Treefrog Treasures and Conte (2 Viewers)

Treefrog Treasures is a fine upstanding company :), you can figure out the rest from there.............................................:eek: "nuff said"
Well excuse me but I don't think that does say enough. While I share in the frustrations of favorite items being out of stock and seemingly endless delivery wait times I don't think the company rates that type of cheap shot however unfortunate the experience that may have lead to it. I look forward to returning to a more constructive exchange.
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granted, may have been somewhat of a "cheap shot" but its all in how its interpreted,

never said i had an unfortunate experience, as for "nuff said" i would be more than happy to have a friendly exchange of words with yourself Spitfrnd, this probably would not the be the best place, i myself have quite an extensive collection of Conte, probably more so than one can imagine,

last thing i want to do is have this "thread" getting out of hand to the day's of old,

will have to choose my words more carefully and not say things in "geste" as i see how it can get out of hand rather quickly,

but the orignal question should still stand as it is a valid one and am curious to the answer,
Fair enough, a forum is a very awkward mode of communication at many times and my intent was to encourage an exchange of information without invective. I was interested in the answer to the original question as well.

Ironically, as I write this I have recieved an email requesting conformation of my pre-order of plastic Spartans, now promised for August. It includes pictures of a sample card so one can hope;)
I know conte doesn't have the best customer service, but it seems like everyone gives him a hard time. He makes great quality miniatures, whats peoples problem with him.:confused:
I know conte doesn't have the best customer service, but it seems like everyone gives him a hard time. He makes great quality miniatures, whats peoples problem with him.:confused:

I think you've captured both ends of the spectrum there already. Yes, I agree, his figures, especially in plastic, are fantastic. It's just the long waits for their release and the lack of stock that can be frustrating.

Afternoon all;
I have a "fair" collection of Conte' American Rev figures. They are actually very well done and some interesting poses. Can't really compare them to the K&C AWI figures but they fit real well against the Britains.

I had been fortunate to have a Conte outlet near me so all I had to do was stop & buy. To bad the store went "Online Only".

I am disappointed that Conte has obviously decided not to add to the "Rev War" and "The Partiot" series. Maybe someday?

Hopefully some one with a little "clout" like Treefrog can persaude Conte to expand a few older series.

Good Collecting!
I know conte doesn't have the best customer service

That's the understatement of the year. I'm still resolving a customer service situation with them. Comparing them to TF's excellent customer service it's like night and day. Conte's products are great though, definitely underrated.
I know conte doesn't have the best customer service, but it seems like everyone gives him a hard time. He makes great quality miniatures, whats peoples problem with him.:confused:

Not quite sure I understand your comment-unless it's just a leg pull.

RC has some of the best posed/quality/accurately detailed figures that has ever been put on the market-covering a whole range of eras.

His customer service in practically non-existent.

Some Collectors Club Figures have been on order for 2 YEARS!!!!!

All Conte stores in the US have practically no stock of many of the series. With no idea when their stocks will be replenished.

Eight US stores that I know of now refuse to stock Conte

E-mail him to enquire when he intends to stock up again-it's either ignored or the standard non-reply sent.

What's peoples problem with him? you ask....errr!!!!!! try doing the maths ;)

At a local toy soldier show here in Atlanta I met a man that worked on some

of Conte's wonderful items. He told me Richard Conte, a very wealthy man

originally wanted to make items for his personal collection. He was advised

that there was a market for these items so they went into production.

These items were produced at various manufacters, some of which were

more reliable then others. This resulted in production delays and issues that

I supose Mr Conte found more annoying then productive.

Again, I have a small collection of Conte items, and am only relaying what I

was told. Having run businesses my entire life I have experienced similar

situations based on the assets of the individuals in charge.

Although I haven't discussed this in any great detail with Shannon, I think some of the concerns expressed here are the reasons Treefrog doesn't carry Conte's. Treefrog prides itself on having everything or most everything in stock to meet customer demand. If they can't count on having adequate inventory to meet demand, why bother?
Not quite sure I understand your comment-unless it's just a leg pull.

RC has some of the best posed/quality/accurately detailed figures that has ever been put on the market-covering a whole range of eras.

His customer service in practically non-existent.

Some Collectors Club Figures have been on order for 2 YEARS!!!!!

All Conte stores in the US have practically no stock of many of the series. With no idea when their stocks will be replenished.

Eight US stores that I know of now refuse to stock Conte

E-mail him to enquire when he intends to stock up again-it's either ignored or the standard non-reply sent.

What's peoples problem with him? you ask....errr!!!!!! try doing the maths ;)

Well you know I empathize with you, albeit with much less experience. A question that all this brings to mind is why don't those of you who see in at shows or where ever bring this up and discuss it these concerns. Also what about those of you in the Conte Club that supposedly provides for direct email access to RC. Has this never been discussed directly with him?
RC has more enthusiasm for this hobby than almost anyone I know.
I have talked to him numerous times and I truely believe his intentions are all good. But there lies the problem.
He lets his enthusiasm overtake reality.
He told me at the September OTSN that the plastic Spartans, hopefully would be ready by November of 2007.
Well middle of July 2008, not here yet, suppose to be on boat enroute, but still 8 months later, a no show.
Now RC has been doing soldiers for 9 years now and he should know, and does know, the realistic time lines.
TSSD, Barzo, K&C, do it the right way. Nothing promised until actually delivered!
These unfullfilled promises no longer bother me, but unless you got into this hobby yesterday, you should know Contes track record.
Whenever I criticize Conte I always leave with this thought. The guy has produced the best plastic figures EVER!
Whenever I criticize Conte I always leave with this thought. The guy has produced the best plastic figures EVER!

And some darn good metal figures as well!

So we all agree! We love the figures. We wish the spin would stop and the production start.:D
So we all agree! We love the figures. We wish the spin would stop and the production start.:D
Yes to the figures and production but honestly I don't mind the spin. Now that I have become more informed I just add one year to infinity to the estimated delivery date and then I am not disappointed.;):)

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