Both of the replicas above have barrels that are (visibly) solid. In a model that costs $300, I consider this to be unacceptable. It would be one thing if the tube had a muzzle-break to hide that reality, but none is present. To the extent that KC doesn't always bother to model volds, they are guilty as well. If a collector wants to go all out terms of accuracy, then kits remain their best alternative.
There's never been a model yet in this hobby by any manufacturer that didn't have a solid barrel. Muzzle brakes hide this fact but every tank I have owned by TGM, Figarti, FL, K&C had a solid barrel.
Can you name a tank that doesn't have a solid barrel?
A very realistic photo. Shift it to B&W and add some smoke from the T-34 and you are looking at a news photo circa 1941. I believe Toy Soldiers became Military Miniatures when the prices became equivalent to a bespoke probuilt 1/35 scale model. Check Ebay for probuilt models; typically $200 for everything you can imagine adding to a 1/35 scale model. Contest winning quality models for less than a polystone model. First Legion Panzers are not as good and cost a lot more. Figarti was making an equivalent Panzer for less money than First Legion. First Legion shoud buy Figarti and bring to market all those superb Armor and Artillery pieces. Think of the Ostfront battles to be staged with Figarti T34-85, JS-2 ISU-152, SU-100, SU-85 against Tiger I, Panther G, Panzer IV H, Jagdpanzer, Nashorn etc. First legion armor is very good and very expensive. Figarti armor is very good and less expensive; so you can buy more First Legion figures! Win for the companies. Win for the collectors. Doom for the competition if prices are competitive!
Yeah i know mate but I'm yet to see any BT,s or rail guns for sale in the US for all of us not just show goers,not arguing mate just discussing a fact.
When was the last time FIGARTI released something 100+ in numbers mate for sale in the US or any where else except China ??
I hear what your saying Butch, and understand your frustration, Figarti has produced some of the best Armor tanks/vehicles/artillery sets in the metal world and for everyone's who a collector of their product let's hope they return to the glory days of old at some point here in 2016, hopefully the West Coaster will bring some news or sets from the new management...Sammy
I had all the minichamps armour and never found it a issue ?View attachment 187631View attachment 187632View attachment 187633View attachment 187634
I like Figarti a lot as you can see from the photos. The Hetzer is TG and the Sd.Kfz.231 is NMA. The Fallschirmjager figure is W. Britains Osprey Art Series from 2009. The figure measures 60mm tall. The Panzers all measure at 1/30-1/29 scale. All of these vehicles are compatable with the figure and would be compatable with First Legion figures. I only wish Figarti had produced figures compatable with their own vehicles.
Repaints only bother me when they are produced instead of new products. FOV and Minichamps have produced mostly repaints for over 10 years. I hope Figarti does not go that route.
Brad; I agree that at this point in time the opinion that Figarti is deceased is speculation. I suggest we should consider Figarti in a deep coma and on life support! Rick Wang could very easily put these speculations to rest by coming on the Form and explaining the situation. I have received no replies to inquires on the Figarti website. Who is the spokesperson for the New Figarti?
I had all the minichamps armour and never found it a issue ?