Not sure Joe but i'll go with beer!!!{sm3} Yeah, I like my new grey Wehrmacht troops although I have been really busy moving my collection over the last month or so, so I cannot say which one is my favourite. Once things settle down and I can have a close gawk at each figure then I might have a better idea but if it's anything like the rest of my collection, then i'll find it hard to find a fav! {sm2} Im not into the Hungarians, Romanian's or Bulgarian's so I cannot give an opinion on them but the new figures do look to be nicely detailed.
Jason, you have to be quick on here mate!!!!{sm4}
When I have finished my epic move fellas, i'll be wacking up a whole bunch of dio's which will include one with my Wehrmacht troops, 38t's and other vehicles. I have recently acquired a grey FOB Panzer IV so I will include that also.