Sorry Kat but if you think the above tank is in the same ball park as a First Legion tank you got more then some measurements wrong, dude look at screams Wal Mart and cheap plastic, But if your ok with that then it's all good but as I told you weeks ago no collector wants to hear the" you should buy X,Y,Z because those brands are so much better"man give it a rest, your stirring up drama that is not needed, I quit commenting on your threads on all other areas of this forum to keep out of the drama but First Legion is my main focus on this part of the forum I will speak my mind here, again as you stated your much happier with 21st century\W.Britains etc. so what's the point?? ...Sammy
Actually this is not a bad looking Panzer IV......That said .....It needs to be weathered up to get rid of those OVERLY BRIGHT colors which are too toy like.... it needs a re-paint and weathering to work with FL figures.....It's always good to explore options.....But this model will need work and require the painting talents of a modeler like Mitch to bring it up to par....If you have those talents it could work
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