No , i do not have WS238 yet ! It will be in my next round of pick-up's , i got a little behind with Andy churning out so many good Wehrmacht releases...I am there with you when you say the wehrmacht releases remind you of your childhood ; I loved my German infantry from Britains Deetail as a kid...I 've even taken to repainting some of the old stuff , take a look @ my pic album on my profile page...
The SS Handscar is also really interesting...Which leads us to the Balkans , interesting campaign...
The 38 (t) repainted as a Hungarian, Romanian or Bulgarian tank would work there , all Andy has to do is have them repainted...a 35 (t) would work nice...
Yes , that would be cool if the Wehrmacht soldier was carrying a case of beer...
I have seen old pic's of anti-tank gun crew's drinking beer in the aftermath of battle...I like seeing some realism coming to these soldiers...instead of always shooting kneeling , standing shooting etc...
Let me know what you pick up...