Just love that piece Brad - so thanks for posting. That's my Grand-dad up there in the driver's seat. He used to deliver Hancock's beer around the central pubs in Cardiff, before the outbreak of WW1.
Hancocks Brewery was originally based in Penarth Road, Cardiff, just south of the Central Railway Station - and was only quite recently taken over by one of it's main rivals, Brains Brewery who moved their brewery to the site in 1999. Both brewers were originally family owned - hence the names of the founders in their titles. Brains continues to this day - and still brews some really nice beers.
I never met my Grandfather - who was called up for service during WW1. Due to his experience with horses, he eventually found his way into The Royal Horse Artillery - and saw action in France early on in the war. He was seriously wounded - with a shrapnel head injury ( this was before Steel Shrapnel Helmets were issued, so soft cloth caps were worn at that time - I think about 1915). He did survive with surgery, but died on his way to work - again at the brewery, after the war had finished - but long before I was born. My only knowledge about him came from anecdotes from my own father.
I contacted Ken, at Maison Millitaire who now owns the moulds - and asked if he would make me one - but found that although the moulds still exist - he couldn't justify making one up from the various moulds required. I've been looking for an existing one - ever since. Maybe I'll find one, someday.
Cheers,:salute:: Johnnybach