The Army of Frederick the Great (5 Viewers)

Now for something different ... cavalry ..... a duel between a Prussian Cuirassier and an Austrian Dragoon.

View attachment 268976

The Dragoon from the St Ignon Regiment and his horse has been felled, the Prussian is from the 10th Gens d'armes Cuirassier Regiment and is swinging his sabre down while the dragoon is about to fire his last pistol shot. Who will win this duel ????

The figures were by Ulrich Puchala, code P 748 & 749 but these castings came via John Eden's EBay site.

Hope you like them,,

Sehr, sehr gut!!

Oberstinhaber 1
Reinforcements have joined my collection ....


These two are Garde du Corps (13 Cuirassiers) of the Army of Frederick the Great.

Both figures are ROSE Miniatures, but the left hand one was supposed to be an officer, but from what I could see he wasn't correctly dress, so I painted him as an NCO to accompany the standard bearer. The flag was printed on photo quality matted paper.

Hope you like them?


As always your work is exceptional!:salute:: I can't wait to see my WWI German Field Gun and crew!
I was updating my website today and noticed that some of the images on my 7 Years War page were somehow dated, about 20 years old !!!

Back then when we had dial up internet and a small callocation for a home page, I had to have small images.

Big problem with new images is that I have to take out the figures from the cabinet , set them up, than take new photos.

My solution was to re-scan the prints, taken on 35mm film (member that ???) with an SLR camera.

They were all cast using Prince August moulds, and hand painted by me, and therefore a very special set of figures.

These are the first batch ...Grenadiers of each of the 55 Regiments of Frederick the Great's army.

Regt 1 - 10

Regt 11 - 20

Regt 21 - 30

Regt 31 - 40

Regt 41 - 50

More to come ......
Last edited:
And the last 5 Regiments, 51 - 55


Also here are 3 x Cuirassier standard bearers, also by Prince August

13th Regt. (Garde du Corps), 2nd & 1st Regt. CuirassiersI hope to revise more pics later this month,

Here we go with another addition to The Army of Frederick the Great

General Johann Joachim von Ziethen, c1763, mounted.

This is a 90mm kit, BM/J2 that was made by BARTON Miniatures Ltd, a British maker from the 1970's that I obtained from an Aussie seller about 5 or 6 years back. He has been lingering in my box of 'stuff to do' and finally have been brought to life.


He is the 3rd figure of this general in my collection, but all of a different scale as shown below.


Phoenix 75mm, Tradition 54mm & Barton 90mm.

Beautiful, I love it. One of my favorite personalities of the times, and you've done him proud. :salute::
These are the last two Stadden figures that I have from a purchase a few years back, and exhibited here in this thread.


I have painted them as 18th Regiment Grenadiers with pink facings and a painted black eagle on the silvered mitre cap plate.

Hope you like them,

Just to add some more posts to this thread, and to get these castings painted, I have now completed another set of Frederick's troops to my collection.


These are Fusiliers of the 46th Regiment and are 45mm scale not the usual 54mm, so somewhat smaller which meant finer work to achieve this finish.
My reason to choose that regiment was because the printed flag provided was from that regiment so needed to have black facings on the coats and drummer's lace of red/yellow/red with black dots .... quite hard to paint on a 45mm figure !!!

I bought them in 2017 from Berlin Zinnfiguren while in Berlin on holidays and they, and another set show below were a box of bargains under a table in that tiny shop, and being now retired were the last run for sale there.


I hope to get on with the first set next month, being an Officer, Grenadier, Musketeer, Fusilier and Jaeger but my choice of regiments will depend on the detailing in the castings as related to lapels, cuffs and such to make an accurate representation of the regiment.

Hope you like them ??



  • peipp46thregtt.jpg
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Just to show the difference in sizes ....


54mm Stadden and 45mm Peipp Miniaturen Prussian infantry offciers so you can see.

Hope you like them ?? John[/QUOTE said:
Hi Obee,

In reply to your question above: "You bet ya!"

I always say that Helmut Piepp was at his best with 45mm. I have some of his Kriegsmarine sets in that scale, really good. Wish I could find a magic wand somewhere to bring them up to 54mm!!

By the way, Marianne Piepp has the business up and running (well as well as she can with COVID) so get on the website if you need anything. As best as I can determine the catalogue hasn't changed.

"Keep up the good work, Obee"

"Happy Collecting"

Oberstinhaber 1
I have now completed painting the second set of Piepp Miniatures, this time a sample box of infantry of Frederick the Great.


Officer 17th, Grenadier 3rd Bn 15th, Musketeer 1st, Fusilier 46th Regiments and a Jaeger Corps zu Fuss.

Here they are back in their box so I can show them off, but they will reside in my cabinet along with the rest of Frederick's 'little army'


I don;t think I'll have any more of these to paint, but maybe I could find some one day on Ebay ???

Yeah, regarding Peipp, he has a distinctive style, such that each figure has a distinct personality. That's consistent across all his series. His catalog is like Phoenix', in that regard. In contrast, Stadden's style was such that his figures were more like statues. Gammage's figures were like that, too. Both are more formal, I think. I think that's even true of Stadden's custom figures in 54mm. Peipp has figures that grin, or smirk, or frown, and show other emotions. Stadden's figures are more like people sitting for photographs in the 1860s.

...Both figures are ROSE Miniatures, but the left hand one was supposed to be an officer, but from what I could see he wasn't correctly dress, so I painted him as an NCO to accompany the standard bearer...

Hi, John, yes, I noticed that, too, when I first got some Rose SYW cuirassiers. Bleckwenn and Schirmer both note that neither the officers, NCOs, nor the trumpeters carried the carbine, so they didn't wear the bandolier or the cartridge box. Also, Daniel Hohrath's excellent 2-volume set on the uniforms of Frederick's army also supports the idea that NCOs and officers didn't wear the bandolier and cartridge box. But Osprey's number on Frederick's cavalry introduces some confusion on the topic. It notes that the NCOs wore the bandolier over the opposite shoulder from the troopers, ie, the left one, but also notes that they didn't carry carbines. It's not clear which of the sources listed in the bibliography produced that. I suspect that whatever source that was, that's the one that Gammage used. They're still nice figures, though.

Here we go, another Stadden form the Army of Frederick the Great .....


He is a grenadier drummer from the 18th Infantry Regiment, Prinz von Preußen Infantry

The figure was given to me for Christmas by a local collector who knew I could bring him to life,

xmasjim.jpg seen here with another vignette, hope you like my work,


I have got back into some painting over the past couple of week following an enforced lay-off due to an injury to my shoulder, and what better rehabilitation could be som painting my 'little men' ????

Here we have an officer of Frederick's 19th (Margrave Carl) Infantry Regiment, finished in matte.


He is a Tradition of London casting sold as an officer of the Potsdam Grenadiers c 1730, but looking at the lace configuration and the lack of lapels I decided to advance him to Frederick's era.


I already have a full set of glossy Potsdam Giants so he was surplus officer hence this new figure for my collection.

Hope you like him,
Another set of figures for Fredrick the Greats Army is this Foot Artillery 6 Pounder Gun Team, a 're-engineered' set of castings by German maker Rylit, and sold by John Eden on his Ebay site last year.


This maker has made a wide range of 7 Years War figures, but unfortunately they are no longer in production and I haven't seen any of sale, much is a pity.

...This maker has made a wide range of 7 Years War figures, but unfortunately they are no longer in production and I haven't seen any of sale, much is a pity....

Yes, Rylit was run by Ursula Litterscheidt, and she closed the business down about a year ago. I found out when I tried to visit the website and found it was gone.

I asked in the German Figure-Mad Forum, and got a reply confirming that Frau Litterscheidt closed the business. But apparently another vendor acquired the catalog. He maintains the figure museum, "Historicum", website is Contact info is on that page. I have not yet tried to contact him.

And yes, John Eden has some of the figures available in his catalog. Beside the Prussian artillery crew, he has a good selection of the figures depicting camp life-soldiers eating, drinking, some hussars dancing around a campfire with the Marketenderinnen, etc.

Regarding John, his website is defunct, because his Internet service provider shut down. He trades through his eBay store (seller ID roseminiatures) and through his Facebook page, Rose Miniatures. I've had nice chats with him through PMs on Facebook.


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