The Official EOI Roman Thread (2 Viewers)

Ken Clarke

Private 2
Sep 5, 2005
Just highjacking Chris' thread to bring you the offical version where I will be posting up sculptures and painted figures when they become available.

Well I thought I would give you a sneak preview; however I am still keeping quite a lot secret until we get closer to the production date.

Here are just four of the figures which will be part of the initial launch. Notice I have deliberately hidden the shield designs to give nothing away to the competition!

Production schedule is still pretty uncertain and has to be confirmed by our factory but here is what I currently believe it to be:

June: Initital launch of 20 figures.
August: Additional 10 figures.
November: Yet another 10 figures.

So we are hoping to have 40 figures to start this new range for EOI by the end of the year. I will of course give you much more information closer to the time that each batch is about to be launched.

Anyway enough of this rambling and here is the sneak preview:

Feel free to hijack away :)
It was one of my more popular threads though....

Question- regarding the 3 waves of figures- are you going to perhaps release foot troops in one wave, cavalry in the second and then maybe command and control in the third or will it be a mix of figures each release- kind of like you have there in the photo??
Hi Chris,

Wow you jumped in here fast!

I am getting all the photos ready now for "Batch 1" and I will be posting them up throughout the next few days. These will be photos of the masters.

I should add that most of these figures will be sold as single figures. I have only photograped them in groups to make posting the pictures easier.
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Batch 1, Part 1 - The Initial Launch

Vexillium, Cornicen, Signifer


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Batch 1, Part 2 - The Initial Launch

Centurion and Legionnaire with sword


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Batch 1, Part 3 - The Initial Launch

3 Legionnaires with sword - sold as seperate figures.


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Batch 1, Part 4 - The Initial Launch

3 Legionnaires with pilum - sold as seperate figures.

The pilae are made from steel with a solid and robust composite material for the detailed pieces.


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Batch 1, Part 5 - The Initial Launch

2 Legionnaires with pilum - sold as seperate figures.

The pilae are made from steel with a solid and robust composite material for the detailed pieces.


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Batch 1, Part 6 - The Initial Launch

Auxiliary Light Cavalry Type 1


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Batch 1, Part 7 - The Initial Launch

Auxiliary Light Cavalry Type 2


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Batch 1, Part 8 - The Initial Launch

Auxiliary Light Cavalry Type 3


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Batch 2, Part 1 - The Autumn Launch.

Eastern Archers - These will be sold as a set.


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Batch 2, Part 2 - The Autumn Launch.

The Scopio


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Batch 2, Part 2 - The Autumn Launch.

The Scopio (different views)


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Well thats done for me on todays posting. I will post up the Auxilliary Infantry soon which I expect to be also in the autumn launch. Lots more coming soon!
So far my favorite is the Centurion-

I also enjoy the legionaire with the shield in the air and thrusting with his sword. I just can't sleep, I am revamping all my planned purchases for 2008 now.

Truth be told, I am glad we are seeing these pics and I anxiously await more over the weekend.

This may seem like a completely off the wall request but I am looking for seated Legionaires as well- maybe someday- I know we have to cover first things first. I would just like to see some seated legionaires- one of my dios I would like to do would really be enhanced with some seated troops.
Geez, I don't know Chris :confused: I don't think those Centurions got any spare time to sit down, what with invading, fighting and throwing people to the floor ;) :D
Hi Chris,

We can't spend time sitting around. Your request for seated Roman figures might take a little time to make, sorry! Well that's unless you would like to commission 100 of them! :D

We really have to get the major new forces including a Tribune, a "Caesar", more siege equipment, more legionaires, more auxilliary forces etc etc before we even start to think about guys sitting around the place doing nothing.

Sorry to hear you can't sleep. I hope this doesn't mean you will be awake now until June!;)

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