Travelling to Brazil (1 Viewer)


Forgive me for walking on your thread, but,

I'll do the dirty work.

I guess I'm the only perv on here.
I'm sure this post will get no views.

Script from Supermodel database,

"Holy mother of God — it’s three of the world’s hottest supermodels all in the same picture, and they’re all wearing bikinis! Yes, that’s right, kids, there is a God, and he was kind enough to engineer it so that three lovely ladies from Brazil, Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio and Ana Beatriz Barros, would end up in the same photoshoot wearing bikinis. The only thing missing from this picture? Well, for one, there’s only one picture, and secondly, they’re sitting way too far apart, if you know what I mean, and I think you do."


Nope! :D:D:D


Because debrito called me a racist and compared me to a nazi, my friend.

You followed the threads and certainly know I'm neither one, right?

Come on my Uthred, I never call you racist, what I did say that Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay was the paradise for the Nazis after 1945, and you know better than me that many SS was hidden in South America. I stated that in south there are some attitude of superiority when referred to the northeast part of the Country, and you know that…and the way you stated telling that they have to move to the 20th Century, its sound more racist then my own statements. So I decided to take part and show to TF amigos that what did you say is not 100% true, YES there are poor people, like every country, even here in Canada, that was considered for many years the best Country in the World.

I don’t have anything against you, I was just trying to straight things out, and my English is far to be good.

Come on my Uthred, I never call you racist, what I did say that Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay was the paradise for the Nazis after 1945, and you know better than me that many SS was hidden in South America. I stated that in south there are some attitude of superiority when referred to the northeast part of the Country, and you know that…and the way you stated telling that they have to move to the 20th Century, its sound more racist then my own statements. So I decided to take part and show to TF amigos that what did you say is not 100% true, YES there are poor people, like every country, even here in Canada, that was considered for many years the best Country in the World.

I don’t have anything against you, I was just trying to straight things out, and my English is far to be good.


One thing that attracted a lot of Germans to South America was the beauty of the mountains, it reminded them of home ;)

I don't think anything is 100% true anywhere on the planet :( :rolleyes:
Marcelo and Rod,

I think this is best discussed off line. I know a little something about Brasilian history (enough to be dangerous) and am willing to discuss this with both of you.
Marcelo e Rodrigo, meus amigos brasileiros, não se zanguem, se puderem contem até 10 :D quando discutirem os vossos pontos de vista... Sobretudo espero que nenhum de vocês, membros importantes do forum, deixe o forum ou coisa do género:eek:. Senão ainda fico aqui sozinho a falar Português...:eek: Caramba, ainda por cima vocês são compatriotas!

Um abraço de Portugal,
Paulo Mendes
Signing off Forum for a week, tired of the Forum Police.:D

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