TSSD for 2011 (2 Viewers)

The "joke" is that the Tombstone era figures that were announced were shown on the Conte website in prototype form several years ago. There was no information on the figures or hints of actual production until another company generated some interest.

Gary the 4 Tombstone era figures by Conte made their appearance in 2010 and not several years ago. It's been assumed by those mentioned above that his latest announcement was generated by TSSD which is far from the truth but I'm sure my take on it will be comment on. From his announcement of his new ZW Series along with his Zouave's efforts on a continual basis have been made to discredit him. He's address all of the issues yet they've been address as excuses and not as fact. To date he's delivered an will continue to deliver what's been announce.

Well well well LT...I was waiting for someone to speak up other then me. They were announced in 2010 as you say. And he has addressed all issues I think. Love that one member here says you are sucker by his product cause he doesnt complete stuff then says he buys Conte. As this is mainly a metal site perhaps it is Lead poisoning ? LOL LOL
Ive been following forums here and on Hobby Bunker for some time and am a bit wary of posting as there seems to be a pattern here of people getting attakhed for saying something which disagrees with a few of you. In reading through the forum it looks like there are a few of you who appear to work as a group backing one another up . This whole Tombstone argument seems to be a perfect example of people working to discredit one company while promoting a competitor who some of you apparently like.better. This all seems silly to me and I am guessing there is more than meets the eye.:smile2:
Why aren't we happy that multiple manufacturers r making tombstone stuff. Competiton has got to be good for we collectors and maybe i'm missing something but why is the discussion so negative and unfriendly. perhaps I am in the minority but i wish the discussion was on the quality of the sculpting & the sizes or scale & materials and so on rather than distracting and off topic attacks which dont seem to add anything. Seems like u angry guys do not want the rest of us to make up our own minds .^&confuse

Weird isnt it ? And remember do not say the "C" word cause you will catch no matter what you say, good or bad.
Ive been following forums here and on Hobby Bunker for some time and am a bit wary of posting as there seems to be a pattern here of people getting attakhed for saying something which disagrees with a few of you. In reading through the forum it looks like there are a few of you who appear to work as a group backing one another up . This whole Tombstone argument seems to be a perfect example of people working to discredit one company while promoting a competitor who some of you apparently like.better. This all seems silly to me and I am guessing there is more than meets the eye.:smile2:
Why aren't we happy that multiple manufacturers r making tombstone stuff. Competiton has got to be good for we collectors and maybe i'm missing something but why is the discussion so negative and unfriendly. perhaps I am in the minority but i wish the discussion was on the quality of the sculpting & the sizes or scale & materials and so on rather than distracting and off topic attacks which dont seem to add anything. Seems like u angry guys do not want the rest of us to make up our own minds .^&confuse

Oh the best part is that most all will buy each manufacturers set anyway .....LOL LOL
Got a look at the TSSD Ok Corral figures yesterday, very nice sculpts, good poses. They seem to be a solid 60mm in size, excellent detail, they look like they would paint up very nicely.
Got a look at the TSSD Ok Corral figures yesterday, very nice sculpts, good poses. They seem to be a solid 60mm in size, excellent detail, they look like they would paint up very nicely.

Sounds good. Were there just the Earps and Doc or did you also see some of the Clantons and McLaury's?
Yea me too!

Yeah, me too (even though I am not really a plastics dealer because I hardly have any plastic on my tables at the shows and I sold my soul to CTS).....................
Lets not go there again or we'll get off track and get deleted.
Germanic Barbarians ? I hope so { now} since i have early Imperial Romans and germanic tribesman I cast in metal. I have painted zactly 10 -12 of them.Maybe an infusion of a large cool plastic line will entice me to do some more.
I'm still wondering what Roman era they are going for. The Hefalumps are throwing me off.
Veni Vedi Vici
Gallia est omnis in partes tres

I am anxious to acquire these Toy Soldiers in a new Play Set.
All the various accessories will provide more Set Up possibilities.

I have seen and held the new figures.
They will be converted to populate the Terrain pieces.
It's another chance to exercise my imagination.
Imperial Romans some pics now on the TSSD site.....Glad to se the shields have detail cos getting transfers for them would have been tough.
Imperial Romans some pics now on the TSSD site.....Glad to se the shields have detail cos getting transfers for them would have been tough.

Wow! I might have to build a new shelf! The two Roman's shown are unit worthy not "charactors" like the Civil war sets.. When makers do poses that can be formed into units then the number of sets a buyer gets is opened ended.
We do like the basics dont we!...If they are starting of with 8 poses then thats 2 down that can work in formation.
Which means muilty sets sold...Now six poses to go.
The basic's certainly allow for building formations, which is what I want to do.
Now { just talking outloud here} wouldnt it be nice if the Germans had plug in shields in various styles so they could be swapped around and as far as that goes, right arms with various hand weapons, axes, spears, captured roman gladius ect.
Probably too expensive to make like that and I know the factories are unwilling to do it, they want the assembly work.Sure would make for a wild looking warband!
Now we can at least start on out GLADIATOR battle or the Ambush in the forest scene from FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE.
Mr Fubar
Your excellent pose suggestions might all be possible by converting the figures, id est ; swapping heads, limbs, and torsoes.
If TSSD do say 8 Germanic poses then i would paint 16 {no to the same} then i would throw in the Italeri Gauls.
The Romans can look like the attack of the clones but the Germans need to have a bit more charactor so more sets/poses the better for them.
I'm really happy with the Roman army period TSSD chose, the armour/uniforms are just what I wanted. I'm also very happy with the first look at the Germanic Barbarian. They too remind me very favourably of the opening battle in Gladiator. Aside from Conte's Stamford Bridge I've never bought a playset, but my birthday is in September and there's nothing I now want more!

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