What figure are you still hunting down? (1 Viewer)

I missed my opportunity on an Aeroart Carthaginian War Elephant at 2 different Toy Soldier Shows years ago at prices that would be considered a "steal" in today's market for these models. You never really know if the opportunity will ever again present itself or maybe some other manufacturer makes something comparable at the right price that you can be just as happy with.

Quote from Start Trek ("The Original Series):

Spock: Stonn, she is yours. After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true. ... T'Pau: [returning Spock's Vulcan salute] Live long and prosper, Spock.

Love that TV series!


But you left off the best line, when Spock replies .... "I shall do neither for I have killed my Captain!"

OR ... in keeping with this thread topic .... "I shall do neither for I paid to much and don't really need it now!"

--- LaRRy
I am still looking for Sharpe personality as well as the Mounted Uxbridge!

But you left off the best line, when Spock replies .... "I shall do neither for I have killed my Captain!"

OR ... in keeping with this thread topic .... "I shall do neither for I paid to much and don't really need it now!"

--- LaRRy

So you're a Trekkie too; gee, who woulda thunk it......
Now there's a theme that the TS makers / merchandisers are missing out on, metal 1.30 scale Star trek figures.
I'd love to see some dioramas of Kirk and co in some tricky situation against the Klingons, etc ! ^&grin
After all Poppo is promising some WB Lord of the Rings ones !

Well I would sure like to acquire this guy if someone is willing to let one go. ( FL GERSTAL005 )


  • GERSTAL005_1__24836.1421950722.1280.1280.jpg
    35.2 KB · Views: 442
CRU007 Hospitaller Grand Master Jean de Villiers by First Legion (RETIRED)
Agreed! Im by no means a Star Trek fan, but that is something that would do well..

Now there's a theme that the TS makers / merchandisers are missing out on, metal 1.30 scale Star trek figures.
I'd love to see some dioramas of Kirk and co in some tricky situation against the Klingons, etc ! ^&grin
After all Poppo is promising some WB Lord of the Rings ones !

Any or both 92nd Gordon Highlander Standard Bearers....Nap-204... Nap-205...
Not if someone buys them.

I am not the seller but I suggest buy them if you need them and can afford them. They are very hard to come by and especially to find both together.
The same goes for the drummer boy. I was looking for my set for several months and finally found them a year ago.
I agree that the price is high but not really a choice if you have a full set of Highlanders and just missing the flag bearers.
I am not the seller but I suggest buy them if you need them and can afford them. They are very hard to come by and especially to find both together.
The same goes for the drummer boy. I was looking for my set for several months and finally found them a year ago.
I agree that the price is high but not really a choice if you have a full set of Highlanders and just missing the flag bearers.

I was tempted but I cannot afford to spend that money right now. While the price is high it is not crazy like the Prussian flag bearer’s original price of $500 that caused a ruckus here.

I think you’re right, that the lister is probably smart. It is high, but reasonable.

If I owned them and wanted to sell I would not list them for less and might do more if I was OK having them sit a while.

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