What figure are you still hunting down? (3 Viewers)

You might want to check out the latest NAPS FL Mass battle release.... at $43.95 very reasonable....i think you will find these to be very close in sculpts to the original series and the paint could be easily modified. Would save you a ton of money:salute::

MB087Page2.jpg NAP0092(L).jpg

Thank you for the suggestion I appreciate it. Just comparing both figures next to each other. It can be done.
You better believe it can be done...:rolleyes2:.....The casts for the molds are practically identical.....So that's why FL just needs to start releasing some short supply items such as flagbearers in the Flick Starter program at a modest mark up which would regeuvenate interest in remaining produts in a series that are not selling ....That would put a stop to all this nonsense of panic buying flagbeaers and or hoarding them to sell later on evil bay at silly dumb prices...This has all been discussed before.....I am glad that FL is finally releasing some NAPS for the "Mass Battle Series"....I will be picking up a few to add to my existing NAP figures.....I would really like to see some more Russian Tauride figures as well.
You better believe it can be done...:rolleyes2:.....The casts for the molds are practically identical.....So that's why FL just needs to start releasing some short supply items such as flagbearers in the Flick Starter program at a modest mark up which would regeuvenate interest in remaining produts in a series that are not selling ....That would put a stop to all this nonsense of panic buying flagbeaers and or hoarding them to sell later on evil bay at silly dumb prices...This has all been discussed before.....I am glad that FL is finally releasing some NAPS for the "Mass Battle Series"....I will be picking up a few to add to my existing NAP figures.....I would really like to see some more Russian Tauride figures as well.

I am sorry Frank but I have not witnessed any hoarding of any fl product. There is not enough of it out there. I see ones being sold at random.

I got one of the flag bearers, thank you George!!. Greatly appreciated!!. been wanting this for s long time, it might just be the grail for me, hoping and wanting. Now finally I found it, and can start planning on how I am going to build this group... I am stoked!!

George was very kind in holding (Nap-205), until June 5th. When I had the money to buy it, and close the deal. Which I did on that day. Just the plain realization that I found and will be receiving it soon. Has really got me in a high right now ( nope naturally, not...). Now I am just scouting around for the next buy. Out of the 31 releases, 27 is still available. Glad to have the decisions .....
Sorry about doing a back to back on this. But, it worked for me in finding a standard bearer.. So here it goes...
Next hunt is for a 92nd Gordon, Bagpiper or a Gordon Drummer. So if someone sees or knows of one. If I see the price as reasonable, I will buy it... Seller must give the first price though...
Sorry about doing a back to back on this. But, it worked for me in finding a standard bearer.. So here it goes...
Next hunt is for a 92nd Gordon, Bagpiper or a Gordon Drummer. So if someone sees or knows of one. If I see the price as reasonable, I will buy it... Seller must give the first price though...

There is a bagpiper on eBay right now for $60 (I’m not the seller).
Woo-hoo! I got my holy grail...


[FONT=Helvetica Neue, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]This is such a cool figure. From what I have read that we know, there is doubt the even the Grand Master would have continued to wear his own coat of arms. Even if that is true, I am glad FL did it since we don't know for sure and it does add some flair.


[FONT=Helvetica Neue, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]I think FL chose really well with the cross. They didn't go with the true Maltese Cross which was created and adopted to commemorate the victory at the Seige of Malta hundreds of years later.

It has the 8 points, but is a more classic design. The 8 points symbolized courage listed below:


I think the FL is better than the one on the parchment for the Levant.
Well I would sure like to acquire this guy if someone is willing to let one go. ( FL GERSTAL005 )

Do you still need this? I appreciate it's been
A couple of years? If you do I know where theres
One for sale in an online shop in the UK for
56 dollars.


looking for THOMAS GUNN SFA019 British casualty and Conte 019 steady lad steady , been looking for some time

any help would be appreciated
French Foreign Legion on mules! Could be made by HM of GB (are they still a going concern?) or Scruby (definitely dead). There are a couple currently on e-Bay from France . . . but at $60 each plus postage . . . forget it!

AQM WW1 Germans!

Bosun Al
I've been looking for the 95th Rifles Officer, Sharp like figure:

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New figures and lots of them!

Come on Matt, even when you’ve the ability to release figures (see recent release news in Toy Soldier Magazine), your releases have slipped back into the regular ‘little and infrequent’ schedule.

Come on Matt, get your finger out man
Received this in the mail back on Sept 1. from MM, I say MM out of respect for TF since its another FL dealer. Thought it may be of interest to fellow First Legion collectors.

"The news with regard to First Legion is that they are expecting a container of figures that include 45 new items later this month. The WWII figures announced last in July should be amongst them. They expect that when everything has been checked and booked in that they will be back to some semblance of normality and expect to be announcing new releases every 30 - 45 days thereafter. I therefore expect that the outstanding orders that any of you have made should be here by the end of the month. I thank you all for your patience in this matter.

Keep safe and well.

Kind regards,

Tina "
Well it’s nearly been a month since Gebhard’s update, and I feel new figures are very close.

I can sense they’re coming, and I can certainly predict with total accuracy that it will be........drum roll..........this year, if we’re really really lucky.

Please wake me up when releases are confirmed, what a total waste of time this year has been for FL collectors (and no I’m not interested in a continuing sale when it only helps US collectors).
New update, a few new items showing as NOW IN STOCK. Also on the website there is a new banner showing some teasers of future releases :wink2:

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