Trophy WW1 (3 Viewers)

I managed to obtain another item from this seller: the German Packmule with the Handler wearing a Stahlhelm, the last variation of a WWI packmule I needed:


  • 1 1914 Trophy German Pack Mule Helmet 1.jpg
    1 1914 Trophy German Pack Mule Helmet 1.jpg
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Boy is this seller's collection vast! I just purchased the Mounted British Officer with the soft cap, the only version of any of the mounted officers I didn't have yet!

Great figure Louis, reminds me a lot of my Lord Kitchener figure from my Anglo Boer War collection

Stay safe and keep picking up those missing WW1 sets you are after


  • 1 1914 Trophy British Officer Hat 1.jpg
    1 1914 Trophy British Officer Hat 1.jpg
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Your Kitchener is a great figure in a similar uniform and pose. It’s a shame Trophy didn’t make a Lord Kitchener WWI figure, maybe in a staff car like Lord Roberts.
i just made a deal with the same seller for ga11 turkish infantry firing line, gw49 standard bearer- russian regimental and a mounted german officer wearing a stahlhelm:
congrats louis , i just couldn't part with mine right now. I believe there are only 12 sets of each turkish set ever made, and not too mant russians either. Does anybody know the exact numbers on the russian production?
The same seller just offered me this wonderful Stretcher Team in soft caps, which I of course snapped right up:


  • 1 1914 Trophy Stetcher Party Soft Caps 1 (2).jpg
    1 1914 Trophy Stetcher Party Soft Caps 1 (2).jpg
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  • 1 1914 Trophy Stetcher Party Soft Caps 2 (2).jpg
    1 1914 Trophy Stetcher Party Soft Caps 2 (2).jpg
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what sets do you need now louis?

On the Western Front I need only two sets:

Gray (Royal Navy) Troop Transport Bus:

GWEQ81 Motor Ambulance

For the Russian front, all I need is the Russian Supply Wagon (GW51). I still need the following Turkish sets for Galipolli:
GA12 Yaver Hayri Pasha Senior Ottoman Turkish Officer
GA13 Ottoman Turkish Standard Bearer of the Escort
GA14 Ottoman Turckish Bugler of the Escort
GA16 Supply Camel of the Escort
GA17 Mountain Mule Gun Battery of the Escort
GA18 Ammunition Mule of the Escort
GA19 Ottoman Turkish Cavalry Officer
GA20 Ottoman Turkish Cavalry Standard Bearer
GA21 Ottoman Turkish Cavalry Bugler

As I had mentioned, because Trophy had not done any German artillery, I had asked out very talented friend John O'Brien (O'Bee) to paint an Austrian Skoda Mortar crew. John finished them, and as usual, I could not be happier with the result:


  • 1 1914 Austrian Skoda Mortar Crew 1.jpg
    1 1914 Austrian Skoda Mortar Crew 1.jpg
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  • 1 1914 Austrian Skoda Mortar Crew 2.jpg
    1 1914 Austrian Skoda Mortar Crew 2.jpg
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  • 1 1914 Austrian Skoda Mortar Crew 3.jpg
    1 1914 Austrian Skoda Mortar Crew 3.jpg
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As I had mentioned, because Trophy had not done any German artillery, I had asked out very talented friend John O'Brien (O'Bee) to paint an Austrian Skoda Mortar crew. John finished them, and as usual, I could not be happier with the result:

Great additions to your collection. John does excellent work.

The Trophy sets I posted about last week all arrived today. My son Alec is at an SAT class until 9:30 p.m., so I can't start unpacking them yet, as he would be really ticked off if I did it without him. Hopefully photos of the sets in situ will be posted later this evening.:salute::
The Trophy sets I posted about last week all arrived today. My son Alec is at an SAT class until 9:30 p.m., so I can't start unpacking them yet, as he would be really ticked off if I did it without him. Hopefully photos of the sets in situ will be posted later this evening.:salute::

We finally got them all set up. Here are the Russians:


  • 1 1914 Trophy Russians 1.jpg
    1 1914 Trophy Russians 1.jpg
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    1 1914 Trophy Russians 2.jpg
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  • 1 1914 Trophy Russians 3.jpg
    1 1914 Trophy Russians 3.jpg
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And here are the German Officers and Pack Mules:


  • 1 1914 Trophy German Officers & Pack Mules 1.jpg
    1 1914 Trophy German Officers & Pack Mules 1.jpg
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  • 1 1914 Trophy German Officers & Pack Mules 2.jpg
    1 1914 Trophy German Officers & Pack Mules 2.jpg
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  • 1 1914 Trophy German Officers & Pack Mules 3.jpg
    1 1914 Trophy German Officers & Pack Mules 3.jpg
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  • 1 1914 Trophy German Officers & Pack Mules 4.jpg
    1 1914 Trophy German Officers & Pack Mules 4.jpg
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  • 1 1914 Trophy German Officers & Pack Mules 5.jpg
    1 1914 Trophy German Officers & Pack Mules 5.jpg
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And the British Officer in the soft cap, Stretcher Team in soft caps, and Algerian Tirialleurs:


  • 1 1914 Trophy British Officer, Stretcher Team and Algerian Tirrialleurs 1.jpg
    1 1914 Trophy British Officer, Stretcher Team and Algerian Tirrialleurs 1.jpg
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  • 1 1914 Trophy British Officer, Stretcher Team and Algerian Tirrialleurs 2.jpg
    1 1914 Trophy British Officer, Stretcher Team and Algerian Tirrialleurs 2.jpg
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  • 1 1914 Trophy British Officer, Stretcher Team and Algerian Tirrialleurs 3.jpg
    1 1914 Trophy British Officer, Stretcher Team and Algerian Tirrialleurs 3.jpg
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  • 1 1914 Trophy British Officer, Stretcher Team and Algerian Tirrialleurs 4.jpg
    1 1914 Trophy British Officer, Stretcher Team and Algerian Tirrialleurs 4.jpg
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  • 1 1914 Trophy British Officer, Stretcher Team and Algerian Tirrialleurs 5.jpg
    1 1914 Trophy British Officer, Stretcher Team and Algerian Tirrialleurs 5.jpg
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And finally, the new Turkish infantry, cavalry and camel troopers of the guard (my Dardenelles set up finally doesn't look totally one sided):


  • 1 1914 Trophy Dardenelles 1.jpg
    1 1914 Trophy Dardenelles 1.jpg
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  • 1 1914 Trophy Dardenelles 2.jpg
    1 1914 Trophy Dardenelles 2.jpg
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  • 1 1914 Trophy Dardenelles 3.jpg
    1 1914 Trophy Dardenelles 3.jpg
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  • 1 1914 Trophy Dardenelles 4.jpg
    1 1914 Trophy Dardenelles 4.jpg
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the trophy sets i posted about last week all arrived today. My son alec is at an sat class until 9:30 p.m., so i can't start unpacking them yet, as he would be really ticked off if i did it without him. Hopefully photos of the sets in situ will be posted later this evening.:salute::
can't wait to see them, are going to chicago louis?
The wonderful Skoda Mortar Crew painted by our very talented friend John O'Brien (Obee) have arrived and been placed on my Trophy (and other makers) WWI diorama, and I could not be more pleased:


  • 1 1914 Obee Skoda Crew 1.jpg
    1 1914 Obee Skoda Crew 1.jpg
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  • 1 1914 Obee Skoda Crew 2.jpg
    1 1914 Obee Skoda Crew 2.jpg
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And here are some overview shots of the entire diorama:


  • 1 1914 Diorama 3.jpg
    1 1914 Diorama 3.jpg
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    1 1914 Diorama 2.jpg
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  • 1 1914 Diorama 1 (2).jpg
    1 1914 Diorama 1 (2).jpg
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