Guys, I'm guessing Frank started this thread as a dig at me as I started the same thread over on K&C. Just for the record, I have never and would never insult FL products or their collectors, in fact I've only ever said good things about their Romans, Crusaders and in my opinion their best range the ACW.
My thread was simply to discuss who displays what with what.Some do and some don't, I thought this forum was about collecting and the different styles and procedures collectors adopt.
Guys, I'm guessing Frank started this thread as a dig at me as I started the same thread over on K&C. Just for the record, I have never and would never insult FL products or their collectors, in fact I've only ever said good things about their Romans, Crusaders and in my opinion their best range the ACW.
My thread was simply to discuss who displays what with what.Some do and some don't, I thought this forum was about collecting and the different styles and procedures collectors adopt.
Not a dig Rob....But since I can only respond on this side of the forum....I started this thread....The issue of mixing TS companies has been addressed quite a few times on this forum....With generally the same conclusions...NONE.... K/C style at 1:28th scale seems to go well with CS and Thomas Gunn.....First Legion being 1:30th for the most part is a stand alone product.....The style of sculpt and painting for First Legion WWII figures is more detailed and weathered....(More realistic and less toy like IMO).....The FL style is more likely to appeal to the modeler as does the Figarti AFV style. However I do have quite a bit of K/C in my collection. I do not mix K/C and First Legion because they just are too different.....So my view on the "mixing issue" is that I do not mix my K/C collection with my First Legion collection....They are both displayed separately in my curio cabinets and I like them BOTH where they are.....I am glad that K/C has decided to do more Field Grey German figures.....I have been requesting these for years as have other K/C collectors........So I will very likely be purchasing some "GREY" K/C in the near future to go with my prior FOB purchases....However...I will likely buy more FL since that has been the direction of my purchases the past 2-3 years......Buy what you like and mix if you want......(Louis Badolato gave the best response)...... Best Regards Frank
could someone please explain to me how if a person says they don't like K&C or FL or any other manufacturers figures because they are either historically incorrect, painted poorly, have stupid faces or just plain made up or similar similar why this really annoys some folks or, why the seeming fued between the two still exists????
If someone says to me K&C are pants or FL are great or, vice- versa I don't immediately go off on one who cares??
Since I joined the forum and well before there seems some who just want to ensure the stupid argument that only exists between K&C and FL cannot be laid to rest. There are enough crazies on both side who wish to defend against any word said against these manufacturers.
I often hear of looking in the hypothetical mirror at oneself and it really does apply to several on both sides here. but, really, please explain to me how this really annoys. Its stupid and bizzarre. There is enough room for both makers and they are totally different in what they offer. Its stupid that we cannot discuss the good and bad without thinking we have robbed a granny or similar. It does not happen with CS, TG Figarti, et al only these two.
They both make plenty of errors and plenty of good stuff so, answers on a postcard please as its gone on for many many years and looks like!!
Not one person stated any kind of issue in this thread Mitch, everybody has stated if they mix or do not mix, but once again it seems you have to stir a pot somewhere to try and cause a argument, I really REALLY try not to comment on any of your posts, please take your drama somewhere else, we don't need your baiting on a thread that has been very civil from the start...Sammy
I mix First legion with FOV tanks and trucks. I like the look . Simmo.
My partner Nick and I are heavily evaluating what you just spoke of, we have no conclusive result as of yet, but combining other manufacturers wilh FL will stretch your dollar, especially if you use FOV. In the begining of our study we thought FOV was an excellent match, and we are going with that a bit, but we are finding other interesting matches, we just need to do a lot more research.
This size thing as far as all manufacturers go is a nightmare, but there are solutions out there.
For example check JJD's SCW Panzer 1's they Look excellent with FL. We just repainted a few of them with WWII markings, The result was excellent. They can be used for France, Poland or The East. ANd I have no trouble stating that JJD's Panzers are of the quality of FL, they are excellent. Alex
Thanks much Alex, I'll look very forward to your research findings. I've admired those Panzer 1's you mentioned and have wondered the same thing-good to know ! Anyone tried the new TG Opel Blitz w/FL ?
Guys, I'm guessing Frank started this thread as a dig at me as I started the same thread over on K&C. Just for the record, I have never and would never insult FL products or their collectors, in fact I've only ever said good things about their Romans, Crusaders and in my opinion their best range the ACW.
My thread was simply to discuss who displays what with what.Some do and some don't, I thought this forum was about collecting and the different styles and procedures collectors adopt.