The Crusades - Siege of Acre 1291 (1 Viewer)

Absolutely, I will see you in Chicago George. Bring plenty of those Crusaders. Can't wait to get my hands on them!

Will do, we are about two months out, time sure does fly, am starting to plan out my displays now believe it or not............
It's official....I'm finally ready to jump in w/ my first FL purchase:). I've been sitting on the outskirts admiring FL's creative excellence and company model (has FL grown fast or what?!?!.... I must say this is quite a feat given the economic times and all the formidable, entrenched competition). I've always known it was just a matter of time before I would add FL's work to my collection. With the unveiling of the Crusader line there is no longer any vacillation and hesitation on my part.

I've always felt that FL's style was so special that I should wait until they touched on one of the subjects that I am truly most interested in. It's similar to how I feel about Aeroart. I don't want to get into a comparison between the two outfits (and I couldn't do it anyways because I don't own any FL pieces, yet) but I just wanted to say purchases of this ilk and corresponding monetary magnitude for me are limited and are therefore more selectively studied than most. [I know FL cost much less than Aeroart...I just wanted to point out that, for me personally there is different purchasing philosophy when it comes to higher end figures. And although FL is much more affordable than Aeroart, their high quality brings a higher price than average compared to most other manufacturer's, hence a reason for me at least to weigh my purchases carefully, especially knowing how things can "get away from me at times":p. ]

Saying that, I have been anxious to add FL's work to my collection. I must say, it was hard not to jump in w/ those WWII Russians and Germans, and perhaps I will someday add some of those to my collection. But that was not quite a "red, center bullseye" for me in terms of my favorite subjects; it was more of a "green, fringe bullseye", so to speak. And I don't mean this in a negative sense, just in terms of my own personal, ideal interests.

Then came the Samurai.....what can you say? Simply amazing artistry, but there again, I don't collect that era/realm (but the figures are so good, I really had to think about it:)). I've jumped in hot and heavy before w/ other manufacturer's debuts (who hasn't?:eek:) and I've learned to have a little restraint (more like had to learn, LOL!). I've found that I enjoy my purchases much more now as I tend to make fewer purchases. The buys I make now tend to be far less impulsive and are very carefully considered and selected and perhaps more thoroughly enjoyed w/ this added restraint.

...Then came the Civil War and American Revolution ranges. I don't collect Civil War but I think it I have to acquire at least some of the AWI figures, but I still had yet to pull the trigger....

I decided to just wait a little longer for FL to perhaps produce some Romans, Greeks, 100 Years War Knights (or any knights for that matter) or Crusaders (among a few other potential ranges of my prime interests). Well, the time has come!:D The Crusades are definitely amongst my passions and these figures have stirred them indeed. So for any supporters of FL who have had to wade through any of my past complimentary posts regarding FL yet wondered if and when I'd ever actually make a purchase....well, the time has arrived, and I'm quite excited to join the ranks. I'm putting my money where my mouth is at last.

In the end, two things helped guide me to this point: 1) My one and only experience seeing FL figures "in the flesh" was a complete set of the Bavarian's in someone else's collection. Needless to say, I was quite impressed. 2) The many fine, informative comments I have read from FL collectors here in this forum. So thank you to you guys collectively, especially Gebhard.

Congratulations to FL on what is certain to be a popular, fast-moving, lucratively and creatively rewarding line. The initial Crusaders look absolutely stellar in the pics, and I'm looking forward to incorporating them into my collection.

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It's official....I'm finally ready to jump in w/ my first FL purchase:). I've been sitting on the outskirts admiring FL's creative excellence and company model (has FL grown fast or what?!?!.... I must say this is quite a feat given the economic times and all the formidable, entrenched competition). I've always known it was just a matter of time before I would add FL's work to my collection. With the unveiling of the Crusader line there is no longer any vacillation and hesitation on my part.


I'm in the same group Joe...I've admired FL "from afar" watching their impressive growth-and now have to jump on board-not to mention, learn about their ordering process.
I'm in the same group Joe...I've admired FL "from afar" watching their impressive growth-and now have to jump on board-not to mention, learn about their ordering process.

Right on, Mike! I bet we're not the only ones taking the plunge! I'm looking forward to the upcoming pre-order, and I'm curious about how the Crusaders will be priced. I really like the battle-worn look.....the torn, tattered, dirty and in some cases bloodied surcoats, and the shields....these have to be the most realistic looking shields I have seen to date. There is some major battle mileage on CRU008's shield...Bravo FL!

I wonder if the weapons are separate, removable parts entirely or if they are part of the one piece castings. Time will tell soon enough.

It's official....I'm finally ready to jump in w/ my first FL purchase:). I've been sitting on the outskirts admiring FL's creative excellence and company model (has FL grown fast or what?!?!.... I must say this is quite a feat given the economic times and all the formidable, entrenched competition). I've always known it was just a matter of time before I would add FL's work to my collection. With the unveiling of the Crusader line there is no longer any vacillation and hesitation on my part.

I've always felt that FL's style was so special that I should wait until they touched on one of the subjects that I am truly most interested in. It's similar to how I feel about Aeroart. I don't want to get into a comparison between the two outfits (and I couldn't do it anyways because I don't own any FL pieces, yet) but I just wanted to say purchases of this ilk and corresponding monetary magnitude for me are limited and are therefore more selectively studied than most. [I know FL cost much less than Aeroart...I just wanted to point out that, for me personally there is different purchasing philosophy when it comes to higher end figures. And although FL is much more affordable than Aeroart, their high quality brings a higher price than average compared to most other manufacturer's, hence a reason for me at least to weigh my purchases carefully, especially knowing how things can "get away from me at times":p. ]

Saying that, I have been anxious to add FL's work to my collection. I must say, it was hard not to jump in w/ those WWII Russians and Germans, and perhaps I will someday add some of those to my collection. But that was not quite a "red, center bullseye" for me in terms of my favorite subjects; it was more of a "green, fringe bullseye", so to speak. And I don't mean this in a negative sense, just in terms of my own personal, ideal interests.

Then came the Samurai.....what can you say? Simply amazing artistry, but there again, I don't collect that era/realm (but the figures are so good, I really had to think about it:)). I've jumped in hot and heavy before w/ other manufacturer's debuts (who hasn't?:eek:) and I've learned to have a little restraint (more like had to learn, LOL!). I've found that I enjoy my purchases much more now as I tend to make fewer purchases. The buys I make now tend to be far less impulsive and are very carefully considered and selected and perhaps more thoroughly enjoyed w/ this added restraint.

...Then came the Civil War and American Revolution ranges. I don't collect Civil War but I think it I have to acquire at least some of the AWI figures, but I still had yet to pull the trigger....

I decided to just wait a little longer for FL to perhaps produce some Romans, Greeks, 100 Years War Knights (or any knights for that matter) or Crusaders (among a few other potential ranges of my prime interests). Well, the time has come!:D The Crusades are definitely amongst my passions and these figures have stirred them indeed. So for any supporters of FL who have had to wade through any of my past complimentary posts regarding FL yet wondered if and when I'd ever actually make a purchase....well, the time has arrived, and I'm quite excited to join the ranks. I'm putting my money where my mouth is at last.

In the end, two things helped guide me to this point: 1) My one and only experience seeing FL figures "in the flesh" was a complete set of the Bavarian's in someone else's collection. Needless to say, I was quite impressed. 2) The many fine, informative comments I have read from FL collectors here in this forum. So thank you to you guys collectively, especially Gebhard.

Congratulations to FL on what is certain to be a popular, fast-moving, lucratively and creatively rewarding line. The initial Crusaders look absolutely stellar in the pics, and I'm looking forward to incorporating them into my collection.


Very interesting points, I agree with what you say and feel like you do when it comes to being selective. I had also been waiting on this range, and obviously have pondered Samurai, WWII. It's Naps and Crusaders for me now! Hopefully Romans some day (please, not too soon:D)...
The Bavarians, well, IMHO FL's figures have clearly improved from then on, so my friend, you'll be in for a treat:p!

Hi Joe,

I've joined the boat 3 months ago and FL has renewed my passion for toy soldiers like no other company has done it before !

If and only if you want to try some napoleonics one day as stand alone pieces I would strongly suggest you the followings :

-The french chasseur drummer
-The prussian flag bearer
-Any of the french old guard figures
-The british mounted dragoon officer



BTW, I'm also taking the plunge and will buy 6 samurais next week, then of course some of those midevil guys !
It's official....I'm finally ready to jump in w/ my first FL purchase:). I've been sitting on the outskirts admiring FL's creative excellence and company model (has FL grown fast or what?!?!.... I must say this is quite a feat given the economic times and all the formidable, entrenched competition). I've always known it was just a matter of time before I would add FL's work to my collection. With the unveiling of the Crusader line there is no longer any vacillation and hesitation on my part.

I've always felt that FL's style was so special that I should wait until they touched on one of the subjects that I am truly most interested in. It's similar to how I feel about Aeroart. I don't want to get into a comparison between the two outfits (and I couldn't do it anyways because I don't own any FL pieces, yet) but I just wanted to say purchases of this ilk and corresponding monetary magnitude for me are limited and are therefore more selectively studied than most. [I know FL cost much less than Aeroart...I just wanted to point out that, for me personally there is different purchasing philosophy when it comes to higher end figures. And although FL is much more affordable than Aeroart, their high quality brings a higher price than average compared to most other manufacturer's, hence a reason for me at least to weigh my purchases carefully, especially knowing how things can "get away from me at times":p. ]

Saying that, I have been anxious to add FL's work to my collection. I must say, it was hard not to jump in w/ those WWII Russians and Germans, and perhaps I will someday add some of those to my collection. But that was not quite a "red, center bullseye" for me in terms of my favorite subjects; it was more of a "green, fringe bullseye", so to speak. And I don't mean this in a negative sense, just in terms of my own personal, ideal interests.

Then came the Samurai.....what can you say? Simply amazing artistry, but there again, I don't collect that era/realm (but the figures are so good, I really had to think about it:)). I've jumped in hot and heavy before w/ other manufacturer's debuts (who hasn't?:eek:) and I've learned to have a little restraint (more like had to learn, LOL!). I've found that I enjoy my purchases much more now as I tend to make fewer purchases. The buys I make now tend to be far less impulsive and are very carefully considered and selected and perhaps more thoroughly enjoyed w/ this added restraint.

...Then came the Civil War and American Revolution ranges. I don't collect Civil War but I think it I have to acquire at least some of the AWI figures, but I still had yet to pull the trigger....

I decided to just wait a little longer for FL to perhaps produce some Romans, Greeks, 100 Years War Knights (or any knights for that matter) or Crusaders (among a few other potential ranges of my prime interests). Well, the time has come!:D The Crusades are definitely amongst my passions and these figures have stirred them indeed. So for any supporters of FL who have had to wade through any of my past complimentary posts regarding FL yet wondered if and when I'd ever actually make a purchase....well, the time has arrived, and I'm quite excited to join the ranks. I'm putting my money where my mouth is at last.

In the end, two things helped guide me to this point: 1) My one and only experience seeing FL figures "in the flesh" was a complete set of the Bavarian's in someone else's collection. Needless to say, I was quite impressed. 2) The many fine, informative comments I have read from FL collectors here in this forum. So thank you to you guys collectively, especially Gebhard.

Congratulations to FL on what is certain to be a popular, fast-moving, lucratively and creatively rewarding line. The initial Crusaders look absolutely stellar in the pics, and I'm looking forward to incorporating them into my collection.


Joe,Well stated post...I collect the Stalingrad Line.....First Legion is putting out an incredible product, (just got the PanzerIII...Tremendous detail/paint/weathering)......It was my guess that the Crusaders would be the next line to be released ; a very popular line among collectors....Really a colorful line where First Legion can show off their talent...But then again they are talented in all their lines...This company has really arrived and is here to stay......Enjoy....and welcome
Well, it's now official. We are very pleased to announce our latest figure range, the Crusades! We are starting off with the Siege of Acre in 1291 where the Mamluks brought about the final end of the Crusader state by defeating the Templars, Hospitallers, and Teutonic Holy Military Orders and their European allies. There is an announcement on our website, but here are some images of some of the figures. More of them are on our site. The pre-order for the first figures will start sometime in August. We sincerely hope you enjoy them.


CRU007 Hospitaller Grand Master Jean de Villiers


CRU008 Templar Knight Running with Sword


CRU003 Hospitaller Knight Swinging Axe


CRU002 Templar Knight with Sword


CRU001 Hospitaller Standard Bearer


CRU005 Templar Knight with Cape


CRU011 Wounded Hospitaller Leaning against Wall


CRU006 Templar Man-At-Arms with Spear

There are images of additional figures as well as the official announcement on our website.


First Legion Ltd

Matt, Congradulations on the release of another great line.....the "Crusader Guys" will love this one....Continued Success...Best Frank
Right on, Mike! I bet we're not the only ones taking the plunge! I'm looking forward to the upcoming pre-order, and I'm curious about how the Crusaders will be priced. I really like the battle-worn look.....the torn, tattered, dirty and in some cases bloodied surcoats, and the shields....these have to be the most realistic looking shields I have seen to date. There is some major battle mileage on CRU008's shield...Bravo FL!

I wonder if the weapons are separate, removable parts entirely or if they are part of the one piece castings. Time will tell soon enough.


I agree, it's the battleworn look (not to mention incredible poses and painting) that really "pulled my trigger" and got me off the sidelines. Cripes, my hobby budget is gonna be really out of whack this Fall season...
I don’t collect FL only K&C and JJD figures, but I have to say these are probably the finest pre-painted model soldiers being offered for the price today.

I don’t collect FL only K&C and JJD figures, but I have to say these are probably the finest pre-painted model soldiers being offered for the price today.


Hi Jeff,

I had been saying relatively the same thing for 1-1/2 years or so, but I'm finally going to jump in so I can see for myself. Stay tuned....:)

I agree, it's the battleworn look (not to mention incredible poses and painting) that really "pulled my trigger" and got me off the sidelines. Cripes, my hobby budget is gonna be really out of whack this Fall season...

I hear ya Mike! FL will put a nice dent in my soldier budget as well, but with the emphasis on nice!

It's official....I'm finally ready to jump in w/ my first FL purchase:). I've been sitting on the outskirts admiring FL's creative excellence and company model (has FL grown fast or what?!?!.... I must say this is quite a feat given the economic times and all the formidable, entrenched competition). I've always known it was just a matter of time before I would add FL's work to my collection. With the unveiling of the Crusader line there is no longer any vacillation and hesitation on my part.

I've always felt that FL's style was so special that I should wait until they touched on one of the subjects that I am truly most interested in. It's similar to how I feel about Aeroart. I don't want to get into a comparison between the two outfits (and I couldn't do it anyways because I don't own any FL pieces, yet) but I just wanted to say purchases of this ilk and corresponding monetary magnitude for me are limited and are therefore more selectively studied than most. [I know FL cost much less than Aeroart...I just wanted to point out that, for me personally there is different purchasing philosophy when it comes to higher end figures. And although FL is much more affordable than Aeroart, their high quality brings a higher price than average compared to most other manufacturer's, hence a reason for me at least to weigh my purchases carefully, especially knowing how things can "get away from me at times":p. ]

Saying that, I have been anxious to add FL's work to my collection. I must say, it was hard not to jump in w/ those WWII Russians and Germans, and perhaps I will someday add some of those to my collection. But that was not quite a "red, center bullseye" for me in terms of my favorite subjects; it was more of a "green, fringe bullseye", so to speak. And I don't mean this in a negative sense, just in terms of my own personal, ideal interests.

Then came the Samurai.....what can you say? Simply amazing artistry, but there again, I don't collect that era/realm (but the figures are so good, I really had to think about it:)). I've jumped in hot and heavy before w/ other manufacturer's debuts (who hasn't?:eek:) and I've learned to have a little restraint (more like had to learn, LOL!). I've found that I enjoy my purchases much more now as I tend to make fewer purchases. The buys I make now tend to be far less impulsive and are very carefully considered and selected and perhaps more thoroughly enjoyed w/ this added restraint.

...Then came the Civil War and American Revolution ranges. I don't collect Civil War but I think it I have to acquire at least some of the AWI figures, but I still had yet to pull the trigger....

I decided to just wait a little longer for FL to perhaps produce some Romans, Greeks, 100 Years War Knights (or any knights for that matter) or Crusaders (among a few other potential ranges of my prime interests). Well, the time has come!:D The Crusades are definitely amongst my passions and these figures have stirred them indeed. So for any supporters of FL who have had to wade through any of my past complimentary posts regarding FL yet wondered if and when I'd ever actually make a purchase....well, the time has arrived, and I'm quite excited to join the ranks. I'm putting my money where my mouth is at last.

In the end, two things helped guide me to this point: 1) My one and only experience seeing FL figures "in the flesh" was a complete set of the Bavarian's in someone else's collection. Needless to say, I was quite impressed. 2) The many fine, informative comments I have read from FL collectors here in this forum. So thank you to you guys collectively, especially Gebhard.

Congratulations to FL on what is certain to be a popular, fast-moving, lucratively and creatively rewarding line. The initial Crusaders look absolutely stellar in the pics, and I'm looking forward to incorporating them into my collection.


Hi Joe,
Good points all , Each collector has to weigh the pros and cons for themselves before making any new financial decision these days ;) I'm glad to see that you will be joining the fine group of collectors that are gravitating towards what is becoming the biggest breath of fresh air the hobby has seen in years .... First Legion .
As you know I'm also a big collector of Aeroart figures as well , IMO First Legion compare well against Aeroart and with the price of a single basic Aeroart figure now over $100.00 and with their Crusaders hitting $140.00 First Legions Crusaders at $49.95 or so will be just to good to miss .
I know you have been on the fence for some time now and I'm glad to have been a part of the group of guys to help you decide to give First legion a shot . I'm sure you will not be disappointed , I don't know how anyone could be :confused: IMO they have by far and I mean by far the best quality to cost ratio in the business .
My man if you were impressed with the Bavarians believe me you haven't seen nothing yet . I'm not saying the Bavarians are bad , I still love em but the newer releases blow em away . I will stop running on by saying that I like a lot of other First Legion collectors could not be happier with the choice we've made. We just want to spread the good news to our fellow collectors so they can share in the same joy we are now receiving from our collections . First Legion are doing something very special indeed and everyday more and more collectors are coming to that same conclusion . I look forward to seeing your review and by all means break the ice with one or two figures from the WWII line they are incredible ;) and very addicting .. Happy collecting Gebhard
The thing that really stands out for me is the sculpting/posing. Take these Crusaders for instance, while you see the standard poses you commonly see on Russian connoisseur figures you also see many new and innovative poses. At the same time the sculpting is every bit as detailed and anatomically correct. From this perspective I think First Legion is actually better than the Russian studios.
The thing that really stands out for me is the sculpting/posing. Take these Crusaders for instance, while you see the standard poses you commonly see on Russian connoisseur figures you also see many new and innovative poses. At the same time the sculpting is every bit as detailed and anatomically correct. From this perspective I think First Legion is actually better than the Russian studios.
I agree Frank. Apart from the price, which is just more than I would spend for a figure, many of the Russian poses are not very interesting to me. Of course, it is the accuaracy/quality for the price that first attracted me to FL.
I do like however the fantastic painting that you find sometimes on the draperies, clothes, etc. done by the russian studios.. But this comes with at a way higher price point.


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