What Do You Do For A Living (1 Viewer)

I was a St. Louis Police Officer for 30 years, retired, currently a Police Officer for the University of Missouri - St. Louis.
Still work part time security for a bingo hall to help pay for this addiction.
Slow down Andy, I want to retire.
I am a Civil Engineer for the State's Transportation Dept. I have a long time before I can even think about retiring and between my kids schooling cost and my K&C addiction, I'm hurting.
Well best of luck to you, ask your children to study hard and the money you spend on their education will be the best money you ever spend!
Njja :)
I am a field service Tech, work strictly with cash handling equipment, ATM's etc. in banks and S&L's. My wife went back to school and has one year to go to be a nurse. I feel secure in knowing I will have someone around who can change my diapers and empty my drool bucket as I head towards retirement.
GDOG here, first post but have enjoyed reading the posts for several months. I am an attorney with the Army here in Atlanta Ga. been with the Army for about 28 years as a civilian. Bad news for me is we just got BRACd and will have to move to NC in a couple of years when they close Ft McPherson here in Atlanta GA.
I am a Reg Nurse and Manager of a Cardiac Cath Lab,which in turn means when your wife finds out how much money you actually spend on K&C and starts to have chest pain she comes and see's people like me.I usually don't work when I go to OTSN but Gary's wife called on a diagnosis last year which in turn cut his Chicago visit short. :D :D Its amazing what you can be by staying at a Holiday Inn for one night.....
I was a sales rep for a software company - junior level. I handled large and strategic accounts in a team. I worked with AT&T, Lehman Brothers, JPMorganChase, Citi, Chubb Insurance and bunch more.

Got really sick of corporate life at the age of 28/29. Now I'm 30 and have returned to the family toy shop and am running with it.

I'll take toys over 7:30 AM Friday sales meetings and top-10 reviews anyday!
Gideon that is terrific, I never could understand why anyone would leave a family business??? There is very little comfort in making money for someone who in most cases doesn't appreciate what you do for them. At least a family business is Family.
Hope you have lots of sucess!!!
Hi All,

Some really interesting jobs here. I spent 12 years as a commissioned officer in the US Army Tank Corps. Then I went to work for a government contractor doing computer assisted training. For the past 5 years I have been a stay home father of 2 while my wife finishes her 20 in the Army 4.5 to go! Getting ready to go back to work part time. I wish there was a soldier store out here it would be great working in one like Gideon.

I happen to own an auto repair center in Miami and my other business, Sagers Soldiers & Miniatures, is my hobby business and what I hope to do whenever I retire.

Bill Sager
:p I Retired from the USN in 1976. I am now a full time grandfather of a 7&17 girls + 11yr old boy and pack manager of 3 dogs.
I also try not to dirty up my wife's house, the upstairs is mine the rest is hers. RN's have their own ways.
Hi all,
Good question, interesting answers. I'm a lawyer in Portugal and I'm married ( to another lawyer... ) and a father of a 3 year old kid who already knows all about his father's toy soldier hobby.

Best regards everybody,
G'Day to all,
Great Forum.
First post although regular reader (thanks to ErniesStudio after he picked up some bargains in my shop Down Under ! - see Ernies current Ebay Arnhem items - Ouch Ernie but well spotted).
Former 20 year Royal Hong Kong Police officer (at 18 was youngest Expat to join) who left prior to handover to China in 1997.
Set up a shop in Brisbane Australia after came here with wife,son and daughter. Although Andy of K&C also ex RHKP I did not formerly meet him until I started dealing in K&C. Watched his business grow over the years and at one point my wife worked next door to his shop.
The highlight of my business is the arrival of K&C shipments and checking out the new ones and arranging the display. Like them all but collecting Napoleonics and getting a few Hong Kong items for wife. I sell a variety of items but K&C the only range that makes it into my personal collection.
Regards Brett of Brisbane
Re: What Do You Do For A Living? And What I Collect

I recently joined the forum, and received an e-mail from Wellington asking where I lived and what I collected. Noticing this thread, I thought it most efficient to respond in the forum.

I am an immigration attorney who lives in San Francisco, CA. As a solo practitioner (own boss), I have the freedom to set my own hours and to devote a lot of time to my family and my hobby of collecting toy soldiers. My father's and wife's family both live in Hong Kong, so I have been a customer of K&C for more than 17 years.

My brother, David, and I both collect toy soldiers. David's interest is mainly the American Civil War (Andy's early glossy ACW, Frontline, Edmund's, Gettysburg Toy Soldier), with some other eras comprised of Andy's other glossy figures like Hong Kong Police, Remember the Alamo, Leibstandarte A. H.

I collect five main eras or subjects: Andy's Streets of Old Hong Kong (After a trade with Louis, I now have everything ever cataloged in this line); Napoleonics (K&C, Frontline) -- anyone have the glossy French Artillery man (NAP.FAG)?; Boxer Rebellion (K&C, Trophy, East India); Rorke's Drift (K&C, Frontline, Trophy); and WWII Pacific (K&C, Figarti).

Besides visiting the manufacturers when I am in Hong Kong or China, I attend the OSTN (Chicago) and the West Coaster toy soldier shows. I hope to personally meet those forum members who will be attending the Chicago show.

Best regards, Steven Chong
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Hello Steven!

Welcome to the forum. I wanted to thank you for getting that collector you met at the west coaster with the K&C Afghans to call me. The Afghans and the Zulus are still the hardest stuff for me to find. I look forward to seeing you in Chicago.


wellington said:
Thought I'd ask the question what do you do for a living? Curious to know if in someway we all come from a similar walk in life or are we all odd balls?

lol....cheers Wellington

PS I'm a police officer in Canada...funny enough the dept is named after the York reg that fought in the war of 1812, the reg eventually was mobilized into a police service
I am warden at one emplayment agency in holland.
i collect k & C ww 2 and napoleon .
I am the chairman of the dutch k & c clubs {smol club 4 members }
I collect as,well britain ,t.a.w, corgi and delprado models .
Hi, I'm still a student, so in my case it's better to say I irritate my parents for a living. :D Since going to school won't help me pay of my K&C debts in the near future, I do holiday jobs to pay for my addiction. :rolleyes:

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