TM Terrain Roman Fort Diorama (2 Viewers)


Command Sergeant Major
Apr 7, 2008
I know many of you have seen pictures of the diorama that I have been working on but I wanted to share some pictures of a diorama that David from TM Terrain just finished for me. I can finally say that this project is done almost a year after initial talks began in early 2011. I know some would ask why build a fort and then turn around and buy one. My answer is simply that I have always wanted a professional diorama of my own. Yes, I like what I did with mine but Davids work is entirely on a different level.

I told David going into to the project that this diorama would be for FLs "Glory of Rome" range. Needless to say he did a wonderful job keeping to scale and being as historically accurate as possible.

My idea for this project was to be Fort Aliso. Fort Aliso was believed to be the only frontier fort that held out against German tribes after the Varus disaster. In 9 AD the Germans took Roman fort after Roman fort until they reached Aliso. Aliso unlike prior forts was well prepared for the German onslaught with a large food storage and a large contingent of archers that repelled German assaults. The Germans had no choice but to engage in siege warfare. Unlike previous forts that were quickly over ran Aliso was able to hold its own and put the Germans in an awkward position that they did not have alot of experience with siege warfare. The siege lasted for several weeks until the Roman force inside decided to make a break for it in the middle of the night during a thunderstorm. Completely off guard the Romans were able to cut through the German lines and make their way back to their comrades with minimal causalities.

I'm not 100% sure if this will be a Fort Aliso diorama since I still need to do a little more research but I sure like the story.

I hope you guys enjoy this diorama. It is a 4ft by 4ft diorama that will be able to hold tons of FL figures^&grin








Here are some more photos. I know purple carpet. The wife loves purple. I lost that battle. I'll post some more pics when I get it all set up.









I left the area behind the fort open but now I'm thinking I will put a stable or barracks in there.
Absolutely beautiful Joe.You are a lucky man,Your Roman collection will be outstanding.{bravo}}{bravo}}:salute::
WOW {eek3}{eek3} That looks Great {bravo}} man the Possibilities :wink2: .. They certainly did a breath taking job congratulations on a one of a kind treasure .. That looks super cool .. I want one . Thanks for sharing .. Regards Gebhard
Joe...really cool looking...I want one too...I might add a stable or some barrcks to the inside...but it's still pretty awesome...
Thanks for the nice comments guys. I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun with this diorama especially when it fills out with more Romans and Germans. I don't know if FL would do it but I would love to have something similar to the crusader range with its Mamluks climbing a ladder. I think a couple Germans scaling the wall would look terrific.
That is one amazing set up you have there! You should be rightly proud of it. The First Legion figures look great with it as both the fort and figures have a similar 'weathered' look. As you say, you might add something on the backside just to balance out the hut on the front side.

Again, great looking diorama.

A fantastic dio you have there Joe, that's one great thing about Davids dios is that the small detail is there as well as great buildings and such, but also go hand and hand with the quality of First Legion, looks like you have plenty of room with the dio to add many a great scenes to, so congrats again on a wonderful piece...Sammy
I am very excited for you Joe. Your new diorama from David of TM Terrain is every bit as good and then some as you described it from one of our previous PM's. Outstanding . . . . certainly a center piece of your collection and one to be very proud of . . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Congratulations Joe!!
A very nice diorama an a great job provided by TM Terrain.
You are a lucky man!
Be patient, FL Germans will arrive for the second part of this year...
But one question, how much did you pay for this wonderful display?
Best regards from France
Hello Joe,
Wonderful playground for your "Roman actors FL"!{eek3}
I collect the NAPS period, but your pictures make me want to change??:rolleyes2::confused::confused:
Thank you for sharing.
Cordially. Guy.:)
Enjoyed coming on line this morning and seeing your new set-up.
You and TM Terrain came up with a great diorama.

The layout looks like it will give you room for many display options with
space to grow for new acquistions. That should keep you and First Legion
very happy. :wink2:

- Ken
Thanks for sharing the diorama, that is spectacular, I like everything about it, the size is awesome too, just right for that scale to really capture the essence of a fort of that type.

For any of you considering to commission David to do a diorama, I can't recommend him highly enough, he does top shelf work at very reasonable prices, is very open to your ideas/changes/suggestions and a class act to deal with.

He's done several small scale (20mm) projects for me and I love all of them.

Thanks again Joe, you'll have some fun with that diorama as it's got quite a few possibilities, looking forward to seeing you populate it with figures.....................
Thanks again for the comments guys. It truly is a amazing site to have it in front of me. The pictures David sent out to me looked good but they surely don't compare to seeing the real thing in front of you. The detail David put into this is amazing! In fact I was so pleased with this diorama that I have already started talks with David to have a second diorama started later this year. One thing I did forget to do is get a backdrop large enough for this diorama. It is so immense that none of my backdrops come close to the size I need. Well my son is nagging me that we have to go to fencing practice but before I log off I'll post a couple pics that I forgot to post yesterday. 2 of the shots are in fresco. Don't ask me why but I like the looks of it.




Joe as superb as your dio is I hope you won't give up on what you were working on as it is excellent in it's own right.

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