Timpo GI Soldiers of WW2 (1 Viewer)

Hi - thanks Scott, pleased you like it - but it was really, literally, just a vehicle - to show off my new Timpo lookalikes!:D

Here's another one - with alongside - the original radio Operator. Note how cleverly the sculptor has adapted the original figure to make the new one, half in, half out of the Jeep. The radio set was removed ( and now sits in the rear of the Jeep) - whilst the old squatting figure has had the new leg added. A really delightful little set - that really adds something to the original group, ( a few more of which are lurking in the background).

Any Timpo GI collectors out there take note - these are available - with or without the Jeep ( as they fit any of the Dinky types) from Dorset Soldiers - either as castings - or painted to go with the original set. jb

Very nice JB, really is an certain enchantment with the glossy's even in a more modern application, I have very few glossy sets, i do have 2 nicholson WWII, 101st airborne set and 12th ss div.
really like them, but glossy vehicles in this scale, this era seem few and far between.
Very nice JB, really is an certain enchantment with the glossy's even in a more modern application, I have very few glossy sets, i do have 2 nicholson WWII, 101st airborne set and 12th ss div.
really like them, but glossy vehicles in this scale, this era seem few and far between.

Hi Ray. I've been stuck on Glossy Toy Soldiers - since - well........as far back as I can remember. I'm of an age , that when I was a kid, there were only Glossies about.

Nowadays, there are all sorts of "categories" to Toy Soldiers - which include Matte, Models, Figurines - or even Connoisseur Figures ( there may be other "categories" I've missed). Well, maybe so - the World turns - and Toy Soldiers move on too. That's as may be - but I'm afraid I don't. A Toy Soldier, for me, is Glossy. Always was - and always will be - 'cos that's the way I like them. Maybe that's why I like to paint may own, so much - they are getting trickier to find.

So................ if my soldiers are glossy - well - if they are in a truck - that's glossy too.

I think you got the word right in your opening statement. "Enchantment". Glossies (for me ) are enchanting.

Glad you like 'em too - jb
Good job JB. The jeep matches well with your soldiers. I like the jerry cans on the hood. You got to stop tempting me with Dorset Timpo Soldiers.{sm4}
Good job JB. The jeep matches well with your soldiers. I like the jerry cans on the hood. You got to stop tempting me with Dorset Timpo Soldiers.{sm4}

Won't cost you a fortune chum. I found the Jeep for less than £5 - and the 3 castings were also £4 each. Don't know what that is in bucks - but it's not a lot - as it's well under £20 for the lot. The jerry-cans and Cam-net on the hood - came with the Jeep, by the way - and are plastic. But when painted - you wouldn't know the difference. I just need to find a spare wheel for it now!:) Does look good though.

I think that Giles has a few genuine Dinky Jeeps in his stock, (when I was there last month - he'd bought a box-full from a fellow dealer - that just need a re-paint) - so if you're quick - he might have some left - but there I go - tempting you again:D jb
Great job on them shiny GIs, jb. Who says WWII cain't be glossy ..... tweren't me! ^&grin

B. :salute::
Hi Rediarmor - I think you have one of the set there that I don't have a copy of (yet). Fiddle with the focus a bit - it's what I usually do!!!:D

Here are a couple more that I've just added to my squad. I've put them with a few of their pals in fighting poses - to show how well they all fit in together. The new pair are in the foreground - Charging with bayonet fixed - and kneeling firing.

These two were another pair of figures donated to Giles - so that re-casts could be made. I think that leaves a couple more required - and then all of the originals will be available ( PLUS of course, the occupants of the jeep - which were never part of the original set - but fit in perfectly). jb

Thanks Jonny, I have actually started repainting the figure. I had repainted before, copying the colours that were present, but it looks like someone had been dabbling before I got it. I will be finishing this one in gloss of course.

p.s. Sorry about the blurred picture, this one looks a little better.
I've been a bit busy with one or two more additions to my Timpo GI's again - even though, strictly speaking, quite a few of my latest figures currently under development - are not Timpo pieces at all.

You may recall my last Dinky radio-jeep ( included again below with three crew members). These were made to look like they were some of the Timpo GI's, by using castings of bits and pieces from Dorset Soldiers which were made to look similar to the original set.

Well, I put my thinking cap on - and once again made up another Dinkey Jeep - to look like some of the adapted ones which were used to great effect during WWII - as local "Ambulance" evacuation vehicles - often in frontline situations - to get injured GI's swiftly to areas of comparative safety - where their medical needs could be attended to swiftly and more safely. Various configurations were frequently made using whatever materials were available to adapt the flat bonnet - and rear carriage areas into stretcher areas to hold injured people safely - whilst they were speedily whisked away for treatment. Scaffolding, or even wooden poles were often adapted, bolted or lashed together to make a variety of carrying areas for stretchers. jb

This is my own version of an "Ambulance Jeep" below. I used some wood and wire supports (coffee stirrers - and some solid wire), to make up two stretcher holders on the front and rear parts of another playworn Dinkey Jeep that I found - and have begun re-painting in the same style as my former "Radio Jeep" version.

I've just changed the decals around a bit - and converted the radio to a first-aid box on my latest version. The driver is the same figure as before, whilst the passenger this time will become a figure in the front passenger seat - and will hold a plasma bottle on the end of a rifle - giving a drip to one of the two injured stretcher bound GI's, who will be on the front and rear areas of the jeep. These are, of course, re-casts of two of the Timpo GI's on stretchers - which were part of the original set - again shown below with the two stretcher bearers fore and aft - carrying yet another casualty.

I show them below - as a work in progress - to show more clearly what I am doing to the vehicle and figures - which are not yet complete. I also have another couple of figures from the original set (not shown), which I will include next time. jb

Okay Ray - here's an update - most of the bits together now - so it's mostly a paint job from here on in. Forgot to say that I also have a couple of genuine Charbens GI figures - which looked a lot like the Timpo figures. These are genuine hollowcasts - and were in need of painting - so will also add these in too. :D

I picked up two Charbens GI's whilst in England which were both structurally sound - just had quite a few additional coats of paint applied on top of the original paint job. Suited me fine - as I want to re-paint them with the same colour scheme as my collection of Timpo GI's anyway.

I've put the two cleaned off Charbens fi9gures, on either side of my Timpo marching GI with valise - which shows the similarities and differences nicely. Just begun painting the left hand figure - with odds and ends of paint - as I'm painting my other Timpo re-cast figures. jb

Love this thread jb {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

What you need to add is a Military Police jeep, let me know if you need any pictures :wink2:


Love this thread jb {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

What you need to add is a Military Police jeep, let me know if you need any pictures :wink2:



That's a thought to dwell on over the Winter months M. I also have somewhere at the back of my mind, a thought of a White UN Patrol version - with the Timpo lookalike guys inside wearing the UN blue helmets.

Hmmmm???? maybe this thread has a few more miles in it yet. I'll bear it in mind M - don't lose the album.^&cool
Back to the present - here's a pic of my Ambulance Jeep - all but completed. Just a few little bits and bobs to tidy up - like connect the poor lad's drip to his arm - as it's currently going under the bonnet!^&grin [Made with a bit of wire and a piece of milliput] I've also shown the last two figures that I needed to complete the original set of Timpo GI's (9004 - GI crawling with rifle and the Mine Detector GI - 9003). Once I've painted my two Charbens figures and completed my tidy up of this small project - I'll add them to my Timpo re-casts and then take a pic of them all to show them here.

Fun Fun Fun!

Exactly Ray - that's the whole point of collecting to paint - for me:D

Here's a couple more pics for you to enjoy - all Timpo recasts - or Timpo lookalikes in the two second hand, repainted Jeeps - plus a few splashes of paint.:D

I bought them all as castings - or used for the Dinky Toy Jeeps, from Dorset Soldiers - and have had heaps of fun with them all the way. I have just a few more to collect from the Ceremonial Party ( they go with the guy with the Stars and Stripes), and I'll have them all. Have to excuse me now - I'm off for a little play with them - helmet on {sm3}. jb

[I'll post another pic with my two Charbens figures ( which are very similar to Timpo) when they've been completed.]

One last pic for this time - which shows my last two figures - which aren't Timpo at all.;) The two marching GI's with rifles slung - either side of the GI also with rifle slung and a valise - are genuine hollowcast Charbens figures. I found these in need of a new paint job - so stripped and painted them to look a lot like the Timpo re-casts that I have been slowly building up - and whom they so closely resemble. There is a slight difference with the helmets between the two marques - and some other minor differences in style - but these are very close stylistically. My ambulance jeep to the rear is now finished too - and though never a Timpo offering - fits in very well with the rest of my collection of these marvelous old pieces. jb


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