Update 7th February 2022 (1 Viewer)

Gunn Miniatures

Command Sergeant Major
Jun 18, 2009





That's all for this week guys, any questions please feel free to drop us an email

Best wishes The Team @ Gunn
Dear All

February 7th already, just a week to Valentines day for all you romantics out there!
In the meantime here are some pictures of some hard hitting Aussie armour coming soon from TG.

First however a little history:
The Matilda tank was a heavy armoured infantry tank and was the only British tank to see service from the beginning of the war in 1939 through to 1945. Approximately 400 Matilda's were transferred to the Australian army and saw service against the Japanese. After the battle at Buna-Gona in December 1942 the Australian army started implementing changes to their Matilda's with the addition of field telephones so that the infantry could communicate with the tank crews, a reinforced turret ring was added and track idler guards were also welded to the front. These were field modifications and not all Matilda's received them as photographs from 1945 show. The last protective addition in early 1945 were anti grenade screens fitted to the rear of engine deck.
The Australians also added a 3' gun to some of their Matilda's and there was even a flamethrower variant which made them unique from their British counterparts. The first models will be available in the March release.

Our first variant comes in the markings of a machine with the callsign 'Apache' and is pictured below. This will be the A version, there will be a B, C and D version released in the near future. As you can see from the photos there are 4 crew figures supplied with the A version.

Matilda late 1943


Australian Matilda making a beach landing 1943


Matilda in Bougainville 1945

Yep the Matilda looks great :salute::

Looking forward to seeing the other versions .


Our first variant comes in the markings of a machine with the callsign 'Apache' and is pictured below. This will be the A version, there will be a B, C and D version released in the near future. As you can see from the photos there are 4 crew figures supplied with the A version.
Looks great. Love the detailing.
Re. the crew for this first A version; based on the pictures, two with berets and two with slouch hats?
Looks like a nice model.

Is there a driver's hatch or is it always open? I'm really hoping the future desert British version has a driver's hatch so I can depict it buttoned up in battle.
Looks like a nice model.

Is there a driver's hatch or is it always open? I'm really hoping the future desert British version has a driver's hatch so I can depict it buttoned up in battle.

There is a separate drivers hatch so you dont need to display this figure if not needed.
Regards Jack
The Aussie Matilda looks fantastic! Much better than I was expecting and the Matilda tooling itself looks wonderful. I’m kind of undecided on it though as I’d like to see what the eventual desert and BEF repaints look like.
Really glad this first A version is of the jungle variety. Mine will have a few targets to soften up...




Great addition to TG's Aussie collection!
Always enjoy seeing these pics Rob. The gun position inside the cave is my favorite. :salute::


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