The Fall of Acre, 1191 (2 Viewers)

Thanks for the kind words Marc, Jeff and Scott.

Jeff - I have been asked the same question by my wife, and son-in-law. When it comes to painting I am "all thumbs". I really think it will look better if I don't paint a backdrop unless I did it in a solid color, for example sky blue. If I tried to paint a scenic backdrop myself I think I'll be very disappointed in it and I know it would look very amaturist. I have thought about commissioning a pro-artist to do it for me but I haven't researched local availability and cost yet.


This could look rather striking and not detract from the real action too much.
You could use regular light blue posterboard or the one I used in the church diorama which is available at Office Depot or was it Office Max. Both places look the same to me but you could buy several and connect them.

Polar Bear just did a SBS to show people how he does his dioramas and I think he shows you how to have a nice background.
Thanks for all the wonderful ideas and possibilities fellows. You will all just have to wait and see what I decide to do.

Well the Celluclay that I applied Saturday is finally dry - took two days this time, usually dries in one. It was really damp and cold here this weekend so I am sure the weather had something to do with the extra drying time. Here's some pics of the finished area with the addition od some Crusaders and Saracens:



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Very well done my friend! I am interesting to see inside the walls if you have a chance could you provide some photos?.

Very well done my friend! I am interesting to see inside the walls if you have a chance could you provide some photos?.


Hi Rod. I haven't done much to the interior area. I have a Ron Barzso "Long Tripolian Single Story Building", a Dept 56 #56.59807 Caravansary Rooms at the Inn, a Dept 56 #56.59915 Caravansary Drinking Well, and a set of Dept 56 #56.52820 Bethlehem Village Palm Trees. I plan to paint and "detail" the Ron Barzso building. I am also planning to cover the surface area with a fine sand held in place with a diluted white glue mixture. I have provided three pics of the interior.

The fourth picture is what I have left to do to the exterior. I have already placed a set of JG Miniatures Desert Rock Outcropping in front of the undamaged section of wall. I will cut/trim/shape floral foam to fit against the rock outcropping and then cover with Celluclay. This will produce a raised area where I can place Saladin and his body guards as they view the seige.



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Very nice! Which aeroart knights on a ladder set is that?

And another question, how does the size compare with the King and Country ladder crusaders?

Nice work Mike> Your plans of the diorama sound great and you are really making progress on this project. Very nice figures also. John

Very nice! Which aeroart knights on a ladder set is that?

And another question, how does the size compare with the King and Country ladder crusaders?


Hello Ken - The ladder set is Aero Art #2008.5 (4 Crusaders on Scaling Ladder w/o a Flag). There is no noticeable difference in size between these and the K&C ladder Crusaders. The Aero Art Ladder is wide at the base and tapers to a narrower top - I think its much better looking than the K&C ladder. The Aero Art figures are permanently afixed to the ladder so you do not have the freedom to change their positions like you do with the K&C set. Also, see page 3 of this thread - I show a size comparison of 2 Aero Art Saracen figures next to 2 K&C Saracens. Its a very very close match.

Thanks Mike, I like the Bethlehem houses...

Thanks for the pictures, have a good night.

Well its basically done. Finished it last night, and put a few finishing touches on it this afternoon. I really had a lot of fun and enjoyment creating this diorama. Now its time for fun and imagination. As you can see from these start to finish pics, its come along way.



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WOW! superbe diorama Mike looks very nice. I like the overall view.


Surrounded by his body guards, Saladin observes the Crusaders and their attempt to take Acre.



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:eek: Awesome! You did a very very very good job!!! I wanna do something with my Crusaders some day. :eek:
Haven't shared much lately. Just received some more Saracen archers/crossbowmen. I have massed then together in one of the towers as a defense against the Crusader's seige tower. I have from 12/24 to 1/5 off from work. I plan to create two new dioramas in that time. Will keep you all posted.



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