Tigers Tigers everywhere (1 Viewer)

No surprises German Armour sells well like the mighty TIGER {eek3},but you must admit the allied stuff was pretty ugly.........................^&grin

Agreed mate! But i reckon you and i will cop a bit of stick for saying that the allied stuff looks ordinary....^&grin

well, I may as well join you as I have said allied armour including the sherman are not just ordinary but, butt ugly AFV's for a while. Can't think of any allied tank thats equal to german armour from WWII
My favs of the allied tanks are the M26 Pershing and the T34/85, the best of an ugly lot imo.
{sm4} indeed most of the allied AFVs couldnt match the german AFVs for style....but they did try very hard to match them for firepower by upgrading their guns etc...will the sherman be more "attractive" IF KC produce a captured sherman?! {sm3}

on the other hand, i think the russian AFVs were quite appealing....

well, I may as well join you as I have said allied armour including the sherman are not just ordinary but, butt ugly AFV's for a while. Can't think of any allied tank thats equal to german armour from WWII
Not for me, a captured sherman is still ugly just with balkenkruz added!! I agree that the russians had decent AFV's don't like the T-34 at all but, think the KVI and KVII were quite good. Now, a captured KVI would be something to see

{sm4} indeed most of the allied AFVs couldnt match the german AFVs for style....but they did try very hard to match them for firepower by upgrading their guns etc...will the sherman be more "attractive" IF KC produce a captured sherman?! {sm3}

on the other hand, i think the russian AFVs were quite appealing....
yes the KVs are nice.......surprised that KC hasnt "visited" them yet!^&confuse

Not for me, a captured sherman is still ugly just with balkenkruz added!! I agree that the russians had decent AFV's don't like the T-34 at all but, think the KVI and KVII were quite good. Now, a captured KVI would be something to see
The Sherman Firefly with the 17pounder is an awesome looking vehicle, must have been a huge shock to the Tiger crews when they first came up against them, especially for Wittman!{eek3}

Churchill is the ugliest in my view, the petard version looks even worse as its a stubby looking thing, but still it blew large holes in Hitlers Atlantic wall so can't be all bad!{bravo}}

No doubt the Tigers are on the loose! {eek3} I don't have one in my collection yet as I've been holding out for a new K&C Normandy/Late War version in tri colour camo with Zimmeritt. I think now that the early and mid war ones have been done this is probably the next to come. That new early war winter version is very tempting, I prefer it to the recently released striped Snow Tiger. ^&cool

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