W Britains Collectors club - what are the benefits? (1 Viewer)


Staff Sergeant
Jul 4, 2009
Have been a collectors club member for 5 years and was unsure to join again, but did in mid June 2012, ordered items, bought a couple extra club membership figures and have received nothing [bring back Sam, at least she siad what she was going to do and DID IT].

I keep hearing that the new membership will have more and better benefits, all i have seen so far is the complete opposite.
Ok one benefit - my bank account is lighter as membership has gone up! However,
only 1 vouncher per year? which cannot be used in shops so why not just call it the 'postage free' vouncher!
no Birthday vouncher/card - i am of an age when the card is not an issue but this means they are saving funds and resources by not producing and sending out the card etc and are actually charging member more!

I want to know the benefits, especially what these 'better benefits' are now W Britains has been taken over! I would like answers, as all we have heard as been excuses etc, it is about time we heard on what the further benefits are?
Peiper - Please let me know by email your name and contact details and I will get a refund sent right away. I can be reached at richardwalker@1st-gear.com. I appreciate your support of the club the last few years, but it simply is not cost effective for us. Just to reiterate an earlier post - you get a figure, four issues of the Standard, and catalogs, the cost of mailing all of this eats up between 30-50% of the membership fee, the cost of producing a 32 page magazine every quarter eats up the rest. So the cost of the figure we eat as well as the catalogs. As for vouchers and cards and all that, just more cost. That said we will be getting a new voucher and the cards out with the August mailing. The club is meant to be a benefit to you, we certainly do not see it as a profit making exercise, and if is ceases to be a benefit then you have every right to walk away and we by the same token have every right to do the same. You should note that I have worked hard to give you more choice - 4-5 figures, more catalogs - 4per year, more pages in the Standard - 32 as opposed to 28, more events - London, MHW, retailer open houses, and to be frank I am not sure I have more to give. Sad, but true.

And one last point on service, Katie Hines at Bachmann is doing a magnificent job,as witnessed by the feedback of hundreds of our collectors and my own observations of her. If you have an isuse it will be resolved poste haste by Katie.

I look forward to receiving your details and helping you re-weight your horribly depleted bank account.

I for one could not be any happier with the amazing service from W Britain and from Richard himself. While there have been small issues here and there, both Richard and W Britain have more than done their share to make sure that my complaints were addressed. For me the Standard alone is worth getting as it provides a wonderfully entertaining and insightful look into the hobby which I take part in because of my love for history. The Club is well worth the dues and I for one will continue to give my business to W Britain, I believe I would be hard pressed to find another company (other than Tree Frog, you guys are great too!) that cares as much about their customer's happiness!
I for one could not be any happier with the amazing service from W Britain and from Richard himself. While there have been small issues here and there, both Richard and W Britain have more than done their share to make sure that my complaints were addressed.

Amen to that! :)
This is how a class company answers a post, fast and to the point with no excuses. Britain's continues to set the standard for the toy soldier industry. Please keep up the good work. The club membership is worth every dime as far as i'm concerned.
I for one could not be any happier with the amazing service from W Britain and from Richard himself. While there have been small issues here and there, both Richard and W Britain have more than done their share to make sure that my complaints were addressed. For me the Standard alone is worth getting as it provides a wonderfully entertaining and insightful look into the hobby which I take part in because of my love for history. The Club is well worth the dues and I for one will continue to give my business to W Britain, I believe I would be hard pressed to find another company (other than Tree Frog, you guys are great too!) that cares as much about their customer's happiness!

I agree:salute::
I like the club a lot. I am a US Premium member and it is worth every penny and more. Richard is first class all the way. IMO , keep up the great work!

Well, you're probably old enough to make your own choices in life and I suspect this isn't one of the most important you will have to make. If you don't think the club offers you value then don't rejoin. I like the club and will keep rejoining until such time I feel it doesn't offer me what I want. It's really not that difficult is it Peiper?
Peiper - Please let me know by email your name and contact details and I will get a refund sent right away. I can be reached at richardwalker@1st-gear.com. I appreciate your support of the club the last few years, but it simply is not cost effective for us. Just to reiterate an earlier post - you get a figure, four issues of the Standard, and catalogs, the cost of mailing all of this eats up between 30-50% of the membership fee, the cost of producing a 32 page magazine every quarter eats up the rest. So the cost of the figure we eat as well as the catalogs. As for vouchers and cards and all that, just more cost. That said we will be getting a new voucher and the cards out with the August mailing. The club is meant to be a benefit to you, we certainly do not see it as a profit making exercise, and if is ceases to be a benefit then you have every right to walk away and we by the same token have every right to do the same. You should note that I have worked hard to give you more choice - 4-5 figures, more catalogs - 4per year, more pages in the Standard - 32 as opposed to 28, more events - London, MHW, retailer open houses, and to be frank I am not sure I have more to give. Sad, but true.

And one last point on service, Katie Hines at Bachmann is doing a magnificent job,as witnessed by the feedback of hundreds of our collectors and my own observations of her. If you have an isuse it will be resolved poste haste by Katie.

I look forward to receiving your details and helping you re-weight your horribly depleted bank account.


I'm not a member yet but after reading this I soon will be ^&grin {bravo}}

Cheers Richard :salute::

Got to agree with Richard here. In my experience to date Katie and everyone at Bachmann have done a superb job since taking the brand on. Also, the club is outstanding value for money. How much does a newspaper subscription or magazine subscription cost per year?

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