Upcoming New Releases???? (2 Viewers)

Hi All,
Thanks for the kind comments on the work. Yes you are correct on this set of patterns... I used Tamiya fine grade primer on the finished sculpt before photography so the other three sponsors could see the overall composition and not be distracted.
The original sculpt is made of Epoxy, wire, resin, metal, styrene and some low temperature fired clay.

I can confirm that there is a good amount of ACW items, but they will be spread out over the year so both collectors and dealers will not be overwhelmed. I honestly have lost count how many are already finished, so I will take a look over the next few days myself. There are a good number of figures that will continue the various stories that can be told with our current offerings, along with brand new subjects and personalities. Look for a new Art of War set too!

WWII is a given for any major brands offerings and that is not forgotten, so just be a little more patient...

Here are a couple more images of the exclusive Blue & Gray set... I forgot to mention that I designed this like one of the earlier AZW hand to hand sets so the figure can be used on the wall or on it's own base. This exclusive set will include the separate base and a separate section of stone wall that can be pinned in place in either position.


All the Best,
Hi All,
Thanks for the kind comments on the work. Yes you are correct on this set of patterns... I used Tamiya fine grade primer on the finished sculpt before photography so the other three sponsors could see the overall composition and not be distracted.
The original sculpt is made of Epoxy, wire, resin, metal, styrene and some low temperature fired clay.

I can confirm that there is a good amount of ACW items, but they will be spread out over the year so both collectors and dealers will not be overwhelmed. I honestly have lost count how many are already finished, so I will take a look over the next few days myself. There are a good number of figures that will continue the various stories that can be told with our current offerings, along with brand new subjects and personalities. Look for a new Art of War set too!

WWII is a given for any major brands offerings and that is not forgotten, so just be a little more patient...

Here are a couple more images of the exclusive Blue & Gray set... I forgot to mention that I designed this like one of the earlier AZW hand to hand sets so the figure can be used on the wall or on it's own base. This exclusive set will include the separate base and a separate section of stone wall that can be pinned in place in either position.


All the Best,

Hi Ken,

Thanks for sharing some of the “inside scoop.” This upcoming summer is certainly going to be an exciting time for collectors and ACW enthusiasts. Can’t wait to see what new works you’ve chosen to depict with the “Art of War” series. I and surely many others appreciate you’re willingness to share the upcoming offerings in this special “sneak peak.” Very much looking forward to what’s in store for later on down the road.

Thanks again,
Great looking pictures there, Ken! I am REALLY excited for the upcoming new personalities as that is the focus of my Britains collection. :)
I know that there will be a great number of new items in the upcoming catalog along with a good selection of images of existing items so newer collectors will be able to see that many of our ranges are on-going.
As Richard already mentioned there are a few surprises included in this years first catalog too!
A number of new sculpts and models already in pre-production will not appear in this catalog but will be released in our other 2013 supplements, so those of you that may have heard about these developments only need to be patient... they are coming!
Here is a sneak peek of the next Blue & Gray exclusive...
Hello All,



A must have for my collection . . . Just overall great sculpting and design work . . . . count me in!
:smile2: Mike
I've heard rumors of 100 plus Gettysburg figures.

44 New ACW figures in this first catalog due in 2-3 weeks. Plus 5 new buildings and another accessory set for ACW.
Ken busily working on another 20++ for next catalog, so all in all 60++ for first half of year with lots more for second half! While we'd love to get all the Gettsyburg out at once, we also realize thet releasing $2,400 worth of ACW on or before July 1 is probably not a bright idea. So you'll see a strong showing for the anniversary with many more sets to commemorate it through the remainder of the year.
I will have to start eating cat food right away so I will be acustomed to it by the time these ACW figures are released {eek3}

looking forward to them
44 New ACW figures in this first catalog due in 2-3 weeks. Plus 5 new buildings and another accessory set for ACW.
Ken busily working on another 20++ for next catalog, so all in all 60++ for first half of year with lots more for second half! While we'd love to get all the Gettsyburg out at once, we also realize thet releasing $2,400 worth of ACW on or before July 1 is probably not a bright idea. So you'll see a strong showing for the anniversary with many more sets to commemorate it through the remainder of the year.

I will have to start eating cat food right away so I will be acustomed to it by the time these ACW figures are released {eek3}

looking forward to them

Cat food, heck, by the time we get a chance to get our mitts on all of these wonderful offerings we'll all be eating cardboard.

What about us Naps Richard? :)

Agreed Sandor,

Give us Blucher or give us night.



Maybe we'll get Normandy and other WWII related stuff next year. I think it’s going to be the 70th Anniversary of D-Day. And then Waterloo and other NAP’s will come for the 200th Anniversary. Can’t wait to get my hands on some Ken Osen sculpted Prussians. Hey wait, the 160th Anniversary of Balaclava is next year too. Maybe some Light Brigade & Thin Red Line figures? I like these kinds of Anniversaries, way better than some other kinds.


44 New ACW figures in this first catalog due in 2-3 weeks. Plus 5 new buildings and another accessory set for ACW.
Ken busily working on another 20++ for next catalog, so all in all 60++ for first half of year with lots more for second half! While we'd love to get all the Gettsyburg out at once, we also realize thet releasing $2,400 worth of ACW on or before July 1 is probably not a bright idea. So you'll see a strong showing for the anniversary with many more sets to commemorate it through the remainder of the year.

Richard: That is awesome news. Let us not forget that the Gettysburg battlefield featured in addition to the storied infantry and artillery skirmishes no less than four epic cavalry actions. I hope you can produce some inventory to document these events. The first was a late Day 2 fight near Hunterstown featuring the exhausted troopers of Confederate General Wade Hampton's Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina Cavalry. They were boldly ambushed on the road hemmed in by turnpike fences adjacent to wheat fields by General George Custer and a detachment of his 6th and 7th Michigan stretched out dismounted along with a waiting Federal artillery battery that bloodied Cobb's Georgia Legion. Of course Day 3 featured the hard fought actions at East Cavalry Field near Rummel's Farm capped off by a brilliant charge by Custer's Michigan Brigade (1st,5th,6th and 7th) and a counter charge by Gen. Fitz Lee's 1st Virginia Cavalry, the failed Union Cavalry charge by Gen. Elon Farnsworth's (bullied into leading the fray by the reckless Union Cavalry General Judson Kirkpatrick) Union troopers against well fortified Confederate infantry at South Cavalry Field and the final fight a frantic effort by the US 6th Cavalry to cut off the retreating Confederate army along the Hagerstown Road back into the Cumberland Valley that was countered fiercely by General "Grumble" Jones and his Laurel Brigade: the 6th, 7th and 11th Virginia Cavalry's. All told this is a tremendous opportunity to roll out some overdue cavalry lines.
Richard: That is awesome news. Let us not forget that the Gettysburg battlefield featured in addition to the storied infantry and artillery skirmishes no less than four epic cavalry actions. All told this is a tremendous opportunity to roll out some overdue cavalry lines.

Hi Jeff, I've heard we will be geting cavalry figs this yr. :smile2: I share your enthusiasm for the mounted arm. Chris
Richard: That is awesome news. Let us not forget that the Gettysburg battlefield featured in addition to the storied infantry and artillery skirmishes no less than four epic cavalry actions. I hope you can produce some inventory to document these events. The first was a late Day 2 fight near Hunterstown featuring the exhausted troopers of Confederate General Wade Hampton's Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina Cavalry. They were boldly ambushed on the road hemmed in by turnpike fences adjacent to wheat fields by General George Custer and a detachment of his 6th and 7th Michigan stretched out dismounted along with a waiting Federal artillery battery that bloodied Cobb's Georgia Legion. Of course Day 3 featured the hard fought actions at East Cavalry Field near Rummel's Farm capped off by a brilliant charge by Custer's Michigan Brigade (1st,5th,6th and 7th) and a counter charge by Gen. Fitz Lee's 1st Virginia Cavalry, the failed Union Cavalry charge by Gen. Elon Farnsworth's (bullied into leading the fray by the reckless Union Cavalry General Judson Kirkpatrick) Union troopers against well fortified Confederate infantry at South Cavalry Field and the final fight a frantic effort by the US 6th Cavalry to cut off the retreating Confederate army along the Hagerstown Road back into the Cumberland Valley that was countered fiercely by General "Grumble" Jones and his Laurel Brigade: the 6th, 7th and 11th Virginia Cavalry's. All told this is a tremendous opportunity to roll out some overdue cavalry lines.

Note: Most of these actions occurred over broken and wooded ground, traditionally considered to be very unfavorable terrain for mounted operations. By God, you have to love American recklessness. I suppose they don’t call us cowboys for nothin’

"I told her she could find me in the US Cavalry"


I really think that cavalry in the back half of the year will be huge for WB as I perceive that collectors will flock to the topic. Just witness over on the Trophy thread the splendid charges that Tommy and Martyn have been posting the last month or so. Great applications of soldier and horse in some real dramatic depictions. However, collectors need to be acutely aware that collecting cavalry is a bit more expensive than the other branches. Take a look at the nine figure set that First Legion is rolling out in their Napoleonic line: A museum quality grouping of English Royal Horse Guards retailing at $150 a figure. Worth every cent. The last mounted WB figurine rolled out: a Confederate flagbearer to Lee's headquarters retails for $90. Also well worth the price. Clearly if one is to shell out those amounts for mounted figurines you want top notch historical depications combined with terrific painting and sculpture. But Wm. Britains, in my view, is the gold standard when it comes to the ACW and I hope for 2013 they do some serious catch up on the cavalry side of the ledger.
I really think that cavalry in the back half of the year will be huge for WB as I perceive that collectors will flock to the topic. Just witness over on the Trophy thread the splendid charges that Tommy and Martyn have been posting the last month or so. Great applications of soldier and horse in some real dramatic depictions. However, collectors need to be acutely aware that collecting cavalry is a bit more expensive than the other branches. Take a look at the nine figure set that First Legion is rolling out in their Napoleonic line: A museum quality grouping of English Royal Horse Guards retailing at $150 a figure. Worth every cent. The last mounted WB figurine rolled out: a Confederate flagbearer to Lee's headquarters retails for $90. Also well worth the price. Clearly if one is to shell out those amounts for mounted figurines you want top notch historical depications combined with terrific painting and sculpture. But Wm. Britains, in my view, is the gold standard when it comes to the ACW and I hope for 2013 they do some serious catch up on the cavalry side of the ledger.


I agree that WBritain’s can be considered the gold standard for historical authenticity and sculpting. Especially when the subject matter is the ACW or WWII. I’m anxiously awaiting the release of these wonderful figures. If we get a charging Chamberlain figure (hopefully w/out hat for once) I will definitely be acquiring this piece and some Union Infantry (hopefully w/out packs or blanket-rolls for once… note: Conte-Troiani piece is the exception) to depict the bayonet charge on Little Round Top.

Cavalry figures are a must for me as an ancestor served under Buford on the 1st Day’s fighting. I’ll have to look it up again, but I think he was in the 17th PA Devin’s Brigade.

I agree with your comments regarding what Tommy and Martin have accomplished with their Trophy sets. Absolutely outstanding!!!

I’m also interested to see if any WB Light Brigade Figures will be in the works for next year. 11th Hussars are my favorite.
Great news cant wait to get my hands on the new catalogue ^&grin I hope theres a few glossy surprises in there aswell

Here are a couple more images of the exclusive Blue & Gray set... I forgot to mention that I designed this like one of the earlier AZW hand to hand sets so the figure can be used on the wall or on it's own base. This exclusive set will include the separate base and a separate section of stone wall that can be pinned in place in either position.
That is a really cool idea and a really handsome set. I love figures that have display options; there are all too few of them IMO.
Hi All,
Thanks for the kind comments on the work. Yes you are correct on this set of patterns... I used Tamiya fine grade primer on the finished sculpt before photography so the other three sponsors could see the overall composition and not be distracted.
The original sculpt is made of Epoxy, wire, resin, metal, styrene and some low temperature fired clay.

I can confirm that there is a good amount of ACW items, but they will be spread out over the year so both collectors and dealers will not be overwhelmed. I honestly have lost count how many are already finished, so I will take a look over the next few days myself. There are a good number of figures that will continue the various stories that can be told with our current offerings, along with brand new subjects and personalities. Look for a new Art of War set too!

WWII is a given for any major brands offerings and that is not forgotten, so just be a little more patient...

Here are a couple more images of the exclusive Blue & Gray set... I forgot to mention that I designed this like one of the earlier AZW hand to hand sets so the figure can be used on the wall or on it's own base. This exclusive set will include the separate base and a separate section of stone wall that can be pinned in place in either position.


All the Best,

Here is a picture of the set right after it was painted, we thought you might like to see another part of the creative process...

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