To Appomattox (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Aug 31, 2007
Interesting mini-series starts filming this Spring entitled "To Appomattox" Follows the lives of all the major participants against the background of the war. Every major battle/campaign will be portrayed and it not only covers the war but both prior and the aftermath.

Cast so far are:
Stephen Lang as Lincoln
Will Patton as Lee
William Peterson as Sherman
Dwight Yoakam as Meade
Damien Lewis as McPherson
D B Sweeney as Longstreet
Walter Goggins as Ewell
Bill Paxton as Stonewall

The main character will be Ulysses Grant and that part has been taken by Rob Lowe.......although I do know Lowe is a very keen ACW buff not sure he'll have the necessary acting credentials to authentically carry off portraying the tough character who won the war.....But hey! what do I know? However, scuttlebut in LA is that every actor/actress worth their salt is scrambling for a part in this

With a budget of $46 million for series 1 this just may make up for us civil war nerds who never got the The Last Full Measure

Stephen Lang as Lincoln!? Cool! He could just portray everyone.
I'm not sure I see Lang as Lincoln (as opposed to Daniel Day Lewis who is portraying him in the upcoming Spielberg movie) but I guess we'll see.
I'm not sure I see Lang as Lincoln (as opposed to Daniel Day Lewis who is portraying him in the upcoming Spielberg movie) but I guess we'll see.

What do you think now Brad?

Thanks for the information Bob, this sounds encouraging, specifically the budget, I just hope they get the little things right or else the rivet counters out there will be whining..........."wrong color strap on the canteen"...."Confederates didn't wear that color hat very often"....."There aren't enough whiskers in Grants beard"..........

Any information as to when it will air, how many episodes there will be and what channel/cable company will be showing it.

Considering how much the ACW is studied, talked about, gamed, collected, how many books there are on the subject, etc, etc, there are really not a lot of good movies dedicated to the period.

IMO, there is Glory, Gettysburg and Gods and Generals, that's pretty much it, the former two being excellent to very good, the latter just awful on so many levels..........
"Rivet Counters" are 20th Century. "Stitch Counters" (aka Thread Counters) are 18th and 19th buffs. Been there, done that.

"Stitch Nazis" can be WW II.

Sounds good Bob, any idea what channel is making this?

"Rivet Counters" are 20th Century. "Stitch Counters" (aka Thread Counters) are 18th and 19th buffs. Been there, done that.

"Stitch Nazis" can be WW II.

View attachment 86856

Rivet counters, stitch counters, stitch Nazis; 6 of one, half dozen of the other, all the same, same concept, different century.

Take it down a couple of notches, sit back and enjoy the movie and don't get your shorts in a twist over stuff that in the end is not worth getting worked up over.

And when I see someone on a forum ranting and raving over really, really minor costume and vehicle issues, I'm not impressed with their knowledge and how they're trying to wow everyone with it, I just don't care.
Rivet counters, stitch counters, stitch Nazis; 6 of one, half dozen of the other, all the same, same concept, different century.

Take it down a couple of notches, sit back and enjoy the movie and don't get your shorts in a twist over stuff that in the end is not worth getting worked up over.

And when I see someone on a forum ranting and raving over really, really minor costume and vehicle issues, I'm not impressed with their knowledge and how they're trying to wow everyone with it, I just don't care.

Scotts biggest nightmare is being tied to a chair and forced to watch North and South and The Blue and the Gray; he goes over the edge watching Patrick Swayze in North and South parading around in a uniform the production staff rented at a costume shop in Hollywood..................
A good Yankee ACW chum of mine gave me the heads up on this as he has been hired as a technical assistant on the series. Produced by Sony Television Productions it will be an 8 hour mini-series to be released early 2013. A number of television companys are currently bidding for the series. Some very notable history consultants have already been recruited including Gordon Rhea who in my book is the modern expert on Grant and his Overland Campaign. I have high hopes for this one but no doubt Scott will view it with a notebook and unthread those wrong uniform stitches until its threadbare :tongue:

Rob here's a link for the cast
No real interest in this at all cannot get my head around it even after reading about it. The reasons for the war are more interesting than the battles for me. My reason for posting is ''stitch nazi's'' what are these scott?? I have yet to be called this linked nazi name!!!!
Please have it be reasonably historically accurate without all of our current PC nonsense and I would be more than happy to ignore a button or hat out of place. Just an aside, with all the background info, historical photo data and original uniforms preserved, it does seem criminal that most most of the new ACW stuff is so off on the legit details...( Ridley Scott? history channel gone stupid or just plain lazy) Michael
Warrior, you have an unnatural interest in my imagined likes and dislikes. {eek3}
Somehow, when something sounds to good to be true, it usually is.
No real interest in this at all cannot get my head around it even after reading about it. The reasons for the war are more interesting than the battles for me. My reason for posting is ''stitch nazi's'' what are these scott?? I have yet to be called this linked nazi name!!!!

Somewhere around the time of the "Soup Nazi" episode of Seinfield, it became common to attach "Nazi" to anything one thought someone else was way too concerned about. This was common in reenacting for people who literally counted stitches in reproduction clothing and gear. "Music Nazi" was one I heard for CW people who cared around period instruments and songs. Use of "Nazi" is now considered a "Godwin" as one who reverts to comparing an opponent on the "internets" to the Nazis....loses the argument. See Godwin's Law.

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