $200 on a new tank I dont want a duplication IMHO.

The time is ripe for a lot of Russian releases/ reissues. 2011 is the 70th anniversary of the invasion of Russia so it would e a great opportunity to release figures of Stalin, Zhukov etc. And why not have some Russians rushin' through the mud ? or marching ??
Sounds like from a lot of my fellow collector's comments here that a new T34 might be a good idea. It certainly was one of the most important tanks of WWII.
Sounds like from a lot of my fellow collector's comments here that a new T34 might be a good idea. It certainly was one of the most important tanks of WWII.

I'm sure one or two would be sold!;)
I've got K&C's RA013 and I like it, the attached bedsprings are an unusual touch. I do believe its time for a newer and improved version. I'm not a WWII Soviet enthusiast by any stretch of the imagination however the T-34/76 is such an iconic tank that its hard to imagine being a WWII collector without at least having one in your collection.
I have all of the fall of Berlin Russians as well as the Germans ...but I think it would be a great addition to have a few more Russians...maybe some personalities .... command vehicles etc........:D
Once again the above posts reflect the desire of many of us to expand our collection of WW11 Russian figures and vehicles. As more books are being published on the Eastern front during WW11, I wonder if Andy would consider
expanding his Russian releases.
If for no other reason, it would convince us that it really was the Russians who won the War,not the Germans despite the endless toy soldier release of Germans and all and every variety of vehicle they ever produced.
Then again, maybe some people would like to believe otherwise.
h. hammer
Sounds like from a lot of my fellow collector's comments here that a new T34 might be a good idea. It certainly was one of the most important tanks of WWII.

Situation doesn't look good to me. The Figarti JS-2 is still on the market and iirc, only 125-150 were made. Doesn't bode well for K&C which likes to produce ten times that many vehicles.

On the other hand...

perhaps the new Tiger is a market test for a Kursk range? There is abundant superman mythology wrt the SS at Kursk and if it took off like DAK did, perhaps we could see the opposition in token releases as we did with Tunisian Sherman & GIs, and get a T-34 or OMG! an SU-152 :cool: (Figarti's is the late war JSU-152, so it wouldn't be redundant)
If a new T34/76 or 85 appeared WITH tank riders AND a different turret slogan I would buy it.

To be honest I am sick to death of Tiger Is. Every man and his dog and every manufacturer are pumping them out ad nauseum.Tamiya, Minichamps, Dragon, Italeri etc and a lot of them are duplicate markings. Not only that but you can't get opposition tanks.

I would suggest that the JS2 may not be as popular in sales as it made a late war appearance so it has no bearing on the selling power of a 76 or 85.

For the record I was too late in purchasing the Fall of Berlin Russians. I DO think that the range should have been bigger as the figures could have been used for mid- war campaigns. I think the "story" got in the way of a excellent range of figures.

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