Vietnam Diorama! Fighting for the city Hue 1968. (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Aug 14, 2006
good day guys

The Vietnam War has been my interest for years. That started with the movie Platoon in 1987. Right after this came Full metal jacket, and of course the TV series TOUR of DUTY! When I started collecting King & Country, in 2004. The Vietnam series was no longer available. So my first three sets were the 2004's D Day! That was the start of my K&C collection. But I always had the hope that Andy would come back with a Vietnam series.There were brands that made the Vietnam war a few years ago. But I am a K&C collector so I didn't buy them!
But in 2018 my waiting was rewarded and more than that! through K&C I now know that the Anzac also fought inVietnam The new Vietnam series has grown into a large series with many different sets in a very short time. And I think there is more in the pipeline for 2021!

Here's my Vietnam diorama that is basis of this first photo.
The diorama took place in the first days after the start of the TET offensive.
i hope you like it.


I like it very much , lovely diorama and how many stories are being told in these shots !!!!!
Absolutely Epic, Harry!:salute:: Without question the best Vietnam diorama I have ever seen!
Oorah ! Another outstanding high quality diorama Harry, just as your earlier Pacific War one was.
Very very well done mate ! {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

I concur, this earns multiple bravos !!! {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}Will have to come back to it again for inspiration.

Where did you get the great buildings and that car ?
WOW !!!

that looks SO realistic and colourful.

It brings back memories to me as a teenager watching the TV new and see this war nightly in our lounge room, but only in B&W !!!

Well done, this is THE BEST diorama from that period that I have seen in this Forum.

Absolutely jaw dropping . . . Incredible life like looking display. Thank you very much for sharing this with us.
Wow you must be impressed with yourself I am great great build mate.
Thanks to all of you guys for your appreciative words🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

This is a first photo of my new Vietnam Diorama that I just started.



Awesome mate do you have an overall view pic?


Hi Scott here an overall view pic of the Diorama. It is 120 cm long and 50 cm deep. in inches 72x45 Almost everything is home made. The 3 buildings from the right are from a Belgium brand JOEFIX studios I have only used the facade and floor. the rest is home making. have a nice weekend


Harry 🇺🇸

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