The Mission Station at Rorke's Drift (1 Viewer)

The Lt.

Memoriam Member
Dec 10, 2006
I used the following information an photos from featured souces shown along with vairious accessories also shown from various sources including by scartched built Hospital and Storehouse in creating my version of the Mission Station at Rorke's drift..........The Lt.








Very Nice, Joe, I am trying to find space to set my figures like this.
Very nice Joe, now if only I had the room

Cheers mate

I was hoping you would release some pics.....Clearly there is some talent on this board. A scratch built rorke drfit store room and hospital! The best part of building from scratch is you get the whole building not just half aka front as the case with the Britains built version. I plan to glass my entire diorama in so you can still see inside the buildings but because you have the whole structure the backdrop makes more sense and adds to the realism

PS We are using the same sources for our dioramas too

Thank you for sharing your scratched built storehouse and hospital in your version of the Mission Station at Rorke's Drift. As Michael has said, it comes very much like the actual layout in the sketch in the RRW Museum, Brecon.

Raymond :salute::
Hi Lt,

Excellent work! I am looking forward to seeing it populated with some of your massive collection! Thanks for sharing

Outstanding job Lt!!! You've got some really great talent. Thanks for sharing it.

Nice pictures and buildings Joe. You have a neat talent for showing scenes and figures. John
Thank you John I've had lots of practice learning how to here on the forum.

My goal Michael and Raymond was to duplicate the layout of the Mission Station but miss doing so due to lack of a few feet needed to accomplish it.

Dave over the past years since creating it it has been populated and featured in all of the Manufactures Zulu War Threads and will continue to be as newly acquired figures are added to my collection from time to time. It's currently been put to rest at this time.

Thanks for your compliments Mark, Carlo, Harper, Chris and Brian it's been a labor of lover creating it over the years and Martyn there's no doubt if you had the room your Mission Station would be set up in all of it glory.

I'm sure you'll note zulucollector as time goes by there's so much talent an input provided by the Zulu War Collectors of both matte ad glossy figures on the forum.

Once again thank you all...........The Lt.
Using the WB wagons and mealie bag walls to create the South wall connecting the storehouse to the hospital manned by the defenders............The Lt.



SUPERB Joe {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

Cheers mate

Good wagon wall Joe, completes the layout nicely. The backdrop suits the scene so well. You are the master in Zulu land, cheers, Robin.

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