What are you Favorite K&C AWI Regiments or Releases? (1 Viewer)

.... I know what you mean about making space for new sets, but what I don't understand is the loss of revenue when there is still demand. I honestly would just keep purchasing BR040's as I had available funds but now its picking up the odd one off ebay for exorbatant prices (which I am not in the position to do)! :(

I'm with you on this. I was fortunate to collect 19 of the BR40 figures. I wish K&C still kept them on the market so we could get more.

Meanwhile, as promised, a view of the few on the other side of the fence ...



Thanks for letting us see the other side of the fence OD. Looks great!

I'm with you on this. I was fortunate to collect 19 of the BR40 figures. I wish K&C still kept them on the market so we could get more.

I think I am just about in the early 20's myself, I would really have liked to have had several companies of 30-38 BR040's marching next to each other on the diorama, instead of just one incredibly weakened company short of a dozen to fifteen men.

I can appreciate that some figures could be retired like the fifers, flag bearers, the cornwallis figure etc as you cannot really have more than a couple of those, but with figures like standing firing BR048, BR040, BR041 where you can use and would want multiples why not keep them around longer?
I know the BR040 range were only $21.00 dollar figures but I think between me, you, Larry and OD that would easily be several hundred figures of them sold..^&grin
I'm with you on this. I was fortunate to collect 19 of the BR40 figures. I wish K&C still kept them on the market so we could get more.

I think I am just about in the early 20's myself, I would really have liked to have had several companies of 30-38 BR040's marching next to each other on the diorama, instead of just one incredibly weakened company short of a dozen to fifteen men.

I can appreciate that some figures could be retired like the fifers, flag bearers, the cornwallis figure etc as you cannot really have more than a couple of those, but with figures like standing firing BR048, BR040, BR041 where you can use and would want multiples why not keep them around longer?
I know the BR040 range were only $21.00 dollar figures but I think between me, you, Larry and OD that would easily be several hundred figures of them sold..^&grin

You guys have 19 to 20's of the BR40 ... WOW and WOW’er {eek3} .... I have, I think 8 or so. So, that is why your guy’s dioramas look so wonderful. Ummmm …. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

My focus was to try to get a number of each figure and not just the Marching and the Advancing types, sadly I didn't do that great as time and $$$ didn't keep up. I guess the choice was to go deep on a selected set of figures or go light across the board on all the figures. I chose the latter.

Actually I have multiples of the Fifer and drummer as I see a nice scene of the drummers and fifer lined up shoulder-to-shoulder as the Fusiliers and Grenadiers go marching by or scenes like that. I also have a load of flag bearers for the same reason. I am going more for visual and appearance than true historical accuracy, I guess ...……. as you will shortly see. As far as Cornwallis, or Washington, I think I have only two of each. I was planning to modify one of the Cornwallis’ but I am not brave enough yet.

Do you remember King's Mans amazing collection of AWI figures, imagine reproducing this another couple of times, that would make a fantastic battle line and is the sort of thing I would have loved to have worked towards before the figures sadly retired.

Now with high and ever increasing figure costs, reaching this kind of set up with the new 23rd Royal Welch Fusiliers would in all likelihood only occur with a windfall on the lottery for me or 10 years + worth of collecting!


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magnificent Red-Coat line Cornwallis, you love to win easy!!!
many compliments
Do you remember King's Mans amazing collection of AWI figures, imagine reproducing this another couple of times, that would make a fantastic battle line and is the sort of thing I would have loved to have worked towards before the figures sadly retired.

Now with high and ever increasing figure costs, reaching this kind of set up with the new 23rd Royal Welch Fusiliers would in all likelihood only occur with a windfall on the lottery for me or 10 years + worth of collecting!

Oh yea' I remember that .... I have to get a drooling towel each time I see it and my eyes fill up with tears. {sm2}

That kind of collecting is reserved to the very few or the very focused. There has been a lot of thread devoted to this topic (Retirement) with some "positive" and some "negative" aspects of being presented. In general I support (at some point) retiring something but I am surprised that some sets come and go so quickly. (i.e. maybe it was me not paying attention but the 16th Dragoons and Backwoodsmen / Militia flew by.)

I will keep my fingers crossed that you hit the "BIG ONE" in the UK lottery system. Of course you will share the wealth with your fellow AWI collectors, right.) {sm3} ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ...........
Do you remember King's Mans amazing collection of AWI figures, imagine reproducing this another couple of times, that would make a fantastic battle line and is the sort of thing I would have loved to have worked towards before the figures sadly retired.

Now with high and ever increasing figure costs, reaching this kind of set up with the new 23rd Royal Welch Fusiliers would in all likelihood only occur with a windfall on the lottery for me or 10 years + worth of collecting!

Yes, I remember seeing this set up back in the day. I believe he also posted pics of his large group of Hessians too, which were aligned in similar fashion. I guess the rest of us have to dream on......

Oh yea' I remember that .... I have to get a drooling towel each time I see it and my eyes fill up with tears. {sm2}

That kind of collecting is reserved to the very few or the very focused. There has been a lot of thread devoted to this topic (Retirement) with some "positive" and some "negative" aspects of being presented. In general I support (at some point) retiring something but I am surprised that some sets come and go so quickly. (i.e. maybe it was me not paying attention but the 16th Dragoons and Backwoodsmen / Militia flew by.)

I will keep my fingers crossed that you hit the "BIG ONE" in the UK lottery system. Of course you will share the wealth with your fellow AWI collectors, right.) {sm3} ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ...........

Larry if I win millions on the lottery I would try and buy into K&C as their 'AWI' consultant and then we would be getting new releases every dispatches! :wink2: :D I would definitely buy you, REVWARBUFF and OD a healthy contribution of 23rd RWF! ^&grin

Yes I have been enjoying the discussion on the positive and negative aspects of retirements, I know that obviously all good things come to an end, but it would be better if some consideration was taken place and that entire series didn't go in one hit.

For example the 16th Dragoon BR060A (shouting), I mean there is not a lot of scope for that figure to have multiples on a diorama, but with the BR061's you would potentially want and could use a lot of them, so why not keep them around and available longer? Therefore it does make sense to retire some figures depending on the uniqueness (is that a word)? of their pose.

I agree Mark, King's Mans Hessians were equally impressive, I wonder if he is aiming towards something similar with the 23rd RWF?
WoW ... King's Man display is absolutely staggering. Is he still active on this forum ? .. as I would love to see his latest collection ?

The first Fusiliers and Dragoons were released by K&C more than 6 and 5 years respectively. In the time since, K&C has perhaps fine tuned its production numbers. When looking at more recent releases for other pre-20th century ranges, its no accident that officer, flag, unique action poses and casualty figures are retired somewhat earlier than the more "regular" marching, ready or firing poses.

There are no absolutes .. but its a discernable trend.

magnificent Red-Coat line Cornwallis, you love to win easy!!!
many compliments

I really do wish I could take credit for this magnificient display of figures, but these belong to the legend of AWI collecting 'Sir' King's Man! :salute::
WoW ... King's Man display is absolutely staggering. Is he still active on this forum ? .. as I would love to see his latest collection ?

The first Fusiliers and Dragoons were released by K&C more than 6 and 5 years respectively. In the time since, K&C has perhaps fine tuned its production numbers. When looking at more recent releases for other pre-20th century ranges, its no accident that officer, flag, unique action poses and casualty figures are retired somewhat earlier than the more "regular" marching, ready or firing poses.

There are no absolutes .. but its a discernable trend.


I'm not sure if he is or not, but I agree would be very nice indeed to see if his collection has increased since these pictures.

I didn't realise that other pre-20th century ranges did retire some figures before others in a series, I wonder why this hasn't been applied to AWI? ^&confuse
I have been trying to find the King's Man Hessian pictures and have now discovered that K&C actually posted them inspired by his Redcoats battle line!


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That's the pics I was referring to Cornwallis. Thanks for finding them. I was logging on today and about to post those exact pics. It is quite an impressive sight to behold seeing all those lines of soldiers.

I have been trying to find the King's Man Hessian pictures and have now discovered that K&C actually posted them inspired by his Redcoats battle line!

YES, thanks for finding and posting those FAB pictures ... wow.

It is hard not to stare at that for hours. That number of (firing / ready) figures is quite a site. Now I can see why I can't find may Hessians. He got them all.{sm2} I do have some Hessians troops, but mine is spread out over the entire offering, so not that many of one pose.

Depending on how you position the BR60 shouting Dragoon (or other unusual poses) you can use multiples. You just can't line them up in a row or they will look like the Rockets or a Church Choir singing ... "Bringing in the Sheaves, bringing in the Sheaves, we will go a Marching bringing ...." Okay, I'll stop .....

For example, I have a series of the French Sergeant Pointing figure (AR31, I think) and they all work well in a Diorama. You just have to work at the setting and the story telling for a while. Actually, it was fun trying to see how to do that.

In fact, I have been photographing the first of my AWI sets - the FRENCH Regiment and I am almost ready to display them here real soon and I included a work up with them (10 of - AR31).

You guys will have to tell me if it works or not. Some figures it is very easy --Marching; Standing Shooting; Kneeling Ready, Standing loading and such. It took me a bit of doing to place 10 French Officers in a diorama, but you'll see soon.

With the new Posting Limit it is going to spread the fun out a few months, but I couldn't photograph all of them anyway in one weekend. I think I have 60 something pictures of the French in numerous dioramas at this point.

Okay, back to the camera and dios .... What a learning experience!! {sm4}
Well fellow AWI and K&C collectors, the first sets were a blast to setup and photograph and share with you folks. {sm4} I learned a good bit and hope to improve in the future.

One area that was a bugger of an issue (for me) was to get the figures to stand up on the grass mat. :confused: The lighter ones were only a bit of a problem, but any of the figures that were not 100% balanced over there center on the base were impossible. FORGET the flag bearers. So with all the grass mats that exist out there in DIO land, how do you guys manage to have your figures stand straight and tall?

Second question, do the "exposed bases" really detract from the scene? On dioramas with dirt, sand, leaves and other similar material, it is easy to cover the bases. Although for the sake of time, I didn't attempt to cover them in this first set; Maybe the next set I will give it a shot. There was a thread (someplace here of the TFT forum) that even described a method to hide bases on wood and stone surfaces so I can give that a whirl. But does it really matter?

Finally, which camera angles work best? At "ground level" you can see what is up close and personal but distance figures are a blur. From above you see a lot more but less detail. I guess it depends on what you are attempting to show in that picture. What is your preference?

Any other suggestions or comments anyone would like to share?
Well fellow AWI and K&C collectors, the first sets were a blast to setup and photograph and share with you folks. {sm4} I learned a good bit and hope to improve in the future.

One area that was a bugger of an issue (for me) was to get the figures to stand up on the grass mat. :confused: The lighter ones were only a bit of a problem, but any of the figures that were not 100% balanced over there center on the base were impossible. FORGET the flag bearers. So with all the grass mats that exist out there in DIO land, how do you guys manage to have your figures stand straight and tall?

Second question, do the "exposed bases" really detract from the scene? On dioramas with dirt, sand, leaves and other similar material, it is easy to cover the bases. Although for the sake of time, I didn't attempt to cover them in this first set; Maybe the next set I will give it a shot. There was a thread (someplace here of the TFT forum) that even described a method to hide bases on wood and stone surfaces so I can give that a whirl. But does it really matter?

Finally, which camera angles work best? At "ground level" you can see what is up close and personal but distance figures are a blur. From above you see a lot more but less detail. I guess it depends on what you are attempting to show in that picture. What is your preference?

Any other suggestions or comments anyone would like to share?

Hi Larry,

Firstly thanks again for posting the first pictures of your AWI collection, I am sure that I speak for all of the TF members interested in AWI (and those that collect other series) that we really enjoyed them and look forward to seeing the rest.

I share your problem with standing figures up on grass mats, especially with our period of close formations and firing lines, as one 'fall' can cause a devastating domino effect. I kind of twist and turn my figures in the mat until they seem stable and so far so good. I quite agree flag bearers and grass mats do not seem to like each other at all! :(

I am close to posting a new AWI diorama where I have attempted to cover bases and comparing photos against the ones I haven't I personally think it does look really nice with covered bases, but I certainly wouldn't look at someone elses diorama and think any less of it for seeing the bases. Also a tactical photo angle can hide bases I have found with grass mats.

With regards to close up/distant photos you could just post a blend which is what I am intending to do, one long shot of it all and then closer ones of points of interest (such as Cornwallis and the command) etc.

I have also come up with what I think is a pretty innovative idea which you will see on my diorama - watch this space! :wink2:^&grin

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