There's a new book out about Lawrence called, simply, "Hero" by Michael Korda. Here's a review that appeared in Sunday's New York Times.
I received the book for Christmas but haven't had a chance to look at it yet (got a bunch of others as well).
Thanks for the review info, Brad. I had seen the book at Border's but hadn't had time to look through it. The review makes the book sound useful and worth reading. It will be interesting to see if it as good as Mack's bio on Lawrence. -- Al
Started re-reading "Band of Brothers" again, just because I enjoy it and it is a fast read. Re-reading a book you know is good is one of life's great pleasures. -- Al
I love to re-read books. I like Walter Lord, as well. I read John Toland's Battle of the Bulge and The Rising Sun on a regular basis, along with Horne's Price of Glory, Morris' Washing of the Spears, and especially Herbert's Dune. Nothing like reading a favorite to keep it fresh in your mind.:wink2: -- Al(replacing my reply post, which was lost to the hack)
I second that, Al. I re-read Clavell's "Shogun" every year, usually in the summer over a vacation. I just finished re-reading Duffy's "The Army of Frederick the Great" the other week, too, I pull it down from the shelf a couple of times a year and have some parts of it memorized by now. But reading it fires me up to paint. I re-read "Day of Infamy", "Incredible Victory" and Shattered Sword" annually, too, around the anniversaries.
I'm just finishing up now Colonel Scott's "God Is My Co-Pilot", too. I lost my paperback copy years ago to a flooded basement, so I picked up an old hardbound copy on eBay. I'm also waiting for a copy of "Enola ***", which I haven't read since high school, but want for my library.
For new reading, I'm working through some military sci-fi my buddy Hershbell gave me ("oldtrousers" here in the forum), starting with the "Phantom Regiments" anthology.
Started re-reading "Band of Brothers" again, just because I enjoy it and it is a fast read. Re-reading a book you know is good is one of life's great pleasures. -- Al