The FW 190..beautiful but by no means perfect. (1 Viewer)


Dec 9, 2010
As a huge fan of the Luftwaffe of World War 2 I was excited to see K & C release the FW 190, and a famous one as well.

However, as beautiful as it is, it is flawed. I am not sure if this has been covered by someone else, but I wanted to mention it.

The biggest thing that stands out right away is the tail. The model is supposed to be an FW 190A-7 and a personal mount of Heinz Bär when he was with JG1. However, the tail is that of an earlier pre-A-4 model type with the older flush antenna fairing.

Also the armoured head rest for the pilot is missing. This could not have been hard to include in the model so I was little surprised to see it missing.

Other things that are not quit right are some of the colours used. The main landing gear is light blue and the wheel hubs are also in the same light blue. Both should be dark grey. I have never seen a picture of an FW 190 with light coloured main gear and wheel hubs.

I may have missed something in the detail but for me I am a little surprised that a reputable model maker like King & Country could get such fundamental things wrong in an expensive model.

Despite this, it has not stopped me from owning it as it does make a gorgeous addition to the collection, and I look forward to the Me 262 coming soon.

I would love to hear any other views.

I can't recall the threads but, there was quite a stink about the detail of the FW190 when it was released well, pre-released pictures and things were adapted in the process before release.

I have not seen many colour pictures of FW190 which, have accurate colour so, can't comment on the paint issues but, if I had as many concerns about a set I would not have handed over £215.95 and would have bought a kit and done it myself. As you say its a lot of money if your not happy with the detail.
I saw this aircraft up close for the first time on Saturday and have to say it looks superb to me, the paint job and weathering looks really nice. Its one of those models that you first see online and think yes that looks nice, then you see it in the flesh and its wow thats excellent. There was a long argument here between fans of this and another producers FW190. I don't think you can compare the two because one is a lot cheaper than the other and for me does not have the realism of K&C's.Having said that the other producers FW is still nice. And before anyone pounces on me as a rabid K&C fan I should point out the other producer makes some simply superb FJ figures that I'm very happy to own.


I can't recall the threads but, there was quite a stink about the detail of the FW190 when it was released well, pre-released pictures and things were adapted in the process before release.

I have not seen many colour pictures of FW190 which, have accurate colour so, can't comment on the paint issues but, if I had as many concerns about a set I would not have handed over £215.95 and would have bought a kit and done it myself. As you say its a lot of money if your not happy with the detail.

I payed just A$223 for my FW 190 (thanks to the strong Aussie $). And I no longer have the time, space, and patience for making models. As this is the best large scale diecast FW 190 I have ever seen I can overlook a few flaws and still happily own it.
I payed just A$223 for my FW 190 (thanks to the strong Aussie $). And I no longer have the time, space, and patience for making models. As this is the best large scale diecast FW 190 I have ever seen I can overlook a few flaws and still happily own it.
I was thinking of buying the K&C Fw 190 & Me 262 but when you take into account what your paying & then I look what I can buy in the same scale made by 21'st Century it a no-brainer :rolleyes: better spending the money on K&C crew
I am very pleased with my FW. Happily, my ignorance regarding the details in question leaves me with no criticisms. I hadn't even noticed such things as the armored headrest. I think there are some wheel well doors missing but that is also a minor problem. This is just a beautiful model, as the thread title says, and along with the Marseille 109, it is my favorite KC piece. -- Al
My recollection is that we went through a hot and heavy debate on this sometime ago. I'm not suggesting we cut off discussion, but instead of re-igniting that maybe it would be best to just review that thread :)
My recollection is that we went through a hot and heavy debate on this sometime ago. I'm not suggesting we cut off discussion, but instead of re-igniting that maybe it would be best to just review that thread :)
Think your right Brad :)
did the debate not start as some found technical errors on the FW190?? which, is a good thing and what critique is for. The real issue came when the Mine is better than yours started

I am sure it will resurface when the two aircraft are side by sided soon.
My recollection was that Paul (Ixec) was pointing out the same things as GDL 41 has.
Thing is I don't think after pointing them out that IXEC then went on to buy it!!

I think it will be interesting to look at both manufacturers side by side in a mature constructive manner which, I think will happen as they are now starting to filter through to collectors and, I don't mind that as long as everyone can accept the critique for what it is and don't get all territorial which, is just daft IMO
i own it and it is gorgeous. i do wish the propeller was striped, but maybe next time. now where is the jagdtiger

What are you going to do once the Jagdtiger is issued? :D
My recollection was that Paul (Ixec) was pointing out the same things as GDL 41 has.

Oh....there was a lot more about it that I pointed out...:rolleyes:

Do you want me to start on the Me-262....:eek:

I've been holding back, you know....

I don't get paid for correcting faulty..KC items....

So why should I talk about issues before the released...

I'll wait......;)

PS...I'm getting only the TG Fw-190's
Aye Aye....

Someone else has spoted them. Its like Jaws... Just when you thought it was safe to go in the air... faults II the revenge.

Will look forward to this debate

Oh....there was a lot more about it that I pointed out...:rolleyes:

Do you want me to start on the Me-262....:eek:

I've been holding back, you know....

I don't get paid for correcting faulty..KC items....

So why should I talk about issues before the released...

I'll wait......;)

PS...I'm getting only the TG Fw-190's
Aye Aye....

Someone else has spoted them. Its like Jaws... Just when you thought it was safe to go in the air... faults II the revenge.

Will look forward to this debate

Oh god please no:rolleyes:. Always ends in bitter exchanges, hey how about this, we all buy what we like, its left of field I know, but works for me!:D;)


You must have expected this to happen. Its already happened with the tail sitting questions. It would be too easy for everyone to buy what they wanted. though when things are really off like the FW 190 early version its good to have these things brought up but, its how its done
Oh god please no:rolleyes:. Always ends in bitter exchanges, hey how about this, we all buy what we like, its left of field I know, but works for me!:D;)


I agree. A good guess that 90% of the collectors market( not represented by any forums ) could give a care about the 50 rivets that a handful see missing on any piece. Most will buy from brand loyalty, attractive colors, and sometimes price point...And besides these debates are not helpful to the untrained accuracy eye, when partisans of the various vendors start trolling. There is no fact check button to determine that the critique is from an "I dislike a particular mfg. club member or not". Most of us subscribe to a buy what we like mentality versus a buy what is absolutely right one..:p Michael
I agree. A good guess that 90% of the collectors market( not represented by any forums ) could give a care about the 50 rivets that a handful see missing on any piece. Most will buy from brand loyalty, attractive colors, and sometimes price point...And besides these debates are not helpful to the untrained accuracy eye, when partisans of the various vendors start trolling. There is no fact check button to determine that the critique is from an "I dislike a particular mfg. club member or not". Most of us subscribe to a buy what we like mentality versus a buy what is absolutely right one..:p Michael

You could say the same about your threads about CS scale issue :p:rolleyes::D

I think sensible critique is definately needed as you say some may not care about fifty rivets but, thats not what is being critiqued its errors in design features some big some less so and, it is unrealistic to expect to be paying the high prices that are asked by manufacturers and not to expect the best and most accurate representation possible for that money and when highlighted not debated. To not do so would make a lop sided hobby where everything is believed to be rosy when sometimes its not.

Now, there are some who like to have a dig for digs sake but, one can easily tell that from proper critique and, these sites are not just for the ooohs and aaahs about releases they are important for many who hold stock on the debates about the negatives that do happen in all manufacturers products.

I agree. A good guess that 90% of the collectors market( not represented by any forums ) could give a care about the 50 rivets that a handful see missing on any piece. Most will buy from brand loyalty, attractive colors, and sometimes price point...And besides these debates are not helpful to the untrained accuracy eye, when partisans of the various vendors start trolling. There is no fact check button to determine that the critique is from an "I dislike a particular mfg. club member or not". Most of us subscribe to a buy what we like mentality versus a buy what is absolutely right one..:p Michael

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