Unhappy Former Customer and Comments (1 Viewer)

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Jan 18, 2007
Some of you may not agree with my post and that is fine, I am always open to another's opinion and viewpoint, but for better or worse, once I have a viewpoint on something, I have usually made up my mind after considerable deliberation on a subject.

Anyhow, I am unhappy and irritated enough to post this on the forum as from my own emails with fellow collectors, I so far have not been a minority in my opinion.

As many of you know, I collect everything, all manufacturers are in my collection, I simply buy what I like. This post is not about quality or dislikes or anything of the sort. It is simply about principles and practices.

I got an email from my Gunn dealer today regarding new sets and I wasn't able to email back until 6pm saying sure put me down for the club sets. Lo and behold, a very apologetic email comes back saying "you won't believe this, but I just found out I cannot get enough stock and can't supply you". I am somewhat perplexed as I am normally guaranteed delivery b/c of my purchasing and my personal friendship. SO, I decide to read the rest of my emails and.......

My "Gunn Club" emails today and in there was a blurb paraphrased that said, "the only way to guarantee your club sets is to order through us as dealer stock is severely limited due to the preorders on this piece". Now at this point, I go from perplexed to irritated. Let me get this straight:

1. Email comes out showing only prototype pics, NO pricing
2. Preorders are so great that dealer stock is cut (Now this is already in the same email that is ANNOUNCING the set)
3. Something is wrong with this picture. Is it believable that a set that was announced is now already preordered prior to announcement with no price, no final picture and Dealer stock is cut......................I call BS.

Enough of that opinion, my real gripe is this. I have a relationship with my dealers, I consider them personal friends. That is who I buy from. I am not going to now have to buy overseas, with a manufacturer I have no relation with whatsoever. That is crap. I also believe that points 1,2 and 3 above are poor customer practice. Question, why were the sets plentiful with the dealers before, is this a let's use the dealer to build up demand for my product and then screw the dealer, and screw my customer by making it a pain to buy?

Not bragging here at all, but with my vast collection, why do I need this headache? There are too many wonderful choices out there where I can place my moolah than deal with this. I think I may buy a few First Legion Personalities that I was deferring , I figure why defer, they are fine quality and I might as well just jump than waste my time with this crap.

And really not being a jerk, my Gunn sets will be on auction for 99 cents in the near future as that is now their worth to me. This fired me up.

The whole thing doesn't smell good. I've been suspicious since the early email issue.
Some of you may not agree with my post and that is fine, I am always open to another's opinion and viewpoint, but for better or worse, once I have a viewpoint on something, I have usually made up my mind after considerable deliberation on a subject.

Anyhow, I am unhappy and irritated enough to post this on the forum as from my own emails with fellow collectors, I so far have not been a minority in my opinion.

As many of you know, I collect everything, all manufacturers are in my collection, I simply buy what I like. This post is not about quality or dislikes or anything of the sort. It is simply about principles and practices.

I got an email from my Gunn dealer today regarding new sets and I wasn't able to email back until 6pm saying sure put me down for the club sets. Lo and behold, a very apologetic email comes back saying "you won't believe this, but I just found out I cannot get enough stock and can't supply you". I am somewhat perplexed as I am normally guaranteed delivery b/c of my purchasing and my personal friendship. SO, I decide to read the rest of my emails and.......

My "Gunn Club" emails today and in there was a blurb paraphrased that said, "the only way to guarantee your club sets is to order through us as dealer stock is severely limited due to the preorders on this piece". Now at this point, I go from perplexed to irritated. Let me get this straight:

1. Email comes out showing only prototype pics, NO pricing
2. Preorders are so great that dealer stock is cut (Now this is already in the same email that is ANNOUNCING the set)
3. Something is wrong with this picture. Is it believable that a set that was announced is now already preordered prior to announcement with no price, no final picture and Dealer stock is cut......................I call BS.

Enough of that opinion, my real gripe is this. I have a relationship with my dealers, I consider them personal friends. That is who I buy from. I am not going to now have to buy overseas, with a manufacturer I have no relation with whatsoever. That is crap. I also believe that points 1,2 and 3 above are poor customer practice. Question, why were the sets plentiful with the dealers before, is this a let's use the dealer to build up demand for my product and then screw the dealer, and screw my customer by making it a pain to buy?

Not bragging here at all, but with my vast collection, why do I need this headache? There are too many wonderful choices out there where I can place my moolah than deal with this. I think I may buy a few First Legion Personalities that I was deferring , I figure why defer, they are fine quality and I might as well just jump than waste my time with this crap.

And really not being a jerk, my Gunn sets will be on auction for 99 cents in the near future as that is now their worth to me. This fired me up.


Is the Club figure set sold through dealers, or through TGM? I know the WB Club is only sold through FG/WB. I did notice what you stated , and find the first heads-up e-mail to be "Late to the party" so to speak.
Tom I agree with you 100%. I just received the same email reguarding the new sets. Had I ordered and found them not available I would have been upset also.

I agree your $$$$ should go where you receive the best service.:)
Is the Club figure set sold through dealers, or through TGM? I know the WB Club is only sold through FG/WB. I did notice what you stated , and find the first heads-up e-mail to be "Late to the party" so to speak.

Hi Mike,

These "club" sets have thus far always been available with the dealers!

So, your going to bite your nose to spite your face.

It is called making a principled decision. There are enough members and some dealers with neither. Thank goodness that good character and responsibility still means something to most...Michael
The whole thing doesn't smell good. I've been suspicious since the early email issue.

Your suspicions are well noted.....It adds up to slamming anything that's not K&C. Especially if its a better product.
Your suspicions are well noted.....It adds up to slamming anything that's not K&C. Especially if its a better product.


Geez, I don't see this as a slam on the product......and I certainly don't see
how K&C is involved?

It just seems to be one collector expressing why he is upset at a situation.
I've had no problems with TG myself,I order direct and have had a very good service from them,the quality and value of their products is very good indeed.


Geez, I don't see this as a slam on the product......and I certainly don't see
how K&C is involved?

It just seems to be one collector expressing why he is upset at a situation.

Absolutely Njja :cool: For those who didn't get the e-mail, it had a line that says "There will be 100 of the Gunn Club (Mediterranean version) and 200 Normandy available, remember your only way to guarantee a Gunn Club version is to order direct thru us as figures allocated to dealers will be severely restricted this time due to the amount of pre-orders received already."

Since the product was being announced in the e-mail, I don't know how there could be pre-orders unless direct buy customers have signed up to buy everything that comes out as a club figure at any price. :confused:

It seems like an attempt to create panic buying of the club figures and also bypass the dealer network that helped establish the product - neither of which I approve of.

The product is excellent - I have the first 3 sets and have ordered the Pak38 and am not going to dump them or refuse to buy more. That would be like making the decision for the dealer to not carry the product - they can make that decision for themselves.

But the principal of Thomas Gunn Collectibles is the former principal of New Model Army which went out of business a few years ago. I will not buy direct but will likely continue to buy the pieces I like through a dealer who I pay only when he has the product in his hands and is ready to ship.

Ooohhhhh....... please. Just spare us your rant,,, *&^% happens

Not a rant, just my own personal decision and thought process I decided to post about. Not sure where your hostility comes from, but really not warranted.

As for your later comments on product, no where did I talk about any quality period. The product is fine, I have a problem with the business practice. I think you will notice if you know anything about my posts I have stayed on this line with other business practices that go on in the past.

All in all, just a decision I made and the reasons I made it.

As for your personal comments to me, feel free to PM me if you would like to discuss.

Absolutely Njja :cool: For those who didn't get the e-mail, it had a line that says "There will be 100 of the Gunn Club (Mediterranean version) and 200 Normandy available, remember your only way to guarantee a Gunn Club version is to order direct thru us as figures allocated to dealers will be severely restricted this time due to the amount of pre-orders received already."

Since the product was being announced in the e-mail, I don't know how there could be pre-orders unless direct buy customers have signed up to buy everything that comes out as a club figure at any price. :confused:

It seems like an attempt to create panic buying of the club figures and also bypass the dealer network that helped establish the product - neither of which I approve of.

The product is excellent - I have the first 3 sets and have ordered the Pak38 and am not going to dump them or refuse to buy more. That would be like making the decision for the dealer to not carry the product - they can make that decision for themselves.

But the principal of Thomas Gunn Collectibles is the former principal of New Model Army which went out of business a few years ago. I will not buy direct but will likely continue to buy the pieces I like through a dealer who I pay only when he has the product in his hands and is ready to ship.


Thanks Terry, all comments I agree with. I am just done buying, there are plenty of suitable choices out there.

So, your going to bite your nose to spite your face.

No, it's called I'm going to take the advice of a trusted collector and forum member and not buy a product where I'm going to be pushed into buying directly and not from my dealer.

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No, it's called I'm going to take the advice of a trusted collector and forum member and not buy a product where I'm going to get bad customer service.


clarification, I am not saying anything about customer service, I just gave you my thoughts on my decision. I cannot speak for any customer service one way or another as I do not buy direct.

It is called making a principled decision. There are enough members and some dealers with neither. Thank goodness that good character and responsibility still means something to most...Michael

That sums it up for me to a tee. Thanks for your post,

clarification, I am not saying anything about customer service, I just gave you my thoughts on my decision. I cannot speak for any customer service one way or another as I do not buy direct.


Thank you for the clarification Tom, I however totally agree with you in not buying direct. To reclarify my position, I will not then buy from manufacturer direct, I will only purchase from my dealer...Vick
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