Tiger Recovery (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Feb 18, 2008
One of the items I picked up at the Chicago show was a slightly damaged Bergepanther which was a wonderful find. :)

Members of a recovery unit begin the work of getting a precious Tiger back into action in the East in the summer of 1944.



One of the items I picked up at the Chicago show was a slightly damaged Bergepanther which was a wonderful find. :)

Members of a recovery unit begin the work of getting a precious Tiger back into action in the East in the summer of 1944.



Outstanding dio, Frank. Hard to beat the two excellent HB AFV's. -- Al
Wayne is correct! the primary damage was the 2-tonne jib crane was broken off and missing. This is not a problem at all since in reality the crane was removable and there are a lot more pictures without it mounted than with it. Aside from that it has a few nicks and scrapes.
Outstanding photography work once again Frank . . . your photos always amaze me . . .
:smile2: Mike
Great work Frank. I have 2 HB Bergpanthers myself. Sooner or later though, all the Tigers end up here . . .

Brilliant pics and, a great find. I know its subjective but, for me they still are the nicest AFV's that have been produced and the pics only further show this
Wow, GREAT pics. I only wish I'd have grabbed one of those HB Bergepanthers when I had the chance ('he who hesitates is lost'). I agree with Mitch, my HB winter panther is my favorite AFV.
Wow, GREAT pics. I only wish I'd have grabbed one of those HB Bergepanthers when I had the chance ('he who hesitates is lost'). I agree with Mitch, my HB winter panther is my favorite AFV.

I think there may still be one or two in Canada. I thought I saw one recently from a dealer for $225?

Great picture of the wrecking arm. Now I can make one. I got one last year that was missing the same piece. I have been holding off for lack of a good picture showing all the detail.{sm3}
Such a great set. Since I limit my WWII collection to Bulge/winter series, I sure they had a winter version listed.
Thanks much for the assist though !

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