Re: Walking Dead

Great news mate and 2 days till season 5 starts...................^&grin
Re: Walking Dead

Great news mate and 2 days till season 5 starts...................^&grin

I saw a preview of season 5; wow, it looks spectacular, many different stories woven into one...........
Re: Walking Dead

Always nice to have something to look forward to...zombies, TS, whatever...:wink2: -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

waiting... waiting... waiting...
Re: Walking Dead

Good hook for an opening sequence. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

This show is kicking it already.{bravo}}
Re: Walking Dead

This year's gonna be a "KILLER":rolleyes2:^&grin{eek3}
Re: Walking Dead

Agree gonna be a great season,good to have the gore back..............^&grin
Re: Walking Dead

Best...episode...EVER! -- Al

My only issue with the series is that I am getting tired of the human is always bad scenario and that any zombie contact is just background noise for the constant men killing men. Being a TWD book reader, we have not seen the real bad guys yet to come ,as per the producer and writer. Such a negative and hopeless world to try and survive in..PS, BEST EPISODE EVER MIGHT BE THE ZOMBIE BARN MASSACRE or THE KILLING OF THE SISTER GIRL FROM HELL... Michael
Re: Walking Dead

My only issue with the series is that I am getting tired of the human is always bad scenario and that any zombie contact is just background noise for the constant men killing men. Being a TWD book reader, we have not seen the real bad guys yet to come ,as per the producer and writer. Such a negative and hopeless world to try and survive in..PS, BEST EPISODE EVER MIGHT BE THE ZOMBIE BARN MASSACRE or THE KILLING OF THE SISTER GIRL FROM HELL... Michael
Agree, Michael. Those were great episodes. I also liked the Hershel loses his head episode. There are so many good episodes to choose from. I also would like to see the zombies become more of a threat other than just scuffling around in slow motion. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Best...episode...EVER! -- Al

Great start to the new season ..... Carol is kick-butt and gets the job done. Do you want her to stick around now Rick? Heck yeah!

Re: Walking Dead

Great start to the new season ..... Carol is kick-butt and gets the job done. Do you want her to stick around now Rick? Heck yeah!

Carol is the real bad-*** of the group at this point. She's got the will to make the tough decisions and do what needs to be done for the good of the group. Rick has come around to that, but Carol has had it for quite a while now. The reunion between her and Darryl was quite touching. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

You guys are killing me! Still got 4 hours to go before we see it in the UK.
Re: Walking Dead

My only issue with the series is that I am getting tired of the human is always bad scenario and that any zombie contact is just background noise for the constant men killing men...................

I agree with this to a point; you'd think the survivors would band together, the whole strength in numbers scenario and yes, there have been numerous bad guys to contend with to the point where the real threat is not schuffling zombies, but other humans.

Plus, as has been laid out, Terminus really was a sanctuary to begin with, then once the wrong people started showing up, they had to become bad guys in order to survive.

I would have liked to have seen a bit more background as to what happened there, but I get the point; also, I thought the season would end up with them staying there for awhile; the farm, the prison, etc, etc, but so much for that.

Also, I think that if this scenario were to actually play out and zombies were everywhere, people would turn on each other and not band together, human nature and all, survival of the fitest and soforth.

Truth be told, what a bleak, hopeless existance living in their world really is...............
Re: Walking Dead

Does anybody think we will see the leader of the Terminus group again as it looked to me that Rick winged him not a kill shot?
Re: Walking Dead

They sure stepped up the graphic and violence factor in this episode.The trough scene...wow!!!!
The Talking Dead episode that followed shared some interesting info.
6 Episodes to build up Terminus and one to take it all down.
The guy at the end of the trough was the young man that Carol and Rick met on there last scavanging hunt together before Rick tossed Carol out of the group. He was with a girl when Rick and Carol met them and they assumed when they didn't return to the house after a set time and finding there bloody back pack that the walkers got them. This actor also plays the Penguin charactor in the new Gotham series.
Also Gareth's mother the one Carol fought with....anyone recognize her. Former trekie fans would know her as Natasha Yar, former security chief of the USS Enterprise-D.
If you turned the channel after the preview you missed a short ending clip showing a person with a mask and hooded poncho looking at the No Sanctuary sign that Rick posted. He turns to the camera and removes the mask. Its Morgan from episode one who helped Rick recover from his gunshot wound. Looks better than the last time we saw him.
Carol the "bad ***"....she has quite the aim with that bottle rocket. Rick seemed to have an endless supply of ammo in that one clip from the AK-47 after he took it off the guy who was already unloading on walkers.
I see we are back to wearing Zombie goop and being able to walk among the walkers with no problems. Yeah it stinks but why no do this all the time people. I haven't seen anyone jump in a stream and bath forever so whats a few more Zombie guts hanging off you to live a little longer.
It might seem I'm bashing the show but I actually am a huge fan. Its always fun to point out some of the obvious wrongs IMO. Classic line "It's better to be the Butcher than the Cattle!!!"
WALK -ON!!!!!
Re: Walking Dead

I thought they were going to drag out the Terminus storyline for much of the season. Glad that didn't happen. The poor zombies have become a toothless threat unless you are a bad guy. I would like to see something happen to make them more dangerous. The nick of time element is also starting to creep into the show. When they lined up those guys for an execution it reminded me of the guys in red shirts on Star Trek. You knew who wasn't going to make it. And Carol shows up just at the right second. A great show though. The characters are developing nicely.
Re: Walking Dead

I thought they were going to drag out the Terminus storyline for much of the season. Glad that didn't happen.......................The nick of time element is also starting to creep into the show. When they lined up those guys for an execution it reminded me of the guys in red shirts on Star Trek. You knew who wasn't going to make it.................

Me too, I didn't want to see some cat and mouse game develop there and yes, four random guys and then Glen........let's see, who gets it.

Tell you what; if they wanted a shock factor there, Glen would have gotten it, that would have been over the top.

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