The Invasion is Coming ... (1 Viewer)

You got my vote Brad,since i have been on here i think you've done a great job.Keep it up mate!

I'm back after a good time out with the family. I've had personal messages of support for my arguement but I agree that it isn't good for the forum in general to continue this bickering. It's not the first time Brad and I have had words but we've agreed to disagree in the past, so I don't see why we still can't. He's entitled to his opinion of course but I get so angry when he has a go at non K & C products as I consider a moderator should be truely unbiased.

However, I have to admit I've yet to meet a truely unbiased moderator on the various forums I visit, so it's not fair of me to beat him up about it on a constant basis. And no doubt some of you guys get angry when I mention (on occassion :) ) certain aspects of K & C that I don't like.

I suggest the best solution is for us to TRY and avoid leaping to the defence of our 'favourite' products every time some member makes a comment we don't agree with. After all members are entitled to their own opinion for whatever reasons they may have.

In addition, as I have decided I'm no longer going to collect K & C pieces there's little point in me (personally) trying to have K & C products improved the way I would like to see. My wife has also complained I spend to much time on "those silly forums". Perhaps she has a point as they're often the first thing I get to in the morning and the last at night, but I guess I'm not alone there. Therefore I've decided to cut back on the various forums I'm on for a while, as they say, a break is as good as a holiday.

Meanwhile, I wonder what Honour Bound have comming up - this is 'their' thread afterall.
Ozdigger,i didn't realise you have decided not to buy anymore K&C.Is this because you no longer like anything they produce?.Even if you (like others)think that they are no longer leaders in vehicles,do you not like their figure sets.?Although i will always buy K&C stuff i hope to add both NMA and HB to my collection as long as they blend in.

I would love to see HB do a Firefly or maybe a Grant,and am looking forward to picking up that lovely winter Panther in December.I shall probably need cheering up after you have nicked the ashes back.It is both mind blowing and exciting when you think of the three companies and all the variations of tanks and theatres of war they will be covering.It sends a shiver through my credit card.

Let's not get into swimming pools! Man, talk about money pits. I can't tell how much I've spent on the freaking thing and -- I don't have to tell you this -- that doesn't take into account the chemicals you need to put in. Last year, they had to reset the liner and make some repairs because it was leaking. Yes, owning a home is a wonderful thing :rolleyes:


You are right! I would never have another swimming pool---it is a money pit. However, while it was out of operation (actually, it looked like a construction site) we had 105 degree weather for a week or so and I could hardly stand not to have it available. Of course, if I use it 5 times a year, including the spa, that is normally a lot. Go figure.

BTW, this is my feeble attempt to change the subject of the Brad and Oz tet-a-tet.
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I would love to see HB do a Firefly or maybe a Grant,and am looking forward to picking up that lovely winter Panther in December.I shall probably need cheering up after you have nicked the ashes back.It is both mind blowing and exciting when you think of the three companies and all the variations of tanks and theatres of war they will be covering.It sends a shiver through my credit card.


I think the HB schedule is BergePanther (w/damaged Panther), German Field Kitchen, Soviet captured Panther, infrared Panther, Shermans (various), and Schwim & American Jeeps.

Although I am a huge K&C fan, I happen to be very sympathetic to your position concerning improving their tracked vehicles. I think that a lot of people on this forum (myself included) have gotten more personal than is appropriate in the heat of the momment. I think you, Andy, me and anybody else who has let themselves get mixed up in the name calling would be better served to cool it. Its very easy to get all worked up when you are typing your comments to some faceless person on another continent. I think if we could all get together in person and have a few drinks, we would find we have a lot in common and have a great time. So why don't we all hook up at one of the big shows and have a beer, Scotch or Irish Whiskey with Andy. You have my personal invitation to the next N.Y. Symposium. Take me up on it, and, in the mean time, lets all lighten up. After all, we are ony talking about toy soldiers, right?


Although I am a huge K&C fan, I happen to be very sympathetic to your position concerning improving their tracked vehicles. I think that a lot of people on this forum (myself included) have gotten more personal than is appropriate in the heat of the momment. I think you, Andy, me and anybody else who has let themselves get mixed up in the name calling would be better served to cool it. Its very easy to get all worked up when you are typing your comments to some faceless person on another continent. I think if we could all get together in person and have a few drinks, we would find we have a lot in common and have a great time. So why don't we all hook up at one of the big shows and have a beer, Scotch or Irish Whiskey with Andy. You have my personal invitation to the next N.Y. Symposium. Take me up on it, and, in the mean time, lets all lighten up. After all, we are ony talking about toy soldiers, right?


Trying to keep cool Daddy-o :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Although I am a huge K&C fan, I happen to be very sympathetic to your position concerning improving their tracked vehicles. I think that a lot of people on this forum (myself included) have gotten more personal than is appropriate in the heat of the momment. I think you, Andy, me and anybody else who has let themselves get mixed up in the name calling would be better served to cool it. Its very easy to get all worked up when you are typing your comments to some faceless person on another continent. I think if we could all get together in person and have a few drinks, we would find we have a lot in common and have a great time. So why don't we all hook up at one of the big shows and have a beer, Scotch or Irish Whiskey with Andy. You have my personal invitation to the next N.Y. Symposium. Take me up on it, and, in the mean time, lets all lighten up. After all, we are ony talking about toy soldiers, right?


Hi Louis, sorry for the delayed reply, but as I've decided to cut back my forum usage my response may be quite delayed from now on. My wife is VERY happy about the cut back as she has felt rather neglected of late.

I totally agree that I, and a few others, certainly did get to personal in our arguements. Btw, I didn't notice that you did much name calling yourself, but then I did go out for a while, and when I came back the two offending threads had been deleted.

As you say, it's easy to get the wrong impression of people and get carried away with discussions over the internet because you don't get any feedback from body language etc. I've noticed that when members have had 'words' with other members in the past they have a tendenancy to put the wrong spin on subesequent comments, and I am perhaps the worst offender.

I have deleted all but two forums from my bookmarks, this and another, to cut back my forum time. The other forum recently had some trouble with to much thread wandering, inappropriate humour and sarcasm etc. The owner decided enough was enough and further breaches of the forum policy would be deleted. I might add that I wasn't one of the offenders :)

However, it reminded me that many of these hobby forums are financed by small businesses that make a living by selling the various products featured on their forum site. I'm sure it doesn't help their situation when members and company owners et al have an all out brawl on their forum. Shannon and Peter have been very tolerant of me in the past, and in fact they did not send me any 'messages' about this recent incident. Therefore, for the record, it cannot be said that the forum owners had any direct influence on me reducing my postings here.

Nor is it true that 'Andy's thread' and subsequent postings by other members have had an influence on my descision. Such things are like a red rag to a bull as far as I'm concerned because I take some weird delight in argueing, as does Andy. C I suspect :)

Thankyou very much for your kind invitiation Louis :) However I intend to stick to my decision to no longer collect K & C, or other 1/30 and 1/32 scale products for that matter. Except perhaps for the rare exception, such as the new FOV 88mm. I made some mention of my reasons earlier. However, the main reason is that I have shifted the main theme of my collection to Dragon Armor and Corgi aircraft in 1/72 scale.

In closing, for now, I hope all the attendees have a fun and successful time at the upcoming NY Symposium. Btw, I'm not real fond of whisky, but I just luv that Bourbon you guys make in the US :)
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Understanding that Andy is " DA BOSS ", when it comes to K/C, I know that I never expected him to mingle with the masses, like he does. I feel that this puts him too close to the action and very often ,he is in the middle of the tet for tet or even starting it. Being an owner means that you must have a thick skin. But to exasperate the flaming as he does, when calling out people, he does not agree with, that seems to me ,to be beyond his call of duty as President, CEO, messiah...I ,for one, do not care if he is involved here or any forum. I am more comfortable if he would just maintain his distance and concentrate on running his company instead of running the mouth. I actually do not mind the tracks, as I always considered these pieces to be artistically ,stylized renderings of military vehicles, and not prototypical ,actual rivet count, scale models. But that is just me....I felt Andy put Oz out to dry and the way some of you ,took to the attack was wrong...If Andy wants to get down and dirty, let him finish his own fight, but the ganging up on a member to curry favor, should not happen. Personal fights between members should be taken off forum whether it is the me and someone or the moderator or someone. Michael
Just to change the subject, my HB Winter Panther is now 156 miles away and creeping closer every minute! I was hoping a UPS miracle would occur and get it today, but it still appears to be on schedule for delivery tomorrow.
Hey Oz,

I totally respect your choice to focus on Dragon Armor and Corgi Aircraft. Before I collected Toy Soldiers I collected Corgi products (I still have about 50 Corgi vehicles in their original boxes in my attic). I did join in the name calling once when I misunderstood a comment and thought a forum member was questioning my patriotism (I told the commentor he could go to hell). If you ever get to New York look me up, and I will stand you to the Bourbon of your choice.


Hey Oz,

I totally respect your choice to focus on Dragon Armor and Corgi Aircraft. Before I collected Toy Soldiers I collected Corgi products (I still have about 50 Corgi vehicles in their original boxes in my attic). I did join in the name calling once when I misunderstood a comment and thought a forum member was questioning my patriotism (I told the commentor he could go to hell). If you ever get to New York look me up, and I will stand you to the Bourbon of your choice.



Beauty, I've never knocked back a free drink :) Louis, you're a standup guy.
So Oz will pay for a plane ticket to fly half-way around the world in order to receive a 'free' drink.

Ain't life grand :p
So Oz will pay for a plane ticket to fly half-way around the world in order to receive a 'free' drink.

Ain't life grand :p

Peter, didn't your mummy tell you it's rude to stick your tongue out at people, unless you're a Treefrog I guess :)
Well, if Oz is going to pay for the plane ticket half-way around the world, I guess I'll stand him to dinner at my club as well as free drinks.
Well, if Oz is going to pay for the plane ticket half-way around the world, I guess I'll stand him to dinner at my club as well as free drinks.

Hi Louis, the truth be told, my wife resents me travelling to the nearest capital city to purchase yet "more toys". So my chances of getting a leave pass to travel overseas strictly for more toys would be just about zero, but thanks for the offer.
Yes, that's correct. I sort of did it on impulse. Not a good way to spend money but at least I didn't buy a car :D Regarding the figures, it's probably to the good that HB didn't copy K & C. After all, everyone should have their own style. But I'll let you know definitely when I get it. It's scheduled to arrive Tuesday.

What's the verdict?
Top notch. The figures surprised me. Didn't think they would look that way (more like K & C) as they looked quite different from the first release.

You can't mention toys to your wife as the reason for the trip. When I took my then girlfriend to London to meet the Nevilles, I told her it was a Valentine's Day present. Did I mention that we got engaged while we were there? Its all part of the plan: I am taking her back this December for the London show to revisit where we got engaged. Its all strategy. You should ask this Von Clausewitz guy!

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