These look new. (1 Viewer)

Cannot help thinking the attendee's look very sombre for what I thought would be a very enjoyable and fun event. Perhaps like everyone these days, they are pondering where they are going to find the money to purchase these latest splendid releases.^&confuse, Robin.

No - that was early in the party before drinks got served. ^&grin

Cannot help thinking the attendee's look very sombre for what I thought would be a very enjoyable and fun event. Perhaps like everyone these days, they are pondering where they are going to find the money to purchase these latest splendid releases.^&confuse, Robin.

Unfortunatly Robin you hit the nail right on the head,when something new comes out the first thing i think is "Is it worth it" the days of just grabbing everyhting you liked are long gone for me.
Maybe the First Fleet arriving in Australia????^&grin^&grin^&grin Nah, could not see any convicts.:smile2:
Cheers Howard

No, wrong uniforms for the Royal Marines in 1788 Howard....

These would suit the Egyptian campaign and as the fighting Demi Brigade has been released this month, it would give them some opposition.

Andy, being an ex-Marine, would have chose them in preference to the Army, but its a great choice.

Roll on 2014 and even more figures...

Unfortunatly Robin you hit the nail right on the head,when something new comes out the first thing i think is "Is it worth it" the days of just grabbing everyhting you liked are long gone for me.

Eagle eye Wayne has been at it again!!!! I agree mate that it's becoming hard to grab everything but I think that's the way of the world with the cost of not only TS, but everything inceasing all the time.

Eagle eye Wayne has been at it again!!!! I agree mate that it's becoming hard to grab everything but I think that's the way of the world with the cost of not only TS, but everything inceasing all the time.


I gotta have the Wehrmacht soldier carrying the pig...That would play so well in alot of diorama's...Also it's a unique piece...

Cannot help thinking the attendee's look very sombre for what I thought would be a very enjoyable and fun event. Perhaps like everyone these days, they are pondering where they are going to find the money to purchase these latest splendid releases.^&confuse, Robin.

True! They look upset about those releases...if it were me I'd be right at that table with a stupid grin on my face! Feels like a "2nd" monthly dispatch! {sm3} Lots of cool pieces on display. I keen on seeing those redcoats, they look very nice. Always nice to see boats of any kind as well.
Maybe, the penny dropped, it was not lost in translation, it actually is indeed a plastic Sherman!!!LOL

Cannot help thinking the attendee's look very sombre for what I thought would be a very enjoyable and fun event. Perhaps like everyone these days, they are pondering where they are going to find the money to purchase these latest splendid releases.^&confuse, Robin.
Cannot help thinking the attendee's look very sombre for what I thought would be a very enjoyable and fun event. Perhaps like everyone these days, they are pondering where they are going to find the money to purchase these latest splendid releases.^&confuse, Robin.

Maybe the Credit Cards were maxed out and the Lobby ATM was out of money. Andy proceeds to whip out the new 'Special Show Figures' available for the next hour at half price. :(
I gotta have the Wehrmacht soldier carrying the pig...That would play so well in alot of diorama's...Also it's a unique piece...


Yeah Joe, it would be a good one to have. HB brought out a panzer crew member carrying a pig and this figure (and pig) came with the HB Panther numbered 421. I think it's a fairly unique piece.

Yeah Joe, it would be a good one to have. HB brought out a panzer crew member carrying a pig and this figure (and pig) came with the HB Panther numbered 421. I think it's a fairly unique piece.



You beat me to it! I was going to mention that HB set. I can't wait to see this K&C figure.

You beat me to it! I was going to mention that HB set. I can't wait to see this K&C figure.

Tom & Jason ,

Just curious what his partner in crime is carrying ?! I know it's a box , but of wine ? beer ? potato's & carrot's ? i geuss we have to wait & see.
I like what Andy is doing with the early Wehrmacht infantry line...I 've already acquired a few of fav's ; the infantryman drinking from his canteen , & the one smoking...These are all going very well with my pair of 38(t) 's...
How do you guy's feel about Hungarian's,Romanian's or Bulgarian's ??? The early war theme seems to be playing well for Andy/K&C...I see we even got SS Handscar Moutain infantry , they played in the Balkans...Might be a good time to see some of these Satellite troops !!
Share some thought's !!

Tom & Jason ,

Just curious what his partner in crime is carrying ?! I know it's a box , but of wine ? beer ? potato's & carrot's ? i geuss we have to wait & see.
I like what Andy is doing with the early Wehrmacht infantry line...I 've already acquired a few of fav's ; the infantryman drinking from his canteen , & the one smoking...These are all going very well with my pair of 38(t) 's...
How do you guy's feel about Hungarian's,Romanian's or Bulgarian's ??? The early war theme seems to be playing well for Andy/K&C...I see we even got SS Handscar Moutain infantry , they played in the Balkans...Might be a good time to see some of these Satellite troops !!
Share some thought's !!



As we have discussed before I love the Wehrmacht figures. Part of it is nostalgia as it reminds me of the toy soldiers I played with as a kid (my wife would tell you that I still am a kid). I have begun to collect all of them and will probably pick up a couple more of them at Sierra tomorrow. I will keep you posted on what I get. If you do not have it already, WS238 is my favorite so far, I highly recommend it. It is a great figure, the detail the pose etc. all work together perfectly.

I am interested in the Balkan campaigns, I wonder what vehicles will come of it?

I am very curious as to what the other soldier is carrying. Beer would be a nice touch, but potatoes are more likely!


As we have discussed before I love the Wehrmacht figures. Part of it is nostalgia as it reminds me of the toy soldiers I played with as a kid (my wife would tell you that I still am a kid). I have begun to collect all of them and will probably pick up a couple more of them at Sierra tomorrow. I will keep you posted on what I get. If you do not have it already, WS238 is my favorite so far, I highly recommend it. It is a great figure, the detail the pose etc. all work together perfectly.

I am interested in the Balkan campaigns, I wonder what vehicles will come of it?

I am very curious as to what the other soldier is carrying. Beer would be a nice touch, but potatoes are more likely!



No , i do not have WS238 yet ! It will be in my next round of pick-up's , i got a little behind with Andy churning out so many good Wehrmacht releases...I am there with you when you say the wehrmacht releases remind you of your childhood ; I loved my German infantry from Britains Deetail as a kid...I 've even taken to repainting some of the old stuff , take a look @ my pic album on my profile page...
The SS Handscar is also really interesting...Which leads us to the Balkans , interesting campaign...
The 38 (t) repainted as a Hungarian, Romanian or Bulgarian tank would work there , all Andy has to do is have them repainted...a 35 (t) would work nice...
Yes , that would be cool if the Wehrmacht soldier was carrying a case of beer...
I have seen old pic's of anti-tank gun crew's drinking beer in the aftermath of battle...I like seeing some realism coming to these soldiers...instead of always shooting kneeling , standing shooting etc...
Let me know what you pick up...

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Cannot help thinking the attendee's look very sombre for what I thought would be a very enjoyable and fun event. Perhaps like everyone these days, they are pondering where they are going to find the money to purchase these latest splendid releases.^&confuse, Robin.

Lucky somebody invented the Euro otherwise would be sombre trying to calculate US$'s to Lira. According to Wiki the conversion rate was 1,936.27 lire to the euro when ended in 2002. So 100,000 plus a current figure.
Tom & Jason ,

Just curious what his partner in crime is carrying ?! I know it's a box , but of wine ? beer ? potato's & carrot's ? i geuss we have to wait & see.
I like what Andy is doing with the early Wehrmacht infantry line...I 've already acquired a few of fav's ; the infantryman drinking from his canteen , & the one smoking...These are all going very well with my pair of 38(t) 's...
How do you guy's feel about Hungarian's,Romanian's or Bulgarian's ??? The early war theme seems to be playing well for Andy/K&C...I see we even got SS Handscar Moutain infantry , they played in the Balkans...Might be a good time to see some of these Satellite troops !!
Share some thought's !!


Not sure Joe but i'll go with beer!!!{sm3} Yeah, I like my new grey Wehrmacht troops although I have been really busy moving my collection over the last month or so, so I cannot say which one is my favourite. Once things settle down and I can have a close gawk at each figure then I might have a better idea but if it's anything like the rest of my collection, then i'll find it hard to find a fav! {sm2} Im not into the Hungarians, Romanian's or Bulgarian's so I cannot give an opinion on them but the new figures do look to be nicely detailed.

Jason, you have to be quick on here mate!!!!{sm4}

When I have finished my epic move fellas, i'll be wacking up a whole bunch of dio's which will include one with my Wehrmacht troops, 38t's and other vehicles. I have recently acquired a grey FOB Panzer IV so I will include that also.

Not sure Joe but i'll go with beer!!!{sm3} Yeah, I like my new grey Wehrmacht troops although I have been really busy moving my collection over the last month or so, so I cannot say which one is my favourite. Once things settle down and I can have a close gawk at each figure then I might have a better idea but if it's anything like the rest of my collection, then i'll find it hard to find a fav! {sm2} Im not into the Hungarians, Romanian's or Bulgarian's so I cannot give an opinion on them but the new figures do look to be nicely detailed.

Jason, you have to be quick on here mate!!!!{sm4}

When I have finished my epic move fellas, i'll be wacking up a whole bunch of dio's which will include one with my Wehrmacht troops, 38t's and other vehicles. I have recently acquired a grey FOB Panzer IV so I will include that also.


Tom ,

Just saw a close up pic of the K & C Wehrmacht releases on the London show thread...The soldier carrying the pig looks good & the other one has a crate of apples...
Also the captured Russian armored car looks good as well...
Good luck finishing up moving everything...look forward to seeing some Dio's from you with the Wehrmacht release's...
Also great acquisition with the FOB Pz 4...I have the DAK version & it is my favorite , a classic !

Tom ,

Just saw a close up pic of the K & C Wehrmacht releases on the London show thread...The soldier carrying the pig looks good & the other one has a crate of apples...
Also the captured Russian armored car looks good as well...
Good luck finishing up moving everything...look forward to seeing some Dio's from you with the Wehrmacht release's...
Also great acquisition with the FOB Pz 4...I have the DAK version & it is my favorite , a classic !


Thanks Joe and it looks like the bloke carrying the pig and the other with the apples is a must! Pity about the beer but I guess the Wehrmacht didn't have that much of a drinking problem during the war!!{sm4}

Yes, the AK Panzer IV is a goody and im glad I got that one some time ago as well.


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