time on my hands at last (4 Viewers)

Hi Robin, that's a smart looking Junk, where did you pick that up from?

Thanks for your comments Jeff & Mitch, check out the thread on K&C, Sailing the South China Seas for more details. Cheers, Robin.
Thanks for your comments Jeff & Mitch, check out the thread on K&C, Sailing the South China Seas for more details. Cheers, Robin.

Hi Robin,

I saw that after I posted here, you lucky dog you! ^&cool...that is a great model and is this the start of your fleet? :wink2: :salute::

Defending a mountain pass, cheers, Robin.


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Bloody Hell Robin! {sm3}...is there anything you don't collect?
You have a seriously awesome collection and a right knack on how to get the best out of displaying them! {bravo}}

Jeff :salute::
Knew sooner or later the Conte Gordon Highlanders would be making their appearance in time on my hand . A great addition to your collection an got a good hunnch his Afghan Warriors will be joining them whe they've become available......The Lt.{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Nice to hear from you Jeff & Joe, had these since they were released ages ago and now finally got round to displaying them, they are a very good action set. Been watching your photo's Joe on ways to set them out and yes Jeff I collect way to much, thanks for commenting, cheers, Robin.
Nice to hear from you Jeff & Joe, had these since they were released ages ago and now finally got round to displaying them, they are a very good action set. Been watching your photo's Joe on ways to set them out and yes Jeff I collect way to much, thanks for commenting, cheers, Robin.

But what's ever so nice about your collecting to much is that you share it with us Robin and thanks for doing it......Joe
Skinner's Horse, photo 2, Cheers, Robin.


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Skinner's Horse move out to see service in the Afghan 1878 War campaign. The Ludhiana Sikhs Regiment send them off in a splendour flurry wishing them a speedy return, Cheers, Robin.


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The French fight back, cheers, Robin.


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A section of the 95th Rifles throw a skirmish line in front of a battery of rockets, whilst another section storm the bridge into the French lines, cheers, Robin.


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Hi Robin, Thats what I like to see - the 95th doing what it does best! :wink2: {bravo}}

Jeff :salute::
a section of the 95th rifles throw a skirmish line in front of a battery of rockets, whilst another section storm the bridge into the french lines, cheers, robin.

hope that is a permanent setup robin ,just a great scene ,when are you coming around ,have to catch up graham
A Typhoon scores a direct hit on a Flak battery, cheers, Robin.


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Nice dio Robin and i won't ask what "really" happened to the Flak's! :wink2:


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