Very nice scene Robin, it depicts very well the chaos, despair and close quarter fights that rampaged Berlin in late April 1945, mixing soldiers and civilians!
I like the bridge with the water and vegetation. The photo with the bridge and the road sloping away in the back is greatly enhanced by that striking backdrop.
Well done. Regards Greg.
I love that scene, Robin. A very different depiction of the Japanese advance along the peninsular . I have a couple sets of the bicycle troops to hopefuly use in a somewhat similar scene. I think I might steal a bit of yours ... {eek3}
The T.G. Japanese seem to go well the the K&C sets ...!
Very nice Robin! Must have been funny to see the German's scratching their heads trying to figure what McAuliffe's answer meant {sm4} I also loved that JJD figure with the umbrella! By the way, a sister of that Jacob's church is all the way across the globe here in my collection in Brazil...
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