Fantastic new sets, very nice indeed and covers a great niche we were very poor in offerings......the only thing I would like to point out is that the facial expression of the Japanese soldier is too European{eek3}....I could be wrong but if you have a close inspection to his face it is not at all Oriental....^&grin..Uniform and equipment look perfect to the dot,,but more care on facial expressions is key specialy when you are dealing with non European figures{sm3}
I couldn't agree more with this comment though I too am reluctant to nitpick an excellent release and I'm certainly no anthropologist.
By facial expression I suspect you actually mean facial features (I'm not sure the Japanese have their own unique facial expressions except perhaps when they swallow too much wasabi!).
To me it goes beyond just the features.....the shape of the skull and consequently the face as well is all very....aah....Caucasian.
Let me put it this way, I don't think simply dying my hair black and wearing spectacles makes me look particularly Japanese.
Again, I suspect that most collectors probably don't care much.
And it's not just TG, whenever I show Japanese friends my Russian-made samurai, they always marvel at the figure but inevitably say that the face doesn't look Japanese....they're a tough audience