Joe as superb as your dio is I hope you won't give up on what you were working on as it is excellent in it's own right.
Just having some fun with my new acquisition^&grin
I am happy to see that you are enjoying your new diorama Joe. I really like these two close-ups of your battle outside the fort's gate . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Just having some fun with my new acquisition^&grin
Chris, I don't plan on neglecting my project. Im almost done and I can't give up on it until it is completed. I just ran into a couple set backs that had me discouraged for a while.
Thanks Sammy. I'll have to bring in another table if Matt decides to open up a Western front for WWII. If the 101 or 82nd make the main stage then all hope is lost. I'm afraid my will power will break {sm2}
Might as well get 2 tables Joe, one for the Western Front, then one for the bulge!!!! how great that would be?!! one can hope that's for sure...Sammy