What are you Favorite K&C AWI Regiments or Releases? (3 Viewers)

I am loving all this AWI talk and especially on the K&C portion of the forum no less! We're right here in the heart of WW2 country and we have a pretty decent thread going.

I can't wait to see what Andy has in store for us AWI collectors with his supposed forth coming Continentals. I hope we hear something soon--maybe from the Chicago show?? I was disappointed that this month's dispatches had nothing AWI.

Larry, I can't wait to see your collection. It sounds great and I look forward to your future pictures.

Cornwalis--your dio's are spectacular!! Thanks for sharing them with us. Once you get those missing pieces, please post more pics of your diorama!


I agree it is nice to get some talk going about this range. Though I wish it could get the attention that some other ranges get, it has its benefits. Less releases means more time to bulk up a regiment and plan out dios.
I agree as well, lets keep this thread going and not plummeting off the page as AWI topics invariable do! ^&grin
I agree it is nice to get some talk going about this range. Though I wish it could get the attention that some other ranges get, it has its benefits. Less releases means more time to bulk up a regiment and plan out dios.

I agree as well, lets keep this thread going and not plummeting off the page as AWI topics invariable do! ^&grin

I am loving all this AWI talk and especially on the K&C portion of the forum no less! We're right here in the heart of WW2 country and we have a pretty decent thread going.

I can't wait to see what Andy has in store for us AWI collectors with his supposed forth coming Continentals. I hope we hear something soon--maybe from the Chicago show?? I was disappointed that this month's dispatches had nothing AWI.

Larry, I can't wait to see your collection. It sounds great and I look forward to your future pictures.

Cornwalis--your dio's are spectacular!! Thanks for sharing them with us. Once you get those missing pieces, please post more pics of your diorama!


Hey, that works for me. Hopefully a few more than the normal six or seven of us will join in here.
Andy can't be making 161 sets just for us seven. We "ARE" special, {sm3} but I am not sure if we are that special. {sm2}

To the other 300 - 400 hundred folks who have read this thread (439 views at last look); chime in here and comment or post some AWI pics.

Where are you?^&confuse

Heck the AWI included Americans, British, French, Canadian, Spanish, Germans, Cubans, Scottish, Irish, and more so everyone around the world (well not in Asia) might have had an ancestor in the brawl. Give us your ideas and questions.


(PS – Dealers are more than welcome to post a comment!) {sm3}
... Andy can't be making 161 sets just for us seven. We "ARE" special, {sm3} but I am not sure if we are that special. {sm2}

To the other 300 - 400 hundred folks who have read this thread (439 views at last look); chime in here and comment or post some AWI pics.

Where are you?^&confuse


(PS – Dealers are more than welcome to post a comment!) {sm3}


Your 67' X 42' man cave is as big as my house :redface2: ... Looking forward to a peak at your collection.

Maybe if we wanted to see more posts on AWI .. We should start a fight here. Let's see ... I think the K&C Hessians looks like my grandma's pajamas {sm2} {sm3}

Think that should do it ^&grin

Not to divert this thread too much from our fav releases but I would love to see King and Country cover the entire regiment that they choose to do. For the next round of Brit releases it would be cool if they made figures for the Grenadier and Light Companies in addition to the regular infantry companies.

Your 67' X 42' man cave is as big as my house :redface2: ... Looking forward to a peak at your collection.

Maybe if we wanted to see more posts on AWI .. We should start a fight here. Let's see ... I think the K&C Hessians looks like my grandma's pajamas {sm2} {sm3}

Think that should do it ^&grin


{sm2} My beloved Hessians' uniforms looks like your grammies PJ's??? - Why dem' is fightin' words!!! :rolleyes:
Okay, take this ... may your beer get flat and your noodles soggy!!! So there! {sm4}

Okay well, you aren't the only ones, Chris (on this thread) said the same thing about the PJ look. But they are pretty true to the descriptions that I have in my AWI uniform books (with pics).

My 67' X 42' is the entire lenght of an attic space. I live in a 1799 Federalist era house in Maine. I have been working on restoring the place for 22 years. I spent four years just on this space. At times I almost gave up, but now I am glad I didn't. Hundreds of rolls of insulation, dozens of sheets of sheet rock, a mile of electrical wire, a dozen new windows and (what seems like) a 1,000,000 gallons of painting.

Not to divert this thread too much from our fav releases but I would love to see King and Country cover the entire regiment that they choose to do. For the next round of Brit releases it would be cool if they made figures for the Grenadier and Light Companies in addition to the regular infantry companies.

There are dozens and dozens of possibilities that K&C can choose from for future releases, both Colonial troops (and their allies) and the British troops (and their allies). Light companies would always be a welcome addition.

I am hoping for a shift into the "Non-action" releases for a bit of time, in addition to new regiments. As in every soldier’s life, the fighting is only a small percentage of the time he spends awake.

I have always envisioned a camp live scene showing guys digging breastworks, driving stakes for fortifications or tents, sitting around smoking a pipe around a campfire, cooking; eating a meal, drinking Rum; sleeping it off, making bullets, unloading a wagon and so much more.

So much to choose from ….

-- Larry (29 days and counting)

The house is as much history as the soldiers we collect. Must look and feel awesome. You must be proud.

Have you seen the 1st Delawares announced by FL ... They were amongst the most tough fighting regiments on the Continental side. Mighty good looking too with the red trimmed bluecoats. I would like to see some from K&C.

Or taking a completely different approach .. I would like to see K&C do personalities of the AWI and the first Congress.

I also think it would be nice to see some combat sets, like a soldier bayoneting an opponent or cavalry in a charging pose again with opposition troops receiving a sabre in the back or defending themselves etc, would also be great to get some figures in varying poses with different types of injuries and dead.

Larry are your troops just displayed or have you got a diorama set up? 28 days and counting....

Have you seen the 1st Delawares announced by FL ... They were amongst the most tough fighting regiments on the Continental side. Mighty good looking too with the red trimmed bluecoats. I would like to see some from K&C.

Or taking a completely different approach .. I would like to see K&C do personalities of the AWI and the first Congress.


Yes, I saw them and drooled for an hour...... really nice. As has been raised 1000 times on this forum, they are a different scale. Still they fit perfectly, if you use a little perspective and groupings. I hope K&C will match with a release of their own very soon.

Hummmm ... I never considered "personalities" before.:confused:

On that thought, what would make a FANTASTIC diorama would be the "Signing of the Declaration" with many of the signers, as shown in the famous painting by John Trumbull, for example.

K&C could make the table and the Philly Hall. Heck it was done for Hitler and his henchmen and generals so why not for one of the most important events in US History!

I also think it would be nice to see some combat sets, like a soldier bayoneting an opponent or cavalry in a charging pose again with opposition troops receiving a sabre in the back or defending themselves etc, would also be great to get some figures in varying poses with different types of injuries and dead.

Larry are your troops just displayed or have you got a diorama set up? 28 days and counting....

It is strange that with many of the other series K&C has shown little qualms about combat settings and figures. Our Australian friends have quite a lot of action in the ALH series; same with the NAPs and most others now that I think about it. :confused:

For the AWI they are “mostly” in a sort of neutral position between camp life and combat. Yes, some are shooting, and advancing, but that (to me) is still not an ACTION pose. We have only one causality figure (BR50) to use.

So now, we can form a incredible firing line and advancing diorama, but not a hand-to-hand scene, which was what the end result of all engagement ended up as during that period.

*March to the field
*Form the battle line
*Fire a volley or two
*Hand-to-hand combat
*Run, like the devil himself is after you!

Good Suggestion! -- Larry
Larry are your troops just displayed or have you got a diorama set up? 28 days and counting....

Sorry, miss the question.

For year,s I only had a rather small area to display them so they came out maybe 20 - 30 at a time and then got rotated back into the storage. Now, I have three sheets of 3/4 plywood cut into 2' x 8' to form a "U" shape. and then another along the adjacent wall 2' X 16' long.
The dio will be a work of enjoyment an hopefully never quite finished.

So starting in (28 days or less) I will be showing all the regiments sets in a "mini" dio arrangement, with just those figures. So for example I might start with my 107 (to date) French troops, then the next time (a week?) show my 108 Scottish Highlanders and so forth. I will try to make a differnet setting for each regiment.

Also, I will include the building of the diorama like some many of the great makers have done on this board, like Mike Miller, Wayne and others.

-- Larry

I am waiting with the others in great anticipation to see your collection displayed!!

I am enjoying this K&C AWI discussion immensely. There have been a lot great points made. I'd like to add my voice to the AWI personalities chorus. K&C seems to be coming out with quite a few personalities for their other ranges and it would be nice to see them done for the AWI too. My biggest vote would be to see some members of the First Continential Congress!! I don't think it will ever happen though.

Ideally, I'd like to see something along the lines of what K&C is doing with their LOJ range. They are taking the life of Jesus and presenting it sequentially with all sorts of personalities (Jesus, John the Baptist, Joseph/Mary, etc). Why not do the founding of our country with the likes of Hancock, Adams, Jefferson, Paine, etc?


I am waiting with the others in great anticipation to see your collection displayed!!

I am enjoying this K&C AWI discussion immensely. There have been a lot great points made. I'd like to add my voice to the AWI personalities chorus. K&C seems to be coming out with quite a few personalities for their other ranges and it would be nice to see them done for the AWI too. My biggest vote would be to see some members of the First Continential Congress!! I don't think it will ever happen though.

Ideally, I'd like to see something along the lines of what K&C is doing with their LOJ range. They are taking the life of Jesus and presenting it sequentially with all sorts of personalities (Jesus, John the Baptist, Joseph/Mary, etc). Why not do the founding of our country with the likes of Hancock, Adams, Jefferson, Paine, etc?

The idea of a display of the First Congress world be HUGE for me,{sm4} and a MUST HAVE ... if K&C did the range, ..... {sm2} BUT ... I would fear that many folks wouldn't buy into it (besides us, or maybe a few more.)

{NOTE: OTHER folks who just view are encouraged to join in the conversation and tell us what you think}

Even an avid AWI TS collector might not know who more than two or three of the attendees to the convention at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania were. There were, (let me see here, doing a Google) 56 members that attended.

Your second suggestion would be a much better risk for K&C. Britains did a dozen or so Founding Fathers and notable figures way back in their early AWI series. I also would buy into that idea if K&C went down that road, ZERO hesitation.

I can see a ONE figure display with a small (appropriate) background and a little paragraph of the person. All we have so far is TWO mounted Georges.:( :(

Okay, the next dispatch is 27 days away so, ANDY please get busy!! (please:) )

Larry (27 days to go)
Sorry, miss the question.

For year,s I only had a rather small area to display them so they came out maybe 20 - 30 at a time and then got rotated back into the storage. Now, I have three sheets of 3/4 plywood cut into 2' x 8' to form a "U" shape. and then another along the adjacent wall 2' X 16' long.
The dio will be a work of enjoyment an hopefully never quite finished.

So starting in (28 days or less) I will be showing all the regiments sets in a "mini" dio arrangement, with just those figures. So for example I might start with my 107 (to date) French troops, then the next time (a week?) show my 108 Scottish Highlanders and so forth. I will try to make a differnet setting for each regiment.

Also, I will include the building of the diorama like some many of the great makers have done on this board, like Mike Miller, Wayne and others.

-- Larry

Whoa, those kind of figure numbers sound impressive, I think you may have a claim to the crown of the biggest K&C AWI collection in the world! :salute::

A founding fathers set would I think look pretty amazing, but wouldn't float my boat, not because I am English, but because I am more interested in the actual soldiers on the field and with limited budget and the ever increasing cost of figures purchasing troops is my biggest priority. As it is I can get nowhere near to the amount of figures to make a decent regiment etc before the dreaded 'retirement' rears its ugly head (like the BR040 & BR061 troops) I still crave!

I honestly think we must be due some continental troops of some kind in the near future, as there are only British troops available at the moment, a Virginia or Maryland regiment would be nice...:wink2:
Whoa, those kind of figure numbers sound impressive, I think you may have a claim to the crown of the biggest K&C AWI collection in the world! :salute::

A founding fathers set would I think look pretty amazing, but wouldn't float my boat, not because I am English, but because I am more interested in the actual soldiers on the field and with limited budget and the ever increasing cost of figures purchasing troops is my biggest priority. As it is I can get nowhere near to the amount of figures to make a decent regiment etc before the dreaded 'retirement' rears its ugly head (like the BR040 & BR061 troops) I still crave!

I honestly think we must be due some continental troops of some kind in the near future, as there are only British troops available at the moment, a Virginia or Maryland regiment would be nice...:wink2:

Afternoon Cornwallis, Ya' I hear you on retirements. :( :( :(

The 16th Dragoons have a pitiful showing in my collection. They seem to have up and disappeared real fast. With the exception of the BR54 wagon set, I was only able to pick up one or two of BR55 - BR61 before Andy retired them. Same with the Backwoods and Militia (AR 53 - AR58); Gee here one minute and gone the next. :redface2:

Most other Regiments and groups (Indians) I can make a respectable showing.

(If any kindhearted soul out there wants to help a struggling AWI collector with one of those sets, I am always on the lookout).

I agree with the thought that we are due some Colonial troops. Massachusetts Regiments / Virginia / Maryland / South Carolina and more. There were dozens of Independent Militia and Companies, as well as mounted troops. I would look forward to Specialist type troops like Sappers. The French Regiments desperately need updating as well as French Artillery is needed.

IF Andy wanted to push the envelop a bit he could even do the Spanish Army for the (little known) Caribbean Theater.

There were a lot of Naval action during the Revolution and not just on the seas, count the Great Lakes as well.
The Battle of Lake Champlain could feature Benedict Arnold and Naval Offices and seamen.

OOOOO {eek3} What would be GREAT would be a "British Gunboat" and a Swivel gun. It is about the size that JJD did for the Ranger series.

Maybe a (section of a) Galley with a cannon (i.e. 12-pounder or an 18-pounder) ....:tongue: :tongue:

OH well, so many to choose from. ---- Larry
Really enjoying this thread Guys, please keep it going......I'm learning tons of you chaps{sm4}

A Continental Congress would be cool but unlikely. I would much prefer a camp scene with all the generals gathered around similar to these Tradition sets.

I hope the next regiment is from New York or New Jersey those buff facings look really sharp but the red from the Mid-Atlantic look nice also.
A Continental Congress would be cool but unlikely. I would much prefer a camp scene with all the generals gathered around similar to these Tradition sets....


All right then ... I can see settling for military personalities, in a camp scene with a few key figures from Congress making an inspection of the troop strength, equipment and supplies. General Washington will be pressing Congress for more troops and monetary backing for the war effort.

If K&C was to endeavor to release a full lineup of the first Continental Congress ... This collection may potentially attract many new collectors from the USA, and not necessarily collectors of toy soldiers but people just interested in American history. What do you think ...?

A Continental Congress would be cool but unlikely. I would much prefer a camp scene with all the generals gathered around similar to these Tradition sets.

I hope the next regiment is from New York or New Jersey those buff facings look really sharp but the red from the Mid-Atlantic look nice also.

Hey Brendan,
VERY nice sets, sir! Do you have more of those? I have asked a few times for more camp life, so I will agree with you on that request.

We have had two releases of NY sets. The first release were the kickoff sets for K&C into the AWI Matt space. They were AR01 - AR05 and AR12 (another hard one to find, by the way). Then there was the second release of the NY 1st with AR35 thru AR43.

However a NJ Regiment would many me a happy camper. I am not 100% sure but I believe that NJ had only 2 or three Infantry Regiments, but that would be very welcome.

Two web sites that I wander over to every now and then are:
Flag Dude -- www.flagdude.com
All the Kings Men - www.allthekingsmen.com

They can give you a interesting look at some AWI Regiment and Division information.


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