What Do You Do For A Living (4 Viewers)

King & Country said:
Hi guys,

My name is Andy and I make toy soldiers for a living.

Andy C Neilson

I make toy soldiers for a living too! :D
And I've been a professional military miniatures painter (historical artist :) ) since 1982.

Oh, and I'm a mother of a boy of 18.
Any other girl out there?

i am a double for 007!

for real i am a international man of mystery!

Stop it ! for real i am a car paint specialist i own my own business. I have just organised a trip to Chicago and guess what it is at the sametime as the toy soldier show there!! how the dam did that happen!

Wife missed that one. Chicago the home of the car what a stroke of luck

Monty :)
I am an anthropologist/archaeologist teaching at a University in NC.
Now that is an interresting job, not the teaching part, if I could I'd much rather be in the field or at a museum....very interresting. That was always my dream career!!!! I guess there aren't to many jobs out there and too much travel, that is why I decided not to pursue it. Some times I wish I had... :(

I am the associate dean for business programs at the Chicago campus of DeVry University. I also teach courses in business and technical writing, but I have an abiding interest in military history and a personal library of over 2,500 books. If I ever retire, I plan to open a used books store and have toy soldier displays in the window, and a big room in the back for dioramas.

I am a Draughtsman, self-employed and design all manner of things from Trading Desks to Housings for Public Address Equipment (with the odd piece of Garden Machinery thrown in!)
Thought I'd bring this up for new members who might like to give us an idea of what they do :)
At this point I am an electrician and an apartment manager. Part time toy store dio guy and minister.:)
I work for the NHS (National Health Service). Somebody has to!
I'm a clinical trials manager in cancer research.
I work for the NHS (National Health Service). Somebody has to!
I'm a clinical trials manager in cancer research.

Thats a very worthy job mate,good on you.

I'd do that Job for a Mars Bar and a can of coke a day!:D

Wow - This is an interesting thread - thanks for bringing it back Brad !

For those of you who dont know - I am LOBBYIST. :eek: Yep, one of them...

I spent many years working for the United States Congress and recently left about two years ago to find a job that could pay for this additiction of Toy Soldiers. I would say Andy Neilson should have a larger house in Hong Kong by now from my purchases ;)

As a Lobbyist - represent many different clients in Washington, DC - everything from a Tank Manufacturer in Germany to Local Governments in Bolivia. My fields are mostly - Armed Services, Homeland Security, Aviation, Space, Appropriations and Foregin Affairs.

If ever in Washington, DC - give me a shout. :D


Mars bar OK but you can forget the can of coke mate that is asking too much!:D

****,just priced myself out of a job!:D

Fair comment,i can imagine you wouldn't want me wandering round your premises!:D

At this point I am an electrician and an apartment manager. Part time toy store dio guy and minister.:)

You serious about that minister thing? You mentioned it earlier but I didn't know if you were jerking my chain. :rolleyes:

Maybe ministers are taking over the world...I just celebrated 10 years since my ordination day.

So let's use the proper titles here...

The Reverend Peter W. Reuss

(but perhaps Prince Peter, husband to HRH Shannon fits just as well:cool:)
I am the principal trauma surgeon in Pietermaritzburg the capital of Kwa-Zulu Natal. I am also an honorary lecturer in surgery at the University fo Kwa-Zulu Natal. Iworked for teh NHS for a year in 2001. It wasnt't that bad
As always
Damian Clarke

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