What is your favorite beer? (1 Viewer)

Some of the nicest I've had in a while is Kevin's 'Special Tea' from the pandagen brewery. Comes served in 1 gallon plastic containers and goes down veeeery nicely.
Hello, everyone!

So, in my fridge, I usually have:

Franziskaner Hefeweizen, both the light and dark
Augustiner's Maximator or Spaten's Optimator (especially in the winter and during Lent)


I was recently intrduced to Optimator. Wonderful, wonderful beer. It's very close to my all time favorite, Uff-Da Bock made by New Glarus (WI) Brewing. Its onlyt sold in Wisconsin so I have to head over the border from time to time. Their Fat Squirrel is pretty good too.

Some of the nicest I've had in a while is Kevin's 'Special Tea' from the pandagen brewery. Comes served in 1 gallon plastic containers and goes down veeeery nicely.

And they even have a brew dedicated to the charge of the light brigade!
Heineken would be my standard choice for a few pints on a night out! For a couple of cans for a night in, or a house party......well, pretty much any lager is acceptable (I am a student:D).

I've never had any time for Guinness, strangely enough, despite where I'm from (and despite my father working for the company for over 20 years) - I think that might be a taste that's acquired in time?


Ah.......anyone.......Budweiser, Michelob, Becks & Stella Artois + another

296 Brands Worldwide?



  • AI.jpg
    3.5 KB · Views: 82
  • Budman-.jpg
    18.2 KB · Views: 83
After a 50 year relationship, its time for the shareholders to receive more

then a 2% return on their investment. Unfortunately the "family" retained

only 4% of the outstanding shares. Imagine running a 50 Billion dollar

company with such a tiny stake.

AB once the largest brewer in the world fell to 3rd as they watched the

mergers all around them. Last year we had sales of 17 Billion, InBev 47 Billion

Gussie Busch who built the company up to largest in the world would never

have allowed this to happen. Group of "playboys" that took over 1975 spent

too much time playing, and not enough time minding the store.

Once again combined operation will be world leader.



  • Gussie-.jpg
    33.2 KB · Views: 79
Usually I drink what is on special at the supermarket. However from time to time I seek out some that really tickles my fancy.
At the moment it is winter here so I like dark beers like Guinness or local variety Speights Old Dark.
Most lighter beers taste much the same to me so I am not too fussy there.
A trip to Belgium last year definitely put their beer at the top of my list. They have great glasses for each beer too (collectors items in themselves).
I must tell you all a funny beer story, ....back in the wild 80's my friends and I were all riding around one nite with only about a quarter tank of gas and about 10 dollars between the four of us, so we stopped at a local gas station and decided we could either buy a cheap 12 pack of beer or roll the dice and buy a scratch off lotto ticket, we decided on the scratch ticket.....BAM!!!! WE WON 50 DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!needless to say we filled up the car in gas, bought a case of the good stuff, and partied all nite long like rock stars!!! oh you would have thought we won a million dollars the way we were dancing around that gas station.....sammy
Found this one on Yahoo and reckoned this was the most appropriate thread to share it. While the drink-driving is of course DEPLORABLE and INEXCUSABLE, the rest of the report is quite splendid. I'd suggest that very few of us could spend up to US$974 per week on our hobby in the same way as this guy spent that much on his. 2,500 bottles of beer a month is a somewhat prodigious feat. One that I could never dream of emulating. Like to try though....:eek::eek::eek:



SYDNEY (Reuters) - An Australian man convicted of his seventh drink-driving charge was spending about A$1,000 (£487 or around US$974) a week on beer -- enough to buy more than 2,500 small bottles a month, a newspaper said on Tuesday.

The heartbroken construction worker began drowning his sorrows after breaking up with his partner five years ago, the Northern Territory News said, quoting his defence lawyer as telling a court in Australia's remote, tropical north.

The magistrate declined to jail the father of four, Michael Leary, noting he had quit drinking since his latest arrest, but he banned Leary from buying or even holding a beer for 12 months.

The magistrate also poked fun at Leary's favourite beer, Melbourne Bitter, in a part of the country where drinkers can be as loyal to beer brands as they are to football teams.

"(That is) poor judgement on two counts there -- drinking that much and drinking Melbourne Bitter," magistrate Vince Luppino was quoted as saying.
my italics HtheH :D:D:D
Pfui! That reminds me of seeing the bums going around at Oktoberfest, collecting mugs that had beer left in them, pouring them into one mug until it was full, and drinking it. Roughly translated, they call it "rest beer", because it's made up of the rest of what's in the other mugs.

The cigarette butts just add flavor.

I think I'm gonna hurl...

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