Hey Desertkiwi,
Turning worms are good, in this instance!!! We will keep it a secret between us so on one else will know.
I agree that many of the CONTE AWI sets are quite nice, ... in their own way.
Ya', rough around the edges is a kind way of stating it,
but in all fairness to the CONTE AWI range they are a different time frame when compared with many of the other CONTE sets that are being made today.
To compare them with many of the K&C that are currently being released ( the Highlanders, the re-release of the NY1st; the New Fusiliers, the R.I, the Hessians, ... more) they are a different class.
But when compared to the early AR's (NY 1st, PA, Colonial Marines and the French) and the early BR's (10th Lincolnshire and Fusiliers) they would hold up much better in a one-to-one compairson.
I wish Andy would look at some of the early poses that the CONTE sets have released and duplicate them for future AWI releases.{sm4}
For example the (CONTE - REV001 Colonial Militia Command Set) is really well done. The guy waving the flag would be a welcome addition as well as the "casual" officer with the pistol. AND the guy with the drum is different from any that I have seen, regardless of the series or even manufactures. Same with the REV006 set. It is full of action and motion. The PAT218 Hand-to-hand combat set is one that you would expect to see on ANY AWI battle field. After the exchange of volleys, then the armies would get
down and dirty with close in fighting.
With the current K&C sets we have SUPERIOR Marching to the battle sets; WONDERFUL Advancing lines sets, INCREDIBLE Firing lines sets; and also a few GOOD charging sets, but that is where the flow ends.
Only one close-in fighting set (the Indian and Colonial set BR047)
and only one causality set (British BR050).
ANDY please take a look at all those that sets for ideas!
I have maybe 35 - 40 AWI books so if you want any references I can send you the (Title / Author / ISBN) of some of my favorite. (Hummm another possible thread there ..
TWO British on horse back??? Maybe the BR055/056 or 057 .. the 16th Light Dargoons Cavalry? Which ones, DO TELL!
Well, RevWarBuff, Cornwallis, BigDenny, OldDragon and I will push you along. AWI is much more colorful. Gee, the WWII stuff is dull greens and grays.
(TAKE COVER -- I can feel the INCOMMING now) {sm2} {sm2}