There's an Old Tribe of Injuns - in Dorset! (1 Viewer)


Major General
Nov 24, 2010
Right here - in fact! A view from across the road of Giles Brown's - Dorset Soldiers HQ - and one of the few TS shops still going strong - and well worth a visit if you're in the Weymouth/Portland area.

So what's this got to do with Old Injuns then????

Well pardners, as you may have noticed from my previous visits - they are never complete without a good old rummage through Giles' boxes of old TS, that he picks up here and there when mosying around various shows and swap-meets. I'm always attracted to the cardboard boxes of Cowboys & Injuns - because of very old childhood memories. Here waiting to be re-discovered - some a bit more worse the wear than others - lurk Britains and Charbens, Crescent and Timpo. Some names long since gone ( but not forgotten) - but here they all are still - clinging on to existence at the back of the shop ( well - under the stairs actually^&grin).

Once again, I've gone for a few bits and pieces that I think are worth a repair - and think I'm up to - so left with a few more to add to my tribe back at the ranch. Here they are below (sorry about the picture quality - flash stopped working today - I suspect a low battery^&confuse!).

To the left are several Timpo pieces - which will eventually be restored, repaired and repainted to make up a Mounted Cowboy firing a rifle slightly downwards, an Injun with a lance held aloft - and another who has just shot off an arrow from his bow. You may note another figure with one leg and no head. He is the donor figure who provided the bowman's right leg - which I have just replaced - as it was missing from the figure ( repaired with epoxy glue, milliput and a paper clip support in the centre). His other bits will await some future broken Timpo piece. You may also note the newly cast tail fitted to the black horse (an original with missing tail) - and two new Timpo recasts of the Timpo prancing horse - all supplied as casting replacements from Dorset Soldiers. So if you find a mounted Timpo Westerner who has lost his horse somewhere along the trail - look no further than Dorset pards!:D

To the right of the pic - are a mixed bag of Britains and Crescent Injuns. The kneeling figure is a canoeist with a paddle (Crescent) that I originally thought was holding a broken rifle - but on removing 80 years-worth of grime, found that the paddle end had been bent around his body - and could be repaired relatively easily. (Dashed off a quick e-mail to Giles to reserve me an old canoe that I'd seen in another of his boxes).;)

Next across is a standing Injun with broken rifle- barrel (Britains). Central standing bowman had a mashed bow - which has been straightened out a bit - next to more Britains and Crescent mounted figures all now holding tomahawks ( I made the one up on bottom left from a piece of old lead soldier base - and a piece of paper clip for the handle - and re-drilled his hand to accept it). After a bit of repair to horse-tails and other bits - I'll make stands for all of them - and refurbish the lot - with a strip and re-paint. Not always easy - as can be seen on the bottom right figure, where removing some of the paint exposed no fewer than six holes in the horses body (now repaired with milliput, before going any further - see the largest shown up in white at the horses neck). This figure was being held together mostly by paint! I suspect that this one had been relegated to target practice by a previous unloving owner with a BB Gun!:mad:

So there we have them - my latest project, which will see nine "new" figures for my Western shelf. The cost? - £22 the lot! - and a whole heap of fun along the way. Be seeing you later pardners. jb.:D
Here are my first two repaired, restored and repainted warriors - seemingly having a bit of a disagreement. Compare them with the sad little lumps of metal that they were originally (by looking back to the original opening pics) - and shows what can be done with a bit of care.

The Chief in the green shirt was originally a Britains figure - whilst the other was made by Crescent. Both needed some TLC - and a major repaint. The Britains figure needed most work as both front legs were not "as made", a new tail was added and many holes in the body were repaired prior to painting. The Crescent figure was remarkably intact - though needed a tomahawk added. Both have had bases fabricated from alloy sheet metal - and both are no longer unstable, so should last another century or so - as I don't use them for target practice!^&grin

Here are another couple of restored members of my tribe. On the left - a mounted Timpo warrior - now complete with a new (donated) leg and restrung bow. His horse is still a black pony - but now has a "Britains" tail and a new base that doesn't wobble any more! Next to him - stands a Britains Brave - now with a new barrel to his rifle - made from a piece of paper clip that was glued into his drilled out hand.

Check again with the first post to compare against the original look:D jb

Well pardners - I seem to have gotten my only Cowboy into a mess of trouble, this time. Here he is below, surrounded by members of my tribe - who seem a mite peeved that he has inadvertantly wandered into their territory.

A few more repaired braves and my Cowboy are shown below - added to those seen previously from this restoration. The Cowboy, Nevada Smith, in the green shirt has thankfully had his winchester barrel repaired (paper clips are wonderful things!), enough to give reply to the challenge. Note also his 45 in a holster which has been added by me - as Timpo (the manufacturer) never thought to give him a pistol - despite his belt being loaded up with cast-in bullets ( silly boys!). Soon fixed with the magic of milliput. I gave him a white hat too - as he is a Good guy!

Note also my new Chief with a Spear - on the "Painted Palamino" horse ( with spotted rump). [I looked his horse up on the Internet first - and painted him to look the same and that's what he's called, pardners]. Note that both the cowboy and this Chief are riding re-cast Timpo horses - as they had both parted company with their first steeds when they came to me as rather sad and damaged specimens. The Chief has had a new hunting knife added to his belt - and a fabricated spear - as his previous weapon somehow got lost along his travels, along with his horse. I drilled out his hand to accept the spear. The knives come as a spare part from Dorset Soldiers - and the spear is a piece of brass rod with milliput tip and feathers made from metal strip. Both have had a stronger base added too - as I find that the thin bases on these Timpo warriors are easily bent - which makes them rock'n'roll - if not "beefed up" a bit with some alloy sheet metal.

My third newcomer is on foot - twanging off a few arrows from his repaired bow and arrow at Nevada. This time, the figure is from Crescent, another old British maker, long gone from production. Once again, I have added a hunting knife to this figure's belt - and given him a glossy repaint. Once more - a look back to the beginning of the thread will show the difference modern paints ( I use Humbrol enamels) can make to these restored figures.

How will it all turn out for Nevada? Tune in again some time pardners - and you will find out - but not too soon - as I need a canoe for my kneeling brave with a paddle - and a new rear leg for my last mounted "Britains" horse - so I guess I'll need to mosey on down to Dorset for some more spares before they can be fixed up.

This story may have a distance to run yet though - as I have just had another success with an ebay lot of more old and slightly worse for wear band of mixed Injuns. So when I pick them up (there's 18 figures and two horses), and fix 'em up and repaint - my tribe will grow yet again.

Maybe see you later pardners,? Johnnybach.

Very nice, your skills are tremendous. It is great to see old toy soldiers saved and have them restored to their former glory.:salute::
Think it's great you have the talent and desire to save these, not only for you to enjoy, but now others to follow. In years to come some expert will be scratching their head trying to figure out the old and new bits of these figures. Good on you. Robin.
That's mighty nice of both of you pardners ( and all others who put a tick in the like boxes) ,to also enjoy what I do to these little beauties. I really can't emphasize enough just how enjoyable it is, to rescue them from oblivion! And yes Robin, I'm always trying to encourage others to follow - as when you strip away all of the layers of paint and grunge from these guys - there's usually a half-decent casting beneath - just crying out to be repaired, re-painted and restored to their former glory ( or maybe a little better - given modern repair materials, paints - and the time to paint them , that commercial firms never had, way back when they were first born!).

Finding and rescuing such as these is also NOT expensive - as figures like these only cost a pound or two at most - whilst some come in at pennies - or in some cases even free{eek3} ( I was given the cowboy with no head - as a donor figure - who provided his right leg for another figure who had lost his, somewhere along the line)^&cool. I'm constantly reading in other manufacturers threads - just how expensive some of the guys (many, I suspect with young families to support), are finding the hobby. Well, what I hope to also show - it doesn't HAVE to be like that - if you just "have a go" - and find a way to enjoy painting up a casting or two - or fixing up some oldies but goodies. Quite honestly, the sense of achievment you get when looking at a cabinet shelf full of these guys - is enormous. Its also great fun playing with them later.:D

Glad you like 'em - (almost as much as I do!)^&grin I'll post more - as and when I find 'em

Yee-haw pardners! jb
Well pardners - I seem to have gotten my only Cowboy into a mess of trouble, this time. Here he is below, surrounded by members of my tribe - who seem a mite peeved that he has inadvertantly wandered into their territory.

A few more repaired braves and my Cowboy are shown below - added to those seen previously from this restoration. The Cowboy, Nevada Smith, in the green shirt has thankfully had his winchester barrel repaired (paper clips are wonderful things!), enough to give reply to the challenge. Note also his 45 in a holster which has been added by me - as Timpo (the manufacturer) never thought to give him a pistol - despite his belt being loaded up with cast-in bullets ( silly boys!). Soon fixed with the magic of milliput. I gave him a white hat too - as he is a Good guy!

Note also my new Chief with a Spear - on the "Painted Palamino" horse ( with spotted rump). [I looked his horse up on the Internet first - and painted him to look the same and that's what he's called, pardners]. Note that both the cowboy and this Chief are riding re-cast Timpo horses - as they had both parted company with their first steeds when they came to me as rather sad and damaged specimens. The Chief has had a new hunting knife added to his belt - and a fabricated spear - as his previous weapon somehow got lost along his travels, along with his horse. I drilled out his hand to accept the spear. The knives come as a spare part from Dorset Soldiers - and the spear is a piece of brass rod with milliput tip and feathers made from metal strip. Both have had a stronger base added too - as I find that the thin bases on these Timpo warriors are easily bent - which makes them rock'n'roll - if not "beefed up" a bit with some alloy sheet metal.

My third newcomer is on foot - twanging off a few arrows from his repaired bow and arrow at Nevada. This time, the figure is from Crescent, another old British maker, long gone from production. Once again, I have added a hunting knife to this figure's belt - and given him a glossy repaint. Once more - a look back to the beginning of the thread will show the difference modern paints ( I use Humbrol enamels) can make to these restored figures.

How will it all turn out for Nevada? Tune in again some time pardners - and you will find out - but not too soon - as I need a canoe for my kneeling brave with a paddle - and a new rear leg for my last mounted "Britains" horse - so I guess I'll need to mosey on down to Dorset for some more spares before they can be fixed up.

This story may have a distance to run yet though - as I have just had another success with an ebay lot of more old and slightly worse for wear band of mixed Injuns. So when I pick them up (there's 18 figures and two horses), and fix 'em up and repaint - my tribe will grow yet again.

Maybe see you later pardners,? Johnnybach.

Looks like he needs some US Cavalry support ASAP jb, love the way these figures have turned out {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}


Looks like he needs some US Cavalry support ASAP jb, love the way these figures have turned out {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}



Yo dude! I can see where yore going with this one pardner - and as my shelf could do with a little dusting - I might well dig 'em out later - and set 'em up, along with a few others to keep 'em company and post a pic or two. maybe I'll dig out the stage-Coach too - as that's what started me off down this enjoyable trail in the first place. Just to whet the appetite - here's a taster.

It's Tonto, of course, alongside his old pardner "Kemo Sabe" - or The lone Ranger - seen here about to aprehend Billy the Kid.

Not repaired or restored these guys - but painted up from castings from Whitetower Miniatures - based here in the good old UK, this time - but they seem to fit in okay with the rest of my Western Pardners - mighty fine.

Incidentally, Billy is another first for me - as he was sent free of charge as a gift from the owner of Whitetower - Matthew Thair, to me. What a nice guy - Thanks mathew - I hope I've done him justice. jb

Well done jb. what a great job of breathing new life into a sad lot of Cowboys and Injuns. :smile2:

{bravo}} {bravo}} {bravo}}

Here follows a tale of the Old West - as told to me one night by an old cow-hand named Marty, around a camp-fire out near an old West Texas town named El Paso - or as best as I can remember - just as he told me. My tale concerns his story - but as a much younger man - when he was out trail-herding from an outfit driving a bunch of longhorns to the railroad for market.

He was out - eating trail-dirt, as usual, when he was surprised to run into a bunch of young bucks from a tribe known as the Jonnybachs, nearby. Without warning - they started to a-hooping and hollering - and then shooting some. Quickly spurring his horse into action - he tried to make his escape - but his horse stepped in a gopher hole - and tumbled him down. Drawing his trusty Henry rifle, from its scabbard - he quickly took shelter behind his downed horse and popped off a few shots - to remind the Injuns he was still around. They circled him warily - just enough to keep him busy - but far away enough to spoil his aim.

Back in the nearby camp - the rest of the punchers heard the shots - and quickly deducing what may have happened - the ramrod rounded up a few of the guys - and hit the saddle for the gunshot noise.

Away over another ridge, a small troop of Buffalo Soldiers - who were keeping company with the passing Deadwood Stagecoach - also heard the rucuss - and spurred on to see what the noise was all about. Within minutes, both groups had breasted a rise - and saw what was occuring. Without a second thought - or even a word - both groups charged in to the aid of the pinned down cow-puncher - and this is what faced them:

Some of the raiding party had even dismounted - the better to approach the downed galoot.

However, the force hitting the scene, now had considerable firepower - as the guns of the Soldiers, cowboys and even the Stagecoach opened up in ernest.

The opposing forces met - and a brief battle ensued - the Jonnybachs enraged that their sport had been interupted - and the cowboys and troopers determined that their amigo would not be lost to the renegades.

Hey - just a goldurned minute compadres - isn't that Hoppy getting in on the act too??? Good old Hoppy - never lets a good man down - he must be all of sixty-five, if he's a day!! How the heck did he get here?^&confuse

But the overwhelming firepower and the determined spirit of the West wins the day - yet again - and the Jonnybachs quite sensibly realise that this is not the best of days to die - and withdraw.


And that's the story as told by that old-timer Marty - who lived to bite off another chaw - and - some say, even wrote a song about it.

That may be so - but both of my bunches now live quietly together in the same cabinet. They come from many different backgrounds - some were Britains, Crescent, Segal or Benbros - and in need of some TLC. Others were from Dorset Soldiers, Whitetower Miniatures, Irregular Miniatures or Fusilier. But all have one thing in common - they were all painted by me - so I'm their Dad! Hope you liked Marty's story - and my lads, pardners. Adios for now, amigos - Johnnybach.
Here follows a tale of the Old West - as told to me one night by an old cow-hand named Marty, around a camp-fire out near an old West Texas town named El Paso - or as best as I can remember - just as he told me. My tale concerns his story - but as a much younger man - when he was out trail-herding from an outfit driving a bunch of longhorns to the railroad for market.

He was out - eating trail-dirt, as usual, when he was surprised to run into a bunch of young bucks from a tribe known as the Jonnybachs, nearby. Without warning - they started to a-hooping and hollering - and then shooting some. Quickly spurring his horse into action - he tried to make his escape - but his horse stepped in a gopher hole - and tumbled him down. Drawing his trusty Henry rifle, from its scabbard - he quickly took shelter behind his downed horse and popped off a few shots - to remind the Injuns he was still around. They circled him warily - just enough to keep him busy - but far away enough to spoil his aim.

Back in the nearby camp - the rest of the punchers heard the shots - and quickly deducing what may have happened - the ramrod rounded up a few of the guys - and hit the saddle for the gunshot noise.

Away over another ridge, a small troop of Buffalo Soldiers - who were keeping company with the passing Deadwood Stagecoach - also heard the rucuss - and spurred on to see what the noise was all about. Within minutes, both groups had breasted a rise - and saw what was occuring. Without a second thought - or even a word - both groups charged in to the aid of the pinned down cow-puncher - and this is what faced them:

Some of the raiding party had even dismounted - the better to approach the downed galoot.

However, the force hitting the scene, now had considerable firepower - as the guns of the Soldiers, cowboys and even the Stagecoach opened up in ernest.

The opposing forces met - and a brief battle ensued - the Jonnybachs enraged that their sport had been interupted - and the cowboys and troopers determined that their amigo would not be lost to the renegades.

Hey - just a goldurned minute compadres - isn't that Hoppy getting in on the act too??? Good old Hoppy - never lets a good man down - he must be all of sixty-five, if he's a day!! How the heck did he get here?^&confuse

But the overwhelming firepower and the determined spirit of the West wins the day - yet again - and the Jonnybachs quite sensibly realise that this is not the best of days to die - and withdraw.


And that's the story as told by that old-timer Marty - who lived to bite off another chaw - and - some say, even wrote a song about it.

That may be so - but both of my bunches now live quietly together in the same cabinet. They come from many different backgrounds - some were Britains, Crescent, Segal or Benbros - and in need of some TLC. Others were from Dorset Soldiers, Whitetower Miniatures, Irregular Miniatures or Fusilier. But all have one thing in common - they were all painted by me - so I'm their Dad! Hope you liked Marty's story - and my lads, pardners. Adios for now, amigos - Johnnybach.

Great story jb...and even greater figures {bravo}}:salute::


This will be the last repair picture from this particular "lot" - and shows all of my Western Injun figures on foot - plus my last remaining mounted figure to restore, at the rear. The mounted Chief is a rather nice Britains figure - but on stripping him back to the bare metal - I found that the horse's rear leg was a piece of wood that had been coated with plaster of some description. About twice its normal size - so - the leg just had to go!

A quick e-mail to Dorset Soldiers with an image enclosed - quickly confirmed that Giles could provide a spare leg for the horse. It is the same horse that Britains used for their Mounted Arab collection ( first produced over 100 years ago - in 1911!) - and new spares exist for him. If not - I would have made up an armature for the leg - and modelled onto it in Milliput - but the new spare will provide a more perfect repair - so I will delay that figure until I have it. You may note that one of his front legs had also been repaired, ( look back to original figure in first post), but on carefully removing the original repair - mostly of plaster! - I found the original hoof and lower leg was there, encased in plaster - so was able to do a more permanent repair on it by drilling and pinning it together, using epoxy resin glue - and filling the small gap left with milliput. It's possible to see the repair on the front rear lower leg in the picture - which will disappear once it is painted.

The last figure I've restored this time, therefore, is the central kneeling figure of a canoeist - who seems to be up the creek WITH his paddle - but missing that vital ingredient for a canoeist - a canoe! ^&grin But fear not - I fortunately know that Dorset Soldiers has one - because I saw it in a box there on my last visit - and another e-mail has reserved it for me. What would I do without the Internet???:confused:

All figures shown here are either Britains or Crescent originally - and all have been repaired and repainted - most with small modifications - such as hunting knives added and paintwork enhanced. I'm often asked how the decoration is applied to trouser seams, war bonnets etcetera - and the answer is by using a mixture of fine paintwork and/or permanent Indian Ink coloured pens - applied one at a time - when the last coat or application of a colour is dry - so can take a bit of time. The end product is sealed in with coats of clear varnish - and these are the results.

Last thing to note - is that I missed out mentioning my two Johillco figures, which appeared in my last pictured post - Doh!:redface2:

See you next time - when my tribe is set to grow again. johnnybach

Thoroughly enjoying this thread jb but one Wild West star you may, I did say may:wink2:, have forgotten is............RIN TIN TIN. You have got some of my/our TV Western heroes from a few years ago:rolleyes2: how about a four legged friend...and not a horse this time^&grin


Marty oops Martyn:)
Hi there pardner. I've been on the lookout for a suitable casting for "a smaller four-legged friend" for quite a while now - BUT haven't found a suitable donor at the moment. I do have in my stash - a couple more cowboy figures ( Gene Autrey and the Cisco Kid) - and would love a dawg to go with 'em.

So........I'll keep looking - but if anyone can point me in the right direction in the meantime - I'd be obliged.

And to think - all of these Western figures arrived AFTER I had accidentally found a pair of Stagecoach horses at a Car Boot Sale - and I didn't know what they were for??? GREAT hobby - this.:D jb
Hi there pardner. I've been on the lookout for a suitable casting for "a smaller four-legged friend" for quite a while now - BUT haven't found a suitable donor at the moment. I do have in my stash - a couple more cowboy figures ( Gene Autrey and the Cisco Kid) - and would love a dawg to go with 'em.

So........I'll keep looking - but if anyone can point me in the right direction in the meantime - I'd be obliged.

And to think - all of these Western figures arrived AFTER I had accidentally found a pair of Stagecoach horses at a Car Boot Sale - and I didn't know what they were for??? GREAT hobby - this.:D jb

^&grin You got that right jb :salute::


Almost forgot this one! Not strictly a repair, as I only fixed a small hole in his head - but was a complete re-paint for this seated Injun Chief, smoking a pipe.

He reminded me of my "Buffalo Soldier Old Timer" - also seated smoking a slightly smaller pipe - and enjoying a brew with a couple of his chums. So I thought I would show him sitting together with them and puffing away. Maybe he traded a bit of "baccy" for a warm at the fire.

My new Injun is actually going to eventually become part of my version of a lovely Trophy set called "The Fur Trader" - as I already have some pieces for it - and just need to obtain a few more bits, before I can complete it. :D

Anyway - here's my Chief below - reliving some old battles - with new chums. jb

[N.B. He was originally made by the British firm, Crescent - whilst the Buffalo Soldiers are from Nick at Camp Randall in the USA]

Very nice work jb, love the campfire/coffee pot and the great detail on Chief Hole-In-the-Head. :p:)

Cheers Buster - glad you like them.^&grin

I made up the Coffee Pot scene a while ago, from castings supplied by Camp Randall. The owner - Nick - tells me that I'm the first "Limey" who ever ordered any (he's from Chicago area) - and has become a firm email friend of mine - and we still chat quite often. Although he's now retired, as an ex-US Navy man, and a real character - he keeps an interest in all things military and TS.

I wish (once again) that I had taken a pic of my seated Chief - before re-painting. He was originally (and typically), very quickly painted by the Crescent painters, in mainly blue on one side - and red on the other. His body was metallic bronze - and after 60 or so years of being played with - he looked VERY playworn and sad! BUT - when what was left of the old paint job came off - what a casting he was underneath! Just cried out for a more colourful paint job. Not only did he have an enlarged hole on top of his head ( he's hollowcast, and the vent hole had been enlarged - I suspect by mischievous fingers!)- but he also had a tiny foot missing, I now recall - both of which were easy repairs involving a dab of glue and some milliput. I have learned to look beyond the immediate figure - and look for what's underneath - which is often still surprisingly excellent in many cases.

If you know the Trophy set - I'm currently making up my version of "The Fur Trader" from another figure - dressed in buckskins and holding a blanket out for trade - but have yet to obtain a satisfactory horse for him. My original choice for conversion has turned out to be unsatisfactory, as it looked too military - so I'm investigating using another one - with a more "Western" feel, this time. jb

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