This is unusual.... (1 Viewer)

All it takes is one complaint up here. But it helps that the Canadian Broadcasts Standards Council is made up of political hacks, f**8ts and douche***s. That's why there are no more Christmas trees in Canada. They're all Holiday trees now.

What next, a ban on 'Lady Chatterley's lover' perhaps!:rolleyes:;)

I was reading a list of ten most controversial films today and could not believe the disney movie Aladdin was on. Why? for the following two reasons:

Aladdin and Jasmine were accused of being anglicised in both appearance and voice whilst, the villains were dark skinned had thick accents and lived up too arab stereotypes. (whatever they were was not said)

Secondly, the song arabian nights was released in the cinema with the lyrics ''where they cut of your ears if they don't like your face, its barbaric but, hey its home''

This was changed to ''where its flat and immense and the heat is intense but, hey its home''

Madness. Its easy to see when a statement is intended and nasty and when they are innocuous and, I do think we have lost the ability to laugh about things that are really not that important.

I do like the britfarmers idea about them actually doing some good in the world but, its easier to imagine everyone needs protecting from un PC comments. I worry about these people who jump on supposed labels and the like as I believe in psychological terms these people are more likely to have these opinions supressed in their character
What about "The Wizard of Oz"? That whole mess is ripe for a PC makeover.:eek::rolleyes:;) -- Al
No next on the list is

Snow White and the seven vertically challenged men. :eek:

It should be noted that in the vertically challenged department women and ***s are under represented and a more accurate representation of the modern demographic should be two women,two men, one lesbian, one *** and one transexual. Questions will also be raised as to why the main character should be White?
It is also a fact that one out of seven dwarves are Grumpy. Trooper
It should be noted that in the vertically challenged department women and ***s are under represented and a more accurate representation of the modern demographic should be two women,two men, one lesbian, one *** and one transexual. Questions will also be raised as to why the main character should be White?

I understand the UK Apple marketing council are also considering legal action over the depiction of one of their apples being used in a poison scenario regarding aforementioned Ms White. Ms White has stated she did not actually swallow so technically no offence has been commited, investigators have promised to get to the core of the incident as soon as possible.

Some folks are just....


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