By private commisions I mean customers have arranged to have figures made, as aposed to the whole range being put on the open market. (I mean six thousand pieces.)
I understand collectors frustrations but Ken is determined to keep Trophy whole. Over the last couple of years he has had offers to buy the moulds. It's suprising how many people think that if you've got the mould, you have the right to produce them a la Prince August! In fact you have to buy the masters and the production rights! And then when it comes down to it, the potencial buyers have actualy wanted to "cherry pick" what they see as the best bits! If there was a serious offer to move the "whole" range to the U.S. and you like the idea of storeing hundreds of moulds. Then casting, cleaning, painting, boxing and then sticking them on a shelf in the hope that someone will buy all your hard work. Or if you all want to pool together and pass the moulds to another maker to keep, Who know's it might even be considered.
As to Len's involvement. Ken and Len have been good friend for a very long time. Ken didn't buy Trophy in some kind of hostile takeover!
As anyone involved with this business knows Len Taylor is one of the nicest men you'll ever meet. I remember when I first got into this, every other maker was a definate compeditor, Len on the other hand was the only person to offer me help.
I'll let you get on with you're thread and say no more.