Speaking for myself, I owe everyone here an apology.
What the heck for? There's isn't anyone else on this forum who could do half as good a job as moderator. You put up with me don't you?
Speaking for myself, I owe everyone here an apology.
Let's not get into swimming pools! Man, talk about money pits. I can't tell how much I've spent on the freaking thing and -- I don't have to tell you this -- that doesn't take into account the chemicals you need to put in. Last year, they had to reset the liner and make some repairs because it was leaking. Yes, owning a home is a wonderful thing![]()
I would love to see HB do a Firefly or maybe a Grant,and am looking forward to picking up that lovely winter Panther in December.I shall probably need cheering up after you have nicked the ashes back.It is both mind blowing and exciting when you think of the three companies and all the variations of tanks and theatres of war they will be covering.It sends a shiver through my credit card.
Although I am a huge K&C fan, I happen to be very sympathetic to your position concerning improving their tracked vehicles. I think that a lot of people on this forum (myself included) have gotten more personal than is appropriate in the heat of the momment. I think you, Andy, me and anybody else who has let themselves get mixed up in the name calling would be better served to cool it. Its very easy to get all worked up when you are typing your comments to some faceless person on another continent. I think if we could all get together in person and have a few drinks, we would find we have a lot in common and have a great time. So why don't we all hook up at one of the big shows and have a beer, Scotch or Irish Whiskey with Andy. You have my personal invitation to the next N.Y. Symposium. Take me up on it, and, in the mean time, lets all lighten up. After all, we are ony talking about toy soldiers, right?
Although I am a huge K&C fan, I happen to be very sympathetic to your position concerning improving their tracked vehicles. I think that a lot of people on this forum (myself included) have gotten more personal than is appropriate in the heat of the momment. I think you, Andy, me and anybody else who has let themselves get mixed up in the name calling would be better served to cool it. Its very easy to get all worked up when you are typing your comments to some faceless person on another continent. I think if we could all get together in person and have a few drinks, we would find we have a lot in common and have a great time. So why don't we all hook up at one of the big shows and have a beer, Scotch or Irish Whiskey with Andy. You have my personal invitation to the next N.Y. Symposium. Take me up on it, and, in the mean time, lets all lighten up. After all, we are ony talking about toy soldiers, right?
Hey Oz,
I totally respect your choice to focus on Dragon Armor and Corgi Aircraft. Before I collected Toy Soldiers I collected Corgi products (I still have about 50 Corgi vehicles in their original boxes in my attic). I did join in the name calling once when I misunderstood a comment and thought a forum member was questioning my patriotism (I told the commentor he could go to hell). If you ever get to New York look me up, and I will stand you to the Bourbon of your choice.
So Oz will pay for a plane ticket to fly half-way around the world in order to receive a 'free' drink.
Ain't life grand![]()
Well, if Oz is going to pay for the plane ticket half-way around the world, I guess I'll stand him to dinner at my club as well as free drinks.
Yes, that's correct. I sort of did it on impulse. Not a good way to spend money but at least I didn't buy a carRegarding the figures, it's probably to the good that HB didn't copy K & C. After all, everyone should have their own style. But I'll let you know definitely when I get it. It's scheduled to arrive Tuesday.