Thoughts on the new Romans. (2 Viewers)


Well said. I have spent thousands on CS over many years and, can comment on a company I think are good positively and negatively when needed. The fact that they are romans has no matter as the quality issue and points Brian raised can equally apply to all future figures and, Brian needs to know what his customer base thinks about dramatic changes. Its only a few who fail miserably to see this

Well the guy who started the thread did SEE them and the rest of us have eyes.
If we do not comment on this forum about quality issues then where must we do that?
Nothing wrong with a collector saying his/her piece.
Now I am in full agreement with you!!!!!

If we do not comment on this forum about quality issues then where must we do that?
Nothing wrong with a collector saying his/her piece.
One point to note,some of us don't live near any shops to go see for ourselves.Now lets move forward,Brian when you do my French & Indian War I want a fierce French/Indian raiding party,proper British troops,some rugged Roger's Rangers and a bateaux.Do that and I'm in.^&grin {bravo}}{bravo}}
I agree, this forum is a valuable resource to both collectors and to manufacturers! Opinions are just that, opinions... I think people can see through the rhetoric and decide for themselves what they want to purchase or not.
When I commented on the Romans I didn't do it to down Brian or his company in any way.I have seen many of his products and commented on them positively many times.I thought his Polish Lancers were superb.I like many of his civil war and WWII products.I think they are great.I only collect one period at this time and Brian doesn't do this period.I have bought a couple of sets of civil war but didn't keep them not because I didn't like them but because I decided I wasn't going to collect civil war at that time.What bothers me is that people think they can dictate my opinion because I don't agree with them or have no "right" to because I'm not buying that product at this time.I'm sure Brian want's to hear his customer's opinions but I think he would want to hear potential customers also.Some people have said that not many members post here.Maybe the reason is that they think their opinions will be blasted by the "self appointed"moderaters of this forum.If the Reuss's or Pat or Scott flag me for something that's fine but don't anyone else try to tell me what I can say.Brian I am a fan of your products,love your animation and maybe someday you will do a range I want to collect.The best to all.

Great post Mark. Everyone here should be able to voice their opinions w/o being attacked regardless of what one collects.
I think these figures got a bad rap the first time around...I have bought them myself and see nothing wrong with my opinion...they are quite nice and an exceptional value for the money...

the shading is really nice...the muscularity in their arms is very well defined...

the sculpts are great poses...all active...none idle...

the facial expressions are really cool...they all set a mind frame of the figures purpose...

they seem very well painted...especially the washes...

I see no holes in any of my figures...none...

I don't know if Joe (Sahara) just got an exceptionally bad batch that somehow slipped through proofing...

but I love mine...

here are some pics of the Catapult set...I quit taking extreme close-ups some time ago...I felt it was an injustice to all the manufacturer to display these under a microscope...

if I could make one constructive comment...and I said this when I received the first batch issued....I would like to see stronger weapons...I know Brian was aware of we talked about it...and he said he would address it...and I believe that these are sturdier than the first releases...but...I would still like even stronger weapons...even if they have to be oversized or made of steel...I play with my figures a lot and prefer sturdier weapons (swords/staffs/vitis etc...)

these figures are very nice...

I bought a couple more sets I will take photos of...


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here's a few more...nice job Brian...


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I also got this Barbarian...and he looks really nice to me....I love the detail on his knee...the torn pants and holes in this casting...a very nice figure in my opinion...


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If we do not comment on this forum about quality issues then where must we do that?
Nothing wrong with a collector saying his/her piece.

Well said and thought that the whole point of a forum
the Roman swinging the staff is a new figure...personally I think he is very nicely done...


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Delivered the photos of your new sets as I was told you would earlier Michael and as always nicely posed and photograph. Like your new huts an looking forward to seeing them on their own. Once again buddy thanks for sharing your play time.........PapaZ
I dare say that if you blow up the pictures on my figures you will find tons of glaring paint defects as well. I have been doing commission work for some time now and even the best have little deficencies that are glaring when enlarged. Sorry I got on this late. But three huzzahs for Brian in doing the right thing!{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Got my new Romans today.They look good to me i will post some photo's late week to see what you guys think.No holes that i can see with the naked eye at least.Unfortunate for Joe but i think he may have gotten a bad batch of a few of his figures.Mine look like Mike Miller's and i also like them a lot.Thanks Mike B.:tongue:
I got the two fighting sets of the Romans & Celts yesterday and I too thought they looked fine. To my eye the detail on shields, woad and expression were as good as the first lot. I do have a concern about the packaging. The weapons get bent and while they can be bent back, you do so with your heart in your mouth sometimes. So maybe this can be looked at down the track. Looking forward to the 3rd wave and saving up for chariots!
MIKE MILLER LOVE YOUR NEW SHOTS DID YOU MAKE THE VILLAGE SCENE?Have not forgotten to take some shots of my new Romans just have not had time yet.Will get to it before the weekend --I hope.Thanks Mike B.
I recently purchased the Centurian attacking the Celt set, and found that I needed to repair the Celt's sword. Otherwise, I was very satisfied with the detail work on the figures. Only have one set to go in this year's release (Celt attacking Roman). A Ballista and crew would be a fine addition for next year. Saw the photos on this thread; and wondered if the Celtic huts were hand made or purchased from a specific manufacturer; they look great?

I also got this Barbarian...and he looks really nice to me....I love the detail on his knee...the torn pants and holes in this casting...a very nice figure in my opinion...

Great diorama...I am not so interested in antiquity and have little space left, but this serie is really great!!!!! Beautiful detailed figures,realistic, a lot of action, super sculpts and painting....They are a real improvement in toy soldiers history for me

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