Taking a Solo (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
Apr 23, 2005
General Buford looks to the future, contemplating what must come and what consequences it will bring.




His mount is not undmindful of the future amid the stillness.

Nice pics Brad! What a superb figure he is, excellent release and great scene ^&cool.

Did you see Pale Rider Brad, he reminds me of the bad guy Clint kills at the end.

That's a really nice figure Brad. The face is full of expression, nice pick up.
Thanks gents. Rob, I did but I now will have to go back and watch it.
Thanks gents. Rob, I did but I now will have to go back and watch it.

Brad, I think Lord Wraith is spot on here, his face does have a lot of expression, they really do ACW very well don't they. How many of FL's ACW figs do you have now then Brad if you don't mind me asking?


Counting Buford, which I received on Wednesday from George, 21. I'm planning to add General Reynolds soon :smile2:

Very nice figure and photography. I think I observed before that although FL figures make great displays in a group, they can very often stand on their own. As a matter of fact, I think a little of the quality gets lost when displayed as a group as I forexample lose the ability to focus on the details of individual figures.
Thanks gents. Rob, I did but I now will have to go back and watch it.
The actor Rob is referring to is John Russell, who is famous for playing Marshal Dan Troop in the TV western "Lawman" which ran from 1958 thru 1962. Russell's "Pale Rider" character was named Marshal Stockburn. Russell died in 1991. -- Al
Nicely photographed Brad . . . . congrats on another FL ACW acquisition . . . .
:) Mike
Very Nice Mounted Civil War figure....Excellent Detail and Facial Expression.........First Legion Rules:salute::
That is a very nice figure, Brad, and thanks for the quality close-up photos.
Thank you all. They did a very nice job with Buford and the photos came out ok too :wink2:
Great job showing the detailed and determined facial figures in the figure as he contemplates what will happen if the Rebs gain the highground.
That is a great looking figure Brad. I'm looking forward to getting my first mounted FL figure this year from the Renaissance range.
Excellent mounted figure Brad with some pretty neat close-ups-that's getting to be quite a collection of Rebs & Yankees you're putting together there.

My Buford is about to ship across the Atlantic and your pictures have just increased my impatience- ten fold.

Fully concur with Rob & Al he sure does look like Russell and rather ironic really as the actor also played Bloody Bill Anderson in Eastwood's Josey Wales and those two characters certainly hated Yankees.^&grin

Very nice figure and photography. I think I observed before that although FL figures make great displays in a group, they can very often stand on their own. As a matter of fact, I think a little of the quality gets lost when displayed as a group as I forexample lose the ability to focus on the details of individual figures.

I tend to agree with this. Are we looking for dioramas, individual models/miniatures or both? To each his own I guess:wink2:...

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