Re: Walking Dead

They sure stepped up the graphic and violence factor in this episode.The trough scene...wow!!!!
The Talking Dead episode that followed shared some interesting info.
6 Episodes to build up Terminus and one to take it all down.
The guy at the end of the trough was the young man that Carol and Rick met on there last scavanging hunt together before Rick tossed Carol out of the group. He was with a girl when Rick and Carol met them and they assumed when they didn't return to the house after a set time and finding there bloody back pack that the walkers got them. This actor also plays the Penguin charactor in the new Gotham series.
Also Gareth's mother the one Carol fought with....anyone recognize her. Former trekie fans would know her as Natasha Yar, former security chief of the USS Enterprise-D.
If you turned the channel after the preview you missed a short ending clip showing a person with a mask and hooded poncho looking at the No Sanctuary sign that Rick posted. He turns to the camera and removes the mask. Its Morgan from episode one who helped Rick recover from his gunshot wound. Looks better than the last time we saw him.
Carol the "bad ***"....she has quite the aim with that bottle rocket. Rick seemed to have an endless supply of ammo in that one clip from the AK-47 after he took it off the guy who was already unloading on walkers.
I see we are back to wearing Zombie goop and being able to walk among the walkers with no problems. Yeah it stinks but why no do this all the time people. I haven't seen anyone jump in a stream and bath forever so whats a few more Zombie guts hanging off you to live a little longer.
It might seem I'm bashing the show but I actually am a huge fan. Its always fun to point out some of the obvious wrongs IMO. Classic line "It's better to be the Butcher than the Cattle!!!"
WALK -ON!!!!!

A lot of very good points here. As far as the bottle rocket; with that much gas in the air, it wouldn't have taken much to ignite that tank, but your point is well taken.

And I wondered about the goop too; disgusting, but it's one way to survive.

Also, does anyone else think ballcap guy is still alive? This show often runs on the premise that if they didn't show it, it didn't happen.

Also, looked to me like Gareth only got winged in the shootout, wonder if he'll pop up down the road.....
Re: Walking Dead

Me too, I didn't want to see some cat and mouse game develop there and yes, four random guys and then Glen........let's see, who gets it.

Tell you what; if they wanted a shock factor there, Glen would have gotten it, that would have been over the top.

You are not a reader of the book? Michael
Re: Walking Dead

You are not a reader of the book? Michael

No, I'm not; I thought about it, but then I'd have spoilers everywhere, would much rather prefer to not know what is coming..............
Re: Walking Dead

They sure stepped up the graphic and violence factor in this episode.The trough scene...wow!!!!
The Talking Dead episode that followed shared some interesting info.
6 Episodes to build up Terminus and one to take it all down.
The guy at the end of the trough was the young man that Carol and Rick met on there last scavanging hunt together before Rick tossed Carol out of the group. He was with a girl when Rick and Carol met them and they assumed when they didn't return to the house after a set time and finding there bloody back pack that the walkers got them. This actor also plays the Penguin charactor in the new Gotham series.
Also Gareth's mother the one Carol fought with....anyone recognize her. Former trekie fans would know her as Natasha Yar, former security chief of the USS Enterprise-D.
If you turned the channel after the preview you missed a short ending clip showing a person with a mask and hooded poncho looking at the No Sanctuary sign that Rick posted. He turns to the camera and removes the mask. Its Morgan from episode one who helped Rick recover from his gunshot wound. Looks better than the last time we saw him.
Carol the "bad ***"....she has quite the aim with that bottle rocket. Rick seemed to have an endless supply of ammo in that one clip from the AK-47 after he took it off the guy who was already unloading on walkers.
I see we are back to wearing Zombie goop and being able to walk among the walkers with no problems. Yeah it stinks but why no do this all the time people. I haven't seen anyone jump in a stream and bath forever so whats a few more Zombie guts hanging off you to live a little longer.
It might seem I'm bashing the show but I actually am a huge fan. Its always fun to point out some of the obvious wrongs IMO. Classic line "It's better to be the Butcher than the Cattle!!!"
WALK -ON!!!!!

That scene reminded me of when i was a slaughterman many years ago,and yes a great saying very true in my line of work.....................^&grin
Re: Walking Dead

I just saw the episode yesterday and :

Re: Walking Dead

17 plus million viewers ( 11 million 18-49 prime demographics ) ,records in both categories. {eek3} Michael
Re: Walking Dead

A grim episode to say the least, but certainly one of the best yet. But lets face it they needed to pick the pace up a wee bit, cause things were going off the boil a little towards the end of the last series.
Re: Walking Dead

One minute to go for Episode 2!{bravo}}
Re: Walking Dead

Mmmmm...I'll have a drumstick, please....tastes like chicken.{eek3} -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

Whoa. Gruesome. I guess we know who the Grimes Gang will be doing battle with this season.

Gabriel is a bad guy, I'm pretty sure of it. Just don't know how he's bad.

For all their many bad experiences with new people, the gang sure does maintain a trusting attitude toward strangers. I would think they'd be almost maniacally suspicious of anyone outside their known circle now.

Show feels pretty intense right now. Just waiting for bad things to happen.

PS: Any semi minor character who gets s lot of lines suddenly should beware. They are likely on somebody's menu.
Re: Walking Dead

Really hate the " Termites "...I would have liked to have seen a break of a few episodes before we have more human degenerates as foes..And these guys are not even the worse of baddies to come...Michael
Re: Walking Dead

Really hate the " Termites "...I would have liked to have seen a break of a few episodes before we have more human degenerates as foes..And these guys are not even the worse of baddies to come...Michael

Agree. Thought this was one of the weaker episodes. Everyone they encounter is a bad guy pretending to be good. Why did they jump in the water with the zombies instead of shooting them? I assume the one guy was bitten and intended to shoot himself before he was captured. Maybe eating him wasn't a great idea.
Re: Walking Dead

Agree. Thought this was one of the weaker episodes. Everyone they encounter is a bad guy pretending to be good. Why did they jump in the water with the zombies instead of shooting them? I assume the one guy was bitten and intended to shoot himself before he was captured. Maybe eating him wasn't a great idea.
That thing about the water is the first thought that went through my head, why get into a pit full of water with zombies instead of just shooting them? Kinda dumb. Don't care for the priest but the possibility that Bob got bitten (why else would he be so morose and go off alone to cry?) is a good set-up to payback the Termites. -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

That thing about the water is the first thought that went through my head, why get into a pit full of water with zombies instead of just shooting them? Kinda dumb. Don't care for the priest but the possibility that Bob got bitten (why else would he be so morose and go off alone to cry?) is a good set-up to payback the Termites. -- Al

I'm impressed that you can remember names of the characters. I think of them as the kid, the woman with short hair, and the guy with the crossbow etc. Can never keep their names straight. I like all the current characters. It's going to be tough to see any of them get knocked off after making it this far. The scientist guy wouldn't be much of a loss, but I figure the plot direction has to keep him around to have an objective. So he is probably safe. The soldiers are likely doomed as doomed can be though.
Re: Walking Dead

I'm impressed that you can remember names of the characters. I think of them as the kid, the woman with short hair, and the guy with the crossbow etc. Can never keep their names straight. I like all the current characters. It's going to be tough to see any of them get knocked off after making it this far. The scientist guy wouldn't be much of a loss, but I figure the plot direction has to keep him around to have an objective. So he is probably safe. The soldiers are likely doomed as doomed can be though.
Funny you mention knowing the characters names. I couldn't remember any of them for a long time. It was only after watching the later seasons on a weekly basis that the names started to stick. While I was binge-watching and trying to catch up on Season 1 and 2, I couldn't keep anyone straight. Plus, there were so many characters appearing and then going bye-bye that I just didn't bother to learn names. There are still members of the current group that I can't remember, name-wise. At least I can now remember Rick, Darryl, Carol, and Carl.:rolleyes2: ^&grin -- Al
Re: Walking Dead

In the preview for next week one of the girls say that 3 of them are missing.Does that mean an all you can eat buffet?{eek3}
Re: Walking Dead

In the preview for next week one of the girls say that 3 of them are missing.Does that mean an all you can eat buffet?{eek3}
Mark, I'm thinking the 3 that are missing are peg-leg Bob and the now MIA Darryl and Carol who took off in high-speed pursuit of the cross marked car that Beth disappeared in without saying anything to anyone. The group would only know that 3 members are missing, as a result. -- Al

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